Chapter 32

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(If you hate Roxy x Jane you may skip this chapter)

Now, for a chapter about none of that.

Jane was sitting on the soft grass of the Quidditch field. She was reminiscing about how at the beginning of the year she wouldn't be caught dead out here without Jake by her side. She did miss imagining about how she could be with Jane, but really that could never work at this point. She saw how happy the two boys were together. Then she realized that she was happier like this anyway. Jane was happy with Roxy, watching others walk by.

Roxy kneeled next to Jane on the purple picnic blanket. She had a small wicker basket in her hand and she plopped herself into Jane. Her hair curl brushed against the side of Jane's face. Jane giggled softly at the tickle, wrapping a tired arm around the smaller girl's waist. Roxy smiled, wistfully looking at a few couples on brooms and a few fading clouds. The sky seemed to be bursting with life and brilliant shades blues and white. Cherry blossoms of pink were floating around in the slight breeze.

Jane reached up, grabbing on of the flowers in her awaiting hands. She set it gently on her lover's nose with a small smile. Roxy looked at her companion, examining each of her features.

Jane's eyes were like sparkling sapphires, she smile was tiny and doll like. Her eyes were stoic, not smiling with the rest of her face. Her raven locks were falling behind her navy blue glasses. Roxy pushed them out of her face, moving her elegant hand down her lover's cheek. Her hand moved down to the bottom of her chin, it was slightly soft right there but Roxy loved this position they were in. Jan closed the gap between them, capturing her black lips. The lipstick was rubbing off on her own lips as they were working against each other. They slowly pulled apart, both smiling slightly.


"Yes Roxy?"

"Can I tell ya a secret?"


"I love you," Roxy said, making her grin grow. Janey started giggling at the stupidity of her joke. The smaller teen turned herself to the basket, opening it and revealing an unopened bottle of Champagne. Jane didn't normally drink, but there was only enough for them each to have a glass so she gave in. Roxy gracefully poured them each a glass as they sat, sipping the drink and looking off at the distance.

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now