Chapter 25

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"Dirk, are you ok?"

"Of course I am, Jake... Just... I may have to go soon,"

"Why? I understand... But why?"

"Rox and Dave are going to need me at some point to keep their shit straight, it's my job!"

"Rose can handle it..."

"Rose fends for herself, she protects them but they both could get drunk off their asses and puke on eachother until the goddamn cows came home if they didn't die and she wouldn't stop them. That's what separates us,"

"Won't your Bro kill you if you go back without explanations?"

"Yeah... Here I'm going to go clear my head, do you think your Gran would mind if I smoked out on the porch?"

"Oh no I don't think so... Well as long as you don't burn our house down,"

"Yeah, I understand that would be a... Minor problem," Dirk said with another smile. Jake laughed slightly at the joke, waving him off. Dirk ruffled his hair, turning and walking out the door.

The crisp breeze of winter burst past him. He had almost forgot it was winter inside the cozy home. He huddled himself into a corner on the stone porch, trying to contain his body heat. He flicked his last cigarette out of his pocket and placed it between his chapped lips. He lit the sick in between his lips, and began to puff away on the thing. His breath and the smoke curled around in the air. He watched the swirls intently, forgetting the cold air whipping around him.

"Dirk?!" A voice from his left called. He dropped his cigarette into the thin white powder that was gathered around him. He looked to the direction of the voice. There in her blue winter coat, was standing Jane. Her Raven hair was blowing around in the wind, her blue eyes were piercing into his shielded ones. He rubbed his neck awkwardly, waving at her with his other hand.

"Heh... Hey Jane?"

"Why are you outside Jake's house?"

"No reason..."

"Obviously there's a reason!" she said with a cold tone. Dirk shivered, "Are you wearing his shirt?"

"Um, yes yeah so I am..."

"Ok, fine you're freezing out here. Let's go inside, I don't care if you were 'clearing your mind' or whatever, you are going to die!"

"It's not that cold..."

"Dirk, it's ten degrees Fahrenheit out here!"

"Fine..." Dirk grumbled as Jane dragged him inside. Jake's head whipped over to the direction of the door. His face lit up with a smile, before realizing Dirk wasn't coming in alone, the smile that he had received was then ripped from his face.

"Jane, what are you doing to Dirk's ear?"

"Making sure he doesn't freeze to death!"


"You were not! Now both of you shut up. Dirk, go sit next to Jake, Jake stay where you are."

Both boys did as she commanded. She sat on the ottoman across from them. She crossed her legs and her fingers intertwined between themselves.

"Jake... Why is Dirk here?"

"That... Is a very very long story,"

"Ok, this is going to be super awkward. Are you and him... Together?"

They both tensed up, Dirk's hand ran through his golden locks. Jake bit his thumb nail in distress.

"I mean, I- well... Yes, yes we are Jane..."

"Hm... Ok then,"

"Wait what?" Dirk asked slightly in shock.

"What were you expecting a lecture about that? No, I'm going to scold you for letting your boyfriend freeze in the bloody snow!"

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now