Chapter 8

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The next day came much too quickly in Dirk's opinion. He wasn't mentally prepared, but nevertheless he was being drowsily pushed onto the train by his friends and the younger years. His glasses bobbed up and down on the bridge of his nose. They were digging into his cheek, making him groan. Roxy was excitedly babbling on and on about how drunk she was going to get, he just rolled his eyes, it was too early in the morning for this. Jake was sitting across from him when the train lurched forwards, making him fall forwards onto the Strider.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry Dirk!" Jake said, quickly getting off him. Dirk's pale face was soon dusted with a light pink dust. It was almost unnoticeable, but Jane saw a glimpse of the look he was giving Jake and knew immediately what was happening. She sighed, she knew that she had no chance with the Brit, but a girl could still dream.

The train stopped with another lurch, but this time the two boys were ready. Neither fell on each other this time, luckily or unluckily depending on each party. The train door slid open with a thud and a clank, making almost everyone rush out like a pack of wolves. Roxy was among the teens who had ran out, she dragged the two boys out of the train with Jake pulling Jane out in tow. They waded through the crowds without much ease, but Roxy could move like a freight train no matter the blood alcohol level she possessed.

The team pulled their way down the middle of the main road, the fall wind swirled and flew into their faces. Roxy smiled against the breeze, effectively getting a leaf stuck in her mouth. She spit it out at the bar, Jake still looked kinda skeptical of going in there, so Dirk took his chance.

"Here, English want to head to the sweets shop?" Dirk asked holding out his hand to Jake. Jake walked up to him, gently pushing his hand down.

"I can walk Strider, but I would like to go with you to this sweets shop, I've never been before!" Jake said with a buck tooth grin. Dirk just nodded and started down the street as the girls hopped into the bar. The boys walked down the street, passing shop by shop to the end of the main road. Dirk grabbed Jake's wrist quickly and flipped the two behind the sweet shop.

"Jake, I need to tell you something, about when we first started hanging around each other..."

"Uh... When you fell off your broom? Why did you fall off that anyway? You're a great flier!"

"Well that's just it, when I saw you and Janey... I kinda got jealous," Dirk said rubbing the back of his neck.


"Well she's a pretty girl and I thought-"

"Why the hell would that make you jealous?"

"Well let's put it this way, I didn't want to see you with anyone... Anyone else at least."


"Well we're a good match so... we got along... so I just thought..."

"Wait, what?" Jake said still oblivious, Dirk sighed and leaned towards Jake, "Dirk I-"

Before he could finish his sentence the blond before him closed the gap between them, capturing his lips. Jake stared at him, wide eyed and confused. Dirk pulled back when he realized that Jake wasn't going to kiss him back, he looked slightly embarrassed with his... Well to put it bluntly, his fuck up.

"Uh... Jake I'm sorry I just thought that you could take the hint and-"

"No, no it's fine, Strider. I mean I get it now but-"

"But-? I'm sorry I should have seen if you even swung that way before I did that and, well..."

"I- I just have to go think for a bit..." Jake said shakily, he looked feint. He turned on his heel and briskly ran off towards the bars. This was one adventure that he wasn't ready for.

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now