Chapter 30

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On this particular day of spring, Jake was lying on his bed like usual. He was leaning himself on the headboard of his bed. He missed home... His little green house. He didn't really know if he actually missed his home or the concept of it. He missed the happiness he had, going down to the kitchen to find Jane. He missed hearing Roxy trying to answer riddles when she was drunk off her ass. What he really missed though... Was Dirk. Everything about Dirk, or what he really meant was the old Dirk. He missed the slight smile that would occasionally grace his lips, he missed the way he would nervously shove a hand into his perfectly styled hair when he was upset. He missed being so close to him that he could see could see the piercing orange eyes behind his shades.

Jake let out a frustrated sighed, throwing his own hand to his tangled locks. It was Sunday morning and he hadn't left his bed in twelve hours. He sighed again, capturing the attention of Gamzee.

"You ok bro?" The boy asked from his perch on the messy bed. Jake recoiled at the word. The simple word bro even made him think of Dirk. He cursed under his breath.

"Yeah, I'm fine Gamzee,"

"You sure don't look it,"

"It's just been a stressful couple of months, you understand,"

"Yeah, I get that my motherfucking bro," he said in a slightly slurred way. It was enough to make Jake sit up and see that he was taking a swig of what looked like purple soda with the word "Faygo"  written across the side. He had never heard of the soda before, he'd have to look it up when he got home.

"Oh, sorry not to share the wealth my bro, but I gotta save this miracle up until our next trip of hosgrade!"


"Yeah, that mothafucking place," he said giving Jake a dopey smile. Jake just shrugged, Gamzee was always weird as hell. He could hear someone clamp up the stairs. The door burst open with a bang, Karkat had kicked it like normal. Jake didn't even jump at the noise anymore.

"You two fuckasses are still in bed?!"

"I haven't moved in a while Karkat ol' chum, thought you'd notice."

"I did notice! Now get up, even your actual friends are getting worried about you! Then they ask me, and they're fucking weird!" The kid said with a groan. The put one of his pale hands on his hips. Jake had learned over his time residing in his room he had learned a little more than he wanted to know about the angry kid. He was from Ireland, with the ginger and freckled skin to prove it. He also would shout a lot, making him always have a raspy voice.

"They're less weird than you people," Jake said rolling his eyes. Karkat stomped his way over to Jake's sitting location. He leaned his face really close to the Brit, making him lean back further into the head board. Both of their green eyes were locked, staring back at eachother.

"Get. Up. You. Fuckass!"

"Three words for you, Vantas! NO YOU DICK!" Jake said, pushing him off the bed, leaving him to tumble backwards to the foot of Gamzee's bed. Gamzee smiled down at the cranky teen. This whole ruckus alerted the blasted Gryffindor ghost to their conversation. He depressedly floated in.

Kankri Vantas was the very annoying Gryffindor ghost. He mostly drove Karkat crazy, but someone had realized you could shut him up by shoving a spoonful of peanut butter into his mouth. He would constantly rant and rave to the students about "triggers" and such, he took it as keeping people comfortable, everyone took it as him being an irrigating piece of shit.

"What are you all doing in here? It's loud and people could take that as ver trig-"

"Kankri! Here's a spoonful of peanut butter!" Karkat shrieked, lunging at the ghost with the brown spoon. He shoved it into the ghost's mouth, dropping the jar back under his bed. The ghostly Vantas simply sat there licking at the ball of peanut butter in his mouth, totally silent.

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now