Chapter 23

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"Oh my god, JAKE WAKE UP!" Jade yelled as Dirk's tangerine eyes fluttered open. He sat up very abruptly realizing he was shirtless in Jake's bed. There was a small stir next to him as Jake woke up, rubbing his eyes.

"Jade, it's too early for this... Five more minutes..."


"Oh! Uhhhhh, well..."

"Better question, why are you both shirtless?" Jade asked slightly frantic in her pale green nightgown. Dirk's eyes darted from Jake, who was still laying down under the emerald sheets then back to the frantic girl in the doorway... Who happened to be dating his younger brother. Jake sat up with as array of pops and cracks came from his back. Dirk smiled nervously at Jade, she just grumbled and rubbed her temples as if this whole situation was giving her a migraine. To be honest it probably was.

"Dirk," Jade said in a low growl, Dirk braced himself for a lecture, "Couldn't you have at
least brought Dave with you?"

Jake swiveled himself out of the bed, shooing her out of the room.

"Alright, alright, let's talk over pancakes!" Jake said in a very annoyed tone. Dirk groped around for his shades on the table next to him. Once Jade had finally been removed from the room the door shut with a slam, Jake turned on his heel to see Dirk staring at him with a very confused look.

"She's... Not shocked?"

"I don't think she really minds to be frank..."

"Really?" Dirk asked, he'd never actually seen a family dynamic like this in real life. Jake leaned up against the wall and shrugged.

"In the muggle world, relationships like ours are pretty normal nowadays. Plus our gran taught us not to care and to just accept whatever craziness comes our way,"

Dirk looked at him, more confused than ever. Jake shrugged again as he walked over to his closet to get a shirt. He tugged on a green button up, he threw a white shirt at Dirk.

"Though I still don't think my gran will like to have a shirtless Strider coming downstairs for breakfast... Or perhaps she would," the Brit said again. Dirk smirked and pulled on the t-shirt. He swiveled himself out of the bed and walked up to Jake, ruffling his soft locks again. Jake pouted, brushing the other's hand away.    

"Noooooo, Diiiiirk..." Jake whined, Dirk chuckled. Jake swung open the door as he looked back to his partner.

"Oh right, hope you're hungry! My gran makes some awesome blueberry pancakes!"

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now