Chapter 27

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Well Dirk did go out into the snow storm with Roxy on his back piggyback style. The snow actually did lighten up after a few feet of walking. An hour later the busses began to run again, luckily. Dirk had gotten himself and cousin on the bus with some difficulty with money, but they finally got close enough to the Strider resistance to sprint home.
Dirk lightly opened the door with a call.

"Bro...? I'm home?"

"He's in his room, doing some shit for those movie things..." Dave said, "You're so screwed, gimme Roxy, I'll get her
some water and sleep."

"Thanks lil' bro," Dirk said, dropping the Lalonde onto the couch. She giggled up at Dave, making the smallest Strider roll his covered eyes. Dirk shrugged and walked up the pale stone stairs to his brother's room.
The house's cold demeanor was already shifting itself onto him. The drastic change from Jake's warm cozy house to the cold lonely one he was in came much too fast in his opinion. It seemed to disorient the poor teen. He came to the red door, which he opened slowly.

"Hey Bro?"

"Hello Dirk,"

"Um..." Dirk stuttered a bit, he had never seen his brother so cold. The radio in the corner that had been broken for weeks was splashing sparks of green and red around the room. Dirk leaned in the doorway to regain his composure. Bro looked at his younger brother in a strong state of disappointment.

"Why can't you just do a simple thing?"


"I just wanted you to... Be ready to have a real job..."

"I can have a real job, easily!"

"You can't deal with one bar of drunks, how the hell are you going to deal with a herd of angry customers?"

"I just hate drunks,"

"You deal with your cousin all the time,"

"That's more of an obligation..."

"Whatever... Go tell your brother I bought him some apple juice ok? Then I would like to know where you disappeared to for a while."

"Fine..." Dirk grumbled, walking back down to his brother. Dave was already sipping the most likely new apple juice bottle. Dirk shrugged, no use engaging in the conversation he was whispering to Roxy. He was probably rapping her to sleep. All the Striders were great on the mic, but Bro just wanted Dirk to accept that like his younger brother had.
Dirk reascended up the stairs, that was fucking pointless. He reached his brother's room again, letting out out a long sigh.

"So where were you?"

"A friend's house,"

"Who would that be?"

"A friend... A guy friend, that's all the info you need," Dirk said, making his bro look at him in shock at the hostility that hung in his words. The room's tension could be cut with a knife. Dirk sighed.

"Sorry bro... I've just got a lot on my mind,"

"Is it a girl?"

"No, it's not a girl" Dirk continued with an eye roll, "I'm just going to go sort out this puzzle,"

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now