Chapter 26

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One lecture later and a huffy Jane walking back to her own home, Jake and Dirk had spent the whole day joking with each other. Jake had been showing his partner some muggle inventions, thoroughly interesting Dirk. The blonde would gasp, lining up some inventions with the ones in his book, making the ebony haired teen laugh about his antics. Jane made them brownies before they left, which everyone of the household munched on as the day progressed. The day soon did pass with the sun setting just like every other day, but this time it showed how the fun would have to end.

"Please Dirk, I know you have to go but just stay one more day!"

"You know I can't so why the hell are you whining for?"

"Because I don't want you to be miserable all vacation long!"

"You know that I won't be,"

"I don't know that,"

"Well you've made me happy for a lifetime, I think I can handle myself for a week and a half!" Dirk said with a smile, Jake pouted at the taller Strider.

"How are you even gunna get home? You don't have a broom or anything,"

"Roxy's picking me up..."


"More like she was at a muggle bar with her and Dave's broom..."

"Yeah that makes more sense," Jake said we a sigh as he pushed some stray hairs from his face. Dirk stood as the door got a good knock. The blonde took Jake's hand, pulling him up and capturing his lips for about a second. Jake kissed him back before the door swung open with a loud thud. Both boys broke away from each other, staring at the gaping door where a really drunk Roxy stood.

"Heyyyyyy guyyyyyys!"

"Hello Lalonde,"

"Hey, Rox,"

"Diiiiiiiiirkyyyyyy are you reeeeeeedy?"

"Yeah, uh did you drink a vodka?"

"I had threeeee,"

"Three cups?"

"Three bottles"

"Oh my god, Dirk you are not going out in the snow with her,"

"Yes I am,"


Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now