Chapter 31

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Karkat was right, Jake really had to get out of the dorm. Gamzee was shoving a hairbrush through his ebony locks. Jake cringed, Gamzee really didn't know how to brush hair, this being evident by the fact that he had a long black mane for hair. Jake began to bat at the much taller teen, with no results. Kankri was screaming from the corner, still stuck with peanut butter in his mouth. Gamzee was just laughing in a strangely raspy voice. Karkat had run to get Tavros for help, but Jake had to just sit in terror.

The door swung open, making Jake yank his head fro Gamzee's grasp expecting to see Karkat. It wasn't Karkat, it was Dirk. He was gasping for air, looking pissed. His shades were falling off of his sharp nose. His eyes were squinted and angry, leaving his eyebrows to follow. He screeched, sprinting over to Jake. He yanked Jake away, making Jake scream.
Jake's eyes darted to his right, he saw Karkat and a boy with a droopy Mohawk come up the stairs.

"HOW'D THE STRIDER GET UP HERE?! UGH THIS IS CRAZY!" Karkat screamed. Jake just shrugged. The taller boy gasped and ran into the room.

"Gamzee? Please calm down!"

"Tavbro? What's... Ughhhhhh..." Gamzee groaned, putting a hand to his forehead. Tavros just stepped forwards and wrapped his lanky arms around the similarly tall Gamzee. Jake squinted at the lanky pair, adjusting his glasses. Dirk dragged him down the stairs. He gave out a huff.

"Jake you're so fucking heavy!"

"Strider... Put me down..."

"Jake... No, talk to me!"

"Not right now," Jake said, standing himself up. Dirk swung him around, pinning him to the crimson wall behind them. Jake felt heat rising to his face as they locked eyes.

"Jake, please just listen to me,"

"Fine, what is it Strider?"

"Why have you been ignoring us?"

"I haven't... I just didn't feel like facing your guys'..."


"Your guys' yearn to give up on this place, on your futures!"


"All you guys have completely given up! Especially YOU Strider!"

"I- what? I don't get it... I haven't given up-" Dirk said, his eyes grew to the size of dining plates.

"Oh hah whatever! SUUUUUUURE you haven't!"

"Jake- I-"

"Ugh... Strider... Get off me, please if you really haven't given up you'd be going to you dorm to bring up your grades. At this point you're a straight O student, failing miserably!"

"You're... Right... I'll go work on... That,"



"Promise me you will be graduating with the rest of us ok? I want to conquer this adventure with you,"

"...I promise"

"Prove it!"

Dirk saw this as a challenge, throwing his face forwards. He captured Jake's lips, they were chapped but still perfect. His hands reached into Jake's still tangled hair. His fingers were intertwined, almost getting tangled in the ebony locks. Jake smiled into the kiss. He had missed this. This was what he missed the most out of everything he had left, and he was overjoyed that he could have it back.

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now