Chapter 2

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 The sun sprinkled into the dormitory painted of red with gold details. The gold sparkled just enough to wake up the brown haired teen, making him open his emerald eyes with much reluctance. It was much too early to wake up on a Saturday like this. Then again Jake English was not one to laze about in bed all day, he had much work to do. First he'd get his wand from the sleeping John, who wouldn't let go of it no matter how hard he'd try. Then he'd visit Jane in the kitchens, hopefully learning about the two characters he'd met last night.

John had already sat up in bed, cracking his back with an array of pops. With much ease Jake had pulled the small raven haired boy upstairs last night, now he looked around in much confusion.

"How'd I end up back here?"

"I brought you up here, didn't want you to get bed sores! Or would it be chair sores?" Jake said, making John giggle slightly, "Oh right thanks for holding my wand, even I couldn't get it from your vice like grip! Any intruder would have stood no chance to the great Egbert!" John sighed.

"Sorry Jake, here!" He said holding out the unicorn hair core wand. Jake grabbed it with a smile as a thank you, feeling the familiar elm wood in his grip felt like home. He brushed his dark ebony hair from his eyes, and darting to a mirror. John watched as he quickly styled the locks with his hands.

"You know there's a spell for that, right?"

"Yeah, I've known the spell for years, but nothing does it right besides the old' muggle touch!" Jake said smiling at his watcher. Though he stood and made his way to avoid the grumpy third year sleeping across from John. Karkat really wasn't much of a morning person.

"Cya Jake!" John said waving. Jake waved back, but ran at the sound of the grumpy kid rustling his sheets.

He slid down the stair railing only to be stopped by Terezi at the bottom of the stairs.

"Why hello Mr. English! Is Karkat up?"

"I really don't want to know... He is a bloody wanker in the mornings!" He said, Terezi just laughed walking right past him. That was a very usual occurrence around the common room, with it happening almost every day. Jake never really stayed around to watch the repercussions. He ran out the painting and down the hall. He passed tons of students, most he knew the names of but was too determined to get to the smelly kitchens to remember. He passed Calliope with a wave, which she returned happily rustling her yellow and black scarf. She was always nice to see early in the halls.

Scampering down the stairs, skipping two at a time until the thick smell of cake and breakfast syrup hit his nose like a punch. It was so sweet it was making him slightly sick, but this was normal for the school he called home in the morning. He slammed a hand to the birch wood door, making it quiver open in response. Jane stared at the door, her yellow and black uniform was covered in flour and a small syrup stain was evident on her skirt. She saw him and grinned at him, waving him over above the tiny house elf servants. He kindly asked the elves to move aside a bit so he could make his way over to his friend. The happy little servants complied, and he took a few strides over to Jane.

"Hello Ms. Crocker!"

"Why hello Mr. English," she said with a smile.

"What's on the breakfast menu today?"

"Pancakes and eggs or bacon you dork!" she said, wiping her hands on her tie. She always seemed to have a stain on her uniform, but she could easily work them out in a few minutes if she tried, "Now do you have something to ask of me? You normally leave if I call you a dork..."

"Well I did have a question if you'd be willing to answer."

"I most likely will, I mean unless it's inappropriate or un-gentlemanly," she said smiling at him sweet as her cake. He pretended to look offended.

"Oh Ms. Crocker! Surely you jest!" he said as Jane wiped a dab of pancake mix on his nose.

"So Jake, in all seriousness what did you want to ask me?"

"I wanted to ask you what you know about Dirk Strider and Roxy Lalonde. I met them last night, but you know, Dirk is a Slytherin and I'm a Gryffindor which is almost unheard of..."

"Well first off I beg to differ because Vriska and Terezi were friends onc-"

"-But they hate each other now!"

"Ok, point taken, but what do I know about Strider and Lalonde? Um... Well I know a whole lot about Roxy that you wouldn't find interesting... But she really likes vodka that she has Dirk steal from Headmaster Scratch's office, which he doesn't like but her sober scares the shit out of him." she started, putting a thumb thoughtfully to her chin "Yet Dirk... Hm... Well he builds robots with a few advanced spells his father-like older 'bro' taught him over the holidays. He also really likes muggle television and his whole family owns a tv... That's why he has those 'ironic' shades." she finished. Jake thought about these facts about the not-so-mysterious-anymore Strider. It must have been a heavy burden to keep all of these "scandalous" secrets hidden. No one in the wizard in world would ever think of a pure blood like him, taking part in such... All around muggle born like things.

"Wait so why do they hang out? Are they together?"

"Oh gosh no! The two are cousins!" Jane said taking a step back at the propitious idea. Jake just looked a little confused at his friend's sudden outburst, not understanding the bid deal. Dirk did look like one who would be very popular with the ladies, many girls would swoon over him in class. Jake shrugged it off as Jane untied her waist apron that the elves had generously given her.

"So Jane, want to grab away a little food and go to eat out in the courtyard like every Saturday?" he asked, holding out a hand to her which she gladly accepted.

"Why of course Jake! I even prepared out picnic basket in advance!" she said, scooping up the wicker basket in her left hand. Jake felt a smile leak on to his tan features as he walked her out the door.

"Do you think they're together?" Winky the house elf asked another, who nodded quite quickly at the two human's departure.

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now