Epiloge (Chapter 37)

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Now for the obvious ending bit

Jane and Roxy were promptly wed a month later on the day of their opening ceremony for the restaurant. It was unfortunately scolded by the ministry of magic. A man by the name of Hussie, who ran the ministry, shrugged it off saying he would kill anyone, it didn't matter who. Everyone believed him, mostly because he was horrifyingly violent.
Dirk and Jake were wed a month after that, much to the displeasure of Roxy and Jane, they weren't even cleaned up from the first wedding yet. It was a perfect day, Calliope even made them a beautiful painting to commemorate the day, it now hung over their couch. Said couch now resides on Harley Island, which Jake didn't personally know they owned, on their white laboratory. Dirk thought it was a nice change of pace and Jake liked to adventure in the forest on the island.

Grandma Harley was overjoyed to learn the pair had adopted a Muggle born girl named Allie and a pure blooded boy named Dex, who she spoiled rotten. The two were set to attend Homewarts next term, luckily Doc Scratch had retired and wouldn't have to be dealt with again, much to the relief of Jake who always thought he was a bit creepy.
Dirk had asked Dave about what Rose was talking about, that whole going back to school thing, and it turned out Doc Scratch had given him a time turner. A time turner, according to his little bro, was a time traveling device that could take him back to Homewarts whenever he wanted. Dirk had also learned from his brother that Dave was blowing up in the music industry. Jade apparently was a pretty good manager for sick beats.

Bro Strider was actually quite accepting of Dirk and Jake, he was just a little disappointed that Dirk wouldn't be putting out his own sick beats.

Vriska had started to be quite a nuisance to the Ministry of Magic, robbing banks and becoming a pirate. Mindfang groaned about having to bail her out three times on a teacher's salary.

Everything was falling into place in the world, or at least they were in Jake's eyes. He smiled, leaning against Dirk with Dex and Allie in their laps. This adventure wasn't going to end, it never was going to end, but so far this adventure was getting to be a right ol' time.


(Heh... Sorry it's over, thanks for sticking by guys!)

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now