Chapter 10

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Dirk slapped his hand to his head, slamming his back to the building. Ugh, why did he do that? He should've known Jake would hate him. He sighed, what was he going to tell Roxy? She was so excited to get Jane all to herself. Why did he think this was going to work? Jake was so obviously straight, all of the girls fawned over him and he always humored them. 'Well he didn't exactly turn me down..." Dirk thought to himself with reassurance, 'Oh who the hell and I kidding?! He ran away from me at full speed!'
A light patter of feet stood above all of the sounds on the street. Dirk looked to the side of him to see Rose walking up to him.

"Sup' Rose?"

"Dirk, what are you doing back here?"

"I was talking to someone, it doesn't really matter. Do you know where your sister is?"

"She's drunk herself silly, the normal. Are you on drugs?"

"What?! No way!"

"Well good, if you were I would've ratted you out to Scratch." She said pulling a pale blue box out of her skirt pocket. She whipped a thin cancer stick out and shoved it in between her blackened lips. She held out the box to Dirk, offering him one. Dirk took one with a thanks and he lit them both with his oak wood wand. Rose inhaled and puffed out a ring of smoke with a sigh.

"So I'm supposing you made the moves on English and he ran off?"


"You going to do something about it?" she said with another puff. He shrugged.

"I dunno he seemed a little disgusted about the whole ordeal."

"Psh, it's probably fine. He's just pretty oblivious to things unless you spell them out to him,"

"I noticed, I guess it makes sense that he's in Gryffindor and not in Ravenclaw like Rox."

"Yeah, speaking of which I should probably go get her, she's most likely puked on Jane by now," she said putting out her cigarette on the pavement "Whatever you're going to do with Strider, I'd make it fast."


"The train leaves in fifteen minutes and he's sitting at the station crying."

"Wait what?! Why didn't you tell me that sooner?!" he said quickly dropping his own cigarette on the ground. She quickly stepped on it and turned her back to him.

"Good luck, ponyboy!" Rose said with a wave. He ran in the opposite direction and down the street. Sure it seemed like she was pulling this all out of her ass, but her predictions always seemed to come true. Oh god, that also means Jane got puked on. There was no time to deal with that right now, he had to go find Jake.

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now