Chapter 24

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The two boys descended down the shabbily carpeted stairs. They were both in silence as they both jumped down the last stair. Jake swung himself around the corner and raced into the kitchen like a three year old. Dirk followed him, watching as Jake's emerald orbs lit up like a Christmas tree.

Grandma Harley was shoving four frozen discs into a silver toaster on the counter. Jade was already at the kitchen table eating the unfrozen pancakes with a smile. Jake slid into one of the chairs next to his sister. Dirk couldn't peel his eyes away from the mysterious silver box on the counter.

"Jake... What is that thing?"

"What? Do you mean the toaster?"

"The what?!"

"Wait... This kid doesn't know what a toaster is?" Gran asked, spinning to look at the teens. Jake shrugged.

"Wizards don't use technology," the boy replied, making his guardian shrug as well.

A second later two of the now unfrozen pancakes popped out of the toaster, making a certain blonde nearly jump out of his skin. He let out a small scream, making the youngest Harley break out laughing. The other two brunettes laughed in turn, making the outsider turn a light shade of pink. He sighed and swung himself into the set next to Jake.

"Dirk, a toaster is like a heating spell oven but tiny and compact," Jake said, ruffling the blond locks on Dirk's head. Dirk mimicked Jake's pout, poking the boy in the nose. Jake recoiled in shock. Jade just started to cry laughing.

"Nepeta called it!"

"She what?!" The two boys said, swirling around to look at the younger teen. Everyone knew of the weird fourth year from Hufflepuff. She would constantly draw on the walls of the halls, covering them with fictional relations, but she always used the real students, making everyone cringe. She also would hang out the creepiest guy in Slytherin, Equius. He was constantly sweating and he would follow a girl from Ravenclaw around. She was also, very disturbed of the situation. Both the boys groaned.

"Please don't tell me she put us in a ship..." Dirk sighed. Jade just nodded with a smile.

"Well of course she did!" Jade said with a small lace of confusion. Jade happened to be one of the only people who would hang out with the cat girl and "pony boy". Jake flung himself backwards in his chair.


"Kids, kids, shush! Pancakes!" Grandma Harley said, swinging two more plates onto the table. She then leaned down and whispered into Dirk's ears.

"Eat quick, Jake is a monster about breakfast!" The woman gap said with a joyous giggle. Dirk laughed, Jake simply looked at his partner very confused with a pancake hanging from his mouth. Dirk's laugh grew louder, looking at the Brit looking like a confused puppy with a pancake in his mouth. Said Brit grumbled through his full mouth, swallowing quickly with a dust of pink on his cheeks.

"What?! Gran, what did you just tell him?!" Jake screeched in embarrassment. Jade rolled her eyes, with her small doll smile adorning her cheeks.

"She simply said how ravenous you are in the mornings,"


"Sorry Jakey, it's my job to embarrass you!" Grandma Harley said with another chuckle. Dirk reeled back a bit at the nickname that she seemed to call him, it reminded him of Roxy. Jake noticed. He took Jake's hand and walked them out with a little hand signal to his gran. She seemed to realize something was wrong so she didn't say anything. Jade realized the same thing so she just flicked on the boxy TV in the corner.

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now