Chapter 5

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Half a year had passed since the night Dirk and Jake had met. In the time Jake had convinced Dirk to join the Quidditch team as a seeker dude to his amazing skill on a broomstick. Jake still was a superior seeker but Dirk could easily beat out any team besides Gryffindor. Roxy was constantly making jokes to Jake about how Dirk just wanted to get with him, so Jake just brushed them off. Jake also learned Dirk's brother liked to keep crows up in the bell tower with Jade learning to take care of them with him. Roxy also had introduced Jake to her many, many cats. The two little groups of friends would constantly hang out, studying, or steal food from the kitchens with Jane. Plus they gave the house elves a few more things to gossip about.

Jake and Dirk kept their friendship on the down low, only those in their little group knew about it. Calliope soon caught on though, she also would occasionally bring them portraits of the group, who happily kept every one. She also would bring them herbs for tea from the herbology room. Jake would thoroughly impress everyone by brewing up the best tea any of them had tasted, every single time he made it. He just gave credit to living with muggle tea makers. 

Jade also liked to pick go range and green flowers to make into crowns for the "Anime Prince" and the "Adventure King". Roxy always thought them in the little crowns was adorable and the most hilarious thing she had ever seen. The two never wanted to offend the young Harley, so they both would always take to beautiful halos and would wear them in the garden. The two had decided they would always be friends with all of the others, nothing would separate them, not even Lord English. The whole group got along well for a good long while until boggart training in Defense Against The Dark Arts came around in the fall.

Dirk sat in the back of the class as Jake sat in his usual perch in the front. Professor Mindfang hauled an elm wood cabinet into the center of the teacher area with a sly smile.

"Why hello Maggots!"

"Hello Miss. Mindfang..." The class said in a flat, monotone voice. This was the routine every single morning.

"Guess what we're doing today!"

"What..." The class asked again, this time though it was different. She didn't tell them anything. She didn't speak another word, she just yanked Dirk to the front by his collar and threw open the cabinet door. Briefly the class saw a green wisp in the closet, but it almost immediately it began to swirl and transform. Dirk stared horrified at the thing as it slowly transformed into a large green skeleton twisted upwards to the ceiling. The class watched in helpless agony as the skeleton gained more mass, spinning pool ball eyes, and a long green coat. Even Mindfang started to quiver slightly in her blue, knee high boots. Jake bit the tip of his thumb nail in horror and Dirk began to shiver. Dirk raised his wand, hands shaking hoping the bogart the bogart wouldn't finish his nightmare. He was oh so wrong. The false Lord English began to lunge forwards at Jake. Jake screamed, or Dirk did, their voices mixed as the class was in silent horror. Roxy jumped up and ran to the front, aiming her wand.

"RIDDIKULUS!" she screamed, thrusting her hand in a hand motion that always reminded Mindfang of a pot. The hallucination of Lord English quivered as it transformed into a small cat. Roxy grinned at her teacher, who looked back in slight disgust. Jake still hadn't completely composed himself after almost getting attacked by the biggest evil in this wizarding world. Dirk's shades slid down his nose as he slowly fell to the floor. His cousin dragged him back to the back of the room. Mindfang sat on her desk.

"So what have you learned today class?" Mindfang asked. Jane rose her hand in response.

"Don't go up against Lord English alone." Jane said in a dead serious tone. Mindfang grinned her sly smile again.


Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now