Chapter 17

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Dirk slumped on a disgusting train seat. He was crowded in the only remaining carriage, surrounded by fellow purebloods. He heard some rude insults directed at Gryffindors and "mudbloods". His eye twitched behind his shades, he really hated racism of fellow wizards, and his earlier realization hadn't helped whatsoever. He pulled out said book, skimming over the pages again. He was about to read the page about muggle toys again, for the sixteenth time might I add, before a certain witch grabbed it away from him.

"Why hello Strider! Why Would you waste time reading this rag?" Vriska hissed, looking at the book with piercing cerulean eyes. He sighed, grabbing for it but failing.
"I'm taking muggle studies and I want to study over the break," the blond said, crossing his pale arms over his torso.

"That's really stupid, doesn't your whole family hang out with Muggles and mudbloods anyway? I even saw you with that idiotic, mudblood scum, English from Gryffindor!" she hissed, dropping the book onto the boy's lap. He snapped up, letting his emotions take over.

"Don't you ever, EVER say that about English AGAIN," he said, gripping on her collar, wringing the green material between his knuckles. The tips of his hands began to turn white as the grip on her grew stronger. She began to sweat nervously, and the smirk from her face disappeared in an instant.

"Let go of me you psycho!" Vriska screeched, pulling against his grip. She was a pretty strong girl, but she was still no match for an enraged Strider. Dirk raised his fist to her face's level to do some good ol' fashion muggle fighting.
Dave had been sitting idle to the whole situation, until he realized what his brother was about to do. He ran over to his brother, pulling him backwards quickly with a jerk.
"Dirk! Woah, woah, woah, chill out! Bro, don't let her get to you! That's what she wants!"

"Bro, this isn't your fight, let me live it!" Dirk started, landing a hit on Vriska's good eye. It quickly welled up to a purple lump, which from the way she walked afterwards, she couldn't see out of. A loud whoosh and thump came from the left of the fighters. It came from the direction of the teacher's carriage. Both brothers and Vriska swung their heads to the door where Professor Dolorosa was now standing with a gapping look on her face.

"Dave, what happened here?!" The woman screamed, making her short hair flutter around her face. Dave gulped, he hadn't seen the build up to the fight, well more like he didn't hear it. To him it looked like Dirk had just randomly punched the fourth year. Rose stood from behind the chaos, brushing the group to the sides of her.

"Professor Dolorosa? May I speak to you in the private carriage about this? You can ask Headmaster Scratch if you need?" Rose said, bowing slightly to the teacher. Dolorosa looked back at her in a very understanding look, even if it had a grave undertone. The Striders looked confused over the two women as they disappeared behind one of the glass doors. They poked their curious heads over the window to see what the women were doing inside.

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now