Chapter 22

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Dirk slammed his finger onto Jake's doorbell, he never had seen such a device, but with the right background knowledge he knew what it was for. The door swung open and Dirk smiled tiredly, expecting to see his boyfriend. It was not, it was his Grandmother.

"Hello?" she asked with a happy go lucky tone in her voice. Dirk looked over the woman, noticing how she had Jake's eyes and perpetual smile. He couldn't help but smile and straighten himself up in her presence.

"Why hello, is Jake in?"

"Oh! Jakey! Your friend is here!" The woman called up the stairs, "It's nice to meet you, Dirk, I'm guessing. I'm Jake's Gran, but you can call me Mrs. Harley!"

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Harley, and yes I am Dirk Strider."

A thudding noise was heard from the left of the two. Two emerald green eyes popped up from behind the kind old woman.

"Why, hello Strider!" Jake said with a large grin, showing off his pearly white teeth. Dirk smiled back very coolly. The woman noticed their stares and politely stepped to the side so the two could reunite. Dirk walked forwards and ruffled Jake's fluffy locks with a smile. Mrs. Harley leaned over to her young grandson.

"Hey, hey Jake? I'm making him a pie!"


"Doing it, I'm doing it!" Grandma Harley said scurrying to the kitchen. Dirk just smiled, this place was charming. The room was painted forest green and all of the furniture seemed to be in the same color pallet. Jake took his hand and dragged the blonde up to his room.

"Your Grandma seems pretty nice," Dirk said with a slight laugh. Jake closed the door to his own forest green room and plopped himself down on the bed. Dirk sat next to him and enveloped him in a huge bear hug. Jake laughed slightly, hugging him back.

"I missed you too, Strider"

"It was miserable without having my little dork for a while!" Dirk said, bringing his face down to Jake's eye level. Dirk leaned in to capture Jake's lips, but before he could Jake tumbled backwards across the bed and onto the floor.
"Wait a sec, I want to do that just as much as you but I have to give you this first!" Jake said from his new spot on the floor. Dirk just folded his long arms over his torso with a pout gracing his lips. Jake dug around in a bedside drawer until he pulled out a slender box wrapped in orange paper. He lifted it up as if it was the holy savior of all wizardkind, handing it over to the wizard on the bed. Said wizard took the box and unwrapped it with a thank you.

As he pulled the last Bit of the flaming paper off he opened the brown cardboard box showing off a silver gleam. A long sword was glistening in the box, reflecting against the light on the ceiling. Dirk gapped at the beautiful thing. It looked just like a katana sword from one of his animes. He grinned like a small child, whipping the thing out. He swung it around like a seven year old playing with a foam sword, Jake simply laughed his ass off at Dirk's actions. The ebony haired boy stood next to his partner, still in awe.

"I'm so sorry Jake"

"What? Do you not like it?"

"No, I fucking love it. Thank you so much, but I did have a gift for you but... My bro caught on to my plan to escape and he made me leave it at home..."

"Oh golly Dirk, it's really fine! I can wait until we get back to school for a silly Christmas present!" Jake laughed out, but Dirk looked grave.

"I'm still sorry about it..."

"Fine then, Dirk. I know how you can repay me!"

"Really? How?" Dirk asked, looking down at his slightly shorter boyfriend. Jake cocked his head backwards to look at Dirk, and with a slight shift in his stance he captured the blonde's lips in a quick kiss. Dirk quickly noticed what was happening, he smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around the shorter one's waist. Jake felt his arm snake up to tangle itself into Dirk's hair. His locks were surprisingly soft, even if it looked like it had a truckload of hair gel in it.
The two began to pull away as the door creaked open. Both were tangled in each other's arms, not seeming able to move as they watched the door open to reveal Jake's gran smiling with a pie in her hands. Dirk recoiled away from the ebony haired teen's grasp as Jake began to straightened his vest. She just laughed.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I was afraid this'd get too cold!" The woman said with an even bigger smile than usual. Dirk simply gaped at the woman's calmness about the situation.

"Wait... So you're ok with... That? Us?" Dirk asked, sitting himself straighter on the bed beneath him.

"Oh of course! I'm mostly glad that Jake won't be all alone, and you seem like a pretty nice boy, but if you break his lil ol' heart..." The woman started, "I will shoot you up!"

"I... Don't plan on doing that luckily..."

"Well, goodie! Oh right and Jakey? I won't tell your sister for you if you don't want me to, k?" The grandmother said waving at her poor, embarrassed, grandson, "Toodleoo!"

The door was closed again, and Jake seemed to be petrified on the spot. His face had began to resemble a flaming tomato and he looked like he was going to feint. God dammit Grandma.

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now