Chapter 16

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Jake sat on the train back to his home, Jade was hopping in her seat next to him. She was blithering about how nice Dave had been to her and how he had given her the coat she was wearing. He looked over to his sister, noticing she was wearing a vibrant green coat. There seemed to be a broken record on the brest, and a pocket was right underneath. He wondered how he had never noticed that as well. He congratulated her on her new coat.

"Do you think Gran will let the Striders come over? You're friends with Dirk and then I could see Dave over the holiday!"

"She probably would, but I don't know if their guardian would. I've heard from Dirk that he's really strict about leaving into the muggle world," he said with a sigh. Maybe that's why he was so distracted. In less than a year both boys would be leaving Homewarts for the last time, and with their blood separation they would have to go their separate ways. They may never see eachother again. What if this strong feeling they shared, fizzled out after the term was over? He felt a weird tickle behind his eyes, as they began to blur. "This damn Strider is making me cry this year more than I ever have before" he thought with a groan as he dried his eyes. Jade looked over at him, and obviously noticed the tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Oh my gosh, Jake! What's wrong?!" Jade almost yelled, shaking him to look at her. He looked at her in shock.
"Nothing, it's fine Jade! I just yawned!"

"No you didn't, I would've noticed! Was it a girl? Did a girl break your heart bro?!"

"Oh my gosh, Jade it wasn't a girl! It's fine, I'm not upset!" Jake was now talking just as rapidly as his sister. His eyes welled up again at the word bro, goddammit Strider. Jade noticed and reeled back, letting go of his shoulders and
composing herself back down to a more sober demeanor.

"I'm sorry, Jake. I just wanted you to know you can talk to me about anything if you want... Or need for that matter,"

"It's fine Sis. It wasn't a girl, I'm serious. I would always come to you first if something was wrong." Jake said, patting her back in a means to reassure her. She sighed and ruffled his ebony locks.

"Oh my god, what am I going to do with you?"

"Accept me as your awesome brother?" he said with a smirk. She pushed him playfully laughing.

About an hour later the train lurched to a stop. They were back at the station. Jake picked up Jade's and his own luggage off of the rack and hurled both of them out the crowded train door.

Jade's eyes darted around at the chaos until she saw their grandmother and guardian. She quickly grabbed Jake's hand and dragged him through the crowd to their gran, who smiled once she set her emerald eyes on them.

"Hello my darlings!" she said with a smile. She patted Jake on the back and turned to walk to their car. The two teens stayed close behind their grandmother, which was saying a lot because she was very fast for an old lady. A few seconds later they reached a lime green Porshe. Both were very shocked with her new car but with her little laugh, they knew she didn't steal it. Maybe.

Grandma Harley shoved the two trunks into the back seat of the car with Jade. Jake swung himself over the front of the car, sliding into the front passenger seat. Their grandmother scooted herself into the front seat, smiling that sweet old lady everyone dreams of.

"So how was your time at Homewarts? How were your Wizardy Magics?" she asked, starting up the car with a purr.

"Fine, I finally went to that dance with someone!" Jade said, grinning her ass off.

"That sounds amazing dear! Tell me all about it!" Their grandmother replied. The two began chatting all about the Yule Ball and Jade's night with Dave. Jake began to tune the two out, he didn't want to be reminded of any Striders right now. If this was going to be all of their conversations, it was going to be one long car ride. It was.

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now