Chapter 35

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Jake swung Jane into the great hall. She was nervous about the ceremony and Jake was some... Confidence.

"Jane, come on I'm sure you decorated this hall just fi-" he started before letting his eyes swirl around to take in his surroundings.

Long garlands of sparks hung above the tops of each table. They glittered the colors of each house. Cakes five tears high were also iced with the respected house's colors. What really took the brit's breath away was the fondant sculptures of each house's animal above each treat. A magnificent lion seemed to be bursting dangerously over top of his house's red cake. He gaped.

"Oh, I'm sorry Jake! I know it's not great but..." Jane started, nervously fixing her black pixie cut. A certain blonde female swung Jane around.

"What are ya talking about Janey?! This is spectacular!" Roxy said in the most sober tone they had heard from her in weeks, "Hell, look at that fucking bird!"

"They are quite brilliant Ms. Crocker," Jake said with one of his bucktoothed smiles. Jane felt her head grow ten degrees hotter.

"Really? Why thank you, both of you!"

"I wouldn't say it if it weren't true, Jaaaney!" Roxy giggled. Students began to pass by the two hugging girls and the helpless bystander. Jake's arms crossed over his chest, letting his eyes scan the crowd. The Brit noticed the anime boy
cross the sea of students.

"Strider!" Jake yelled quietly. Dirk's head swung around to see the smiley boy who had won his heart staring back at him. The blonde waded his way through the crowd and he fell into Jake. He smiled down at the ebony haired teen.

"Why hello..."

"Oh please, Dirk! I thought you remembered to stay discreet!"

"What's the point? I'm not going to see you ever again..."

"What?!" Jake screeched, "I thought you were going to Derse!"

"I am... But you're going to leave the wizarding world behind!"

"No I'm not! I'm going to Prospit!"


"We're you really worried I'd leave such a cool place like this behind?! There's so many adventures I want to have here...
Including with you!" Jake said with one of his smiles gracing his face. Dirk's face backs flooded with heat in a second. He smiled back. This wasn't the end... It was just a new beginning.

(So... Close... To being... Done... Auuuughhhhh I'm sorry these are short!)

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now