Chapter 21

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Bro was driving Dirk to the tipping witch, which was a raunchy bar that Dirk despised. Bro wanted him to play there every time he was out of school, so Dirk had figured out ways around it. There was a large window in the men's bathroom he could crawl out of, and there was a broken fire escape near the back that could be climbed down very easily. Though both of these were awful ideas, they both meant he'd have to truck on through, and if anyone saw him he'd be screwed.

The car swerved to a stop outside the building, and Dirk kicked his door open. He walked out of the small red car, the one that his brother said he kept for ironic purposes. Bro leaned over to look at the teen.

"Please, please just preform. You know that the people here love it," Bro said with a sigh. He had caught on to Dirk's ploys a few escapes ago but he thought if he asked nicely Dirk might stay. Dirk nodded, rolling his eyes behind his shades.

"Yes sir,"

"Good, I'm glad," the oldest blond said, leaning back into his rightful sitting spot. He revved the car's engine and lurched forwards down the street. Dirk walked into the putrid building. A maid in an awfully short dress walked up to him, he simply spun on his heel.

"Nope, can't do it!"

"Huh? Strider is that you?" The maid asked, she had obviously been informed about his situation because she grabbed his arm. He ran against her, surprisingly strong pull, struggling out onto the street. The cool air whisked around the two figures. Dirk spun back to her, kicking at her tall, red stiletto. He quickly apologized and ran into the night.

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now