Chapter 7

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Jake was woken abruptly from Karkat screaming at a giggling Terezi. He rubbed his eyes, drowsily.

"What are you gits doing?" Jake asked with a slight yawn. He tossed off his blankets grabbing at his glasses. He yelped in response as a drop of red blood fell to the ground. He looked at it with his blurry eyes, it was an obvious paper cut.

"WHAT WAS THAT NOOK-SNIFFER!?" Karkat yelled from his bed.

"I think he cut himself!"

"Ugh... I did, can someone hand me my glasses?"

"Sure thing bro," Gamzee said, picking up his glasses and the note handing them to the almost blinded Jake. Jake slipped on his glasses and looked at the note.

"Anyone know what this is?"

"John-bro dropped it here like half an hour ago," Gamzee said walking off. He unfolded the note very carefully, reading the spiky handwriting.

Dear Jake, it read.

Please come with the others and I to Hogsmade tomorrow. We got some fake ID's so we could get some fire whisky and all that good stuff at The Three Broomsticks. It'll be great! Ok actually that's a lie, we could get into the Hog's Head bar instead which is way cooler. Plus there is the Bakery Shop, I know you'll say that Jane's cooking is still better, but sometimes you have to waste cash on shitty good ok? It'll be fun and after today you need a break.

                From your mate,

                    Dirk Strider

Another drop of blood fell onto the yellowing parchment, it kinda stung.

"Oh Jake, you're going to bleed all over those beautiful sheets your gran gave you!" Terezi said with some ironic concern. He turned his head to the blind girl, she always mystified him. She didn't have a and or anything and she seemed to see perfectly fine but it was obvious that her eyes didn't work and were covered in glaze. It was so weird, but then again she could just probably fix her eyes with a spell, but whatever he had no classes with these people so he didn't really care.

"Yeah... Wait how did you know my gran gave me these sheets?"

"Lucky guess, but here! REPAIRO!" she said aiming her wand at his finger, making the wound close up, quickly. He wiped the excess blood off on his scarf.

"Thanks Ms. Pyrope," he said standing up and stretching. He supposed that a break was well deserved. Today must have been the breaking point, he didn't have the normal English spark today. He wasn't sick, he just had realized today, he wasn't the unstoppable adventurer that he thought of himself as. He was flawed, and he had gotten scared. Jake sighed and flopped back on his bed, he didn't feel like doing anything and he really didn't want to deal with Professor Dualscar in fifteen minutes. Potions was his worst class out of every class, maybe it's because Dualscar didn't really like him, and he also always somehow managed to blow the room up. Whenever he walked to that class seventh years would always cringe. He just wanted to... disappear.

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now