Chapter 9

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Jake ran down the street, past the post office and to the station. It would be empty by now and he could hide out there until the train could show up and take him back to the the campus where he could hide in his room for two days until

He touched his lips with his hand, they felt slightly softer than before. I mean that wasn't the worst first kiss he could've had. It wasn't awful and it did feel like Dirk had some experience before, he wondered with who. He did kinda have a weird feeling in his chest. His head hurt and his legs ached a little. Maybe it's because he ran down four blocks of stores. He plopped down on a waiting bench, with instant regret. The stupid bench was covered in splinters.

His mind moved away from the topic of his ass being impaled by a bench and instead back to Dirk. How would his brothers feel about him being... that. Did he already know? Did one know and the two were keeping it a secret from the other? How long had Dirk liked him like that? Did he feel the same? Ugh... this was too much to think about right now. Being a teenager is the worst adventure that he had faced yet... He looked out at the train tracks, they seemed blurred somehow. He felt his face, his glasses were there, but he also felt something run down his face. Why was he crying? There was nothing to cry about, except maybe the fact he ran away from the guy he might have a crush on, maybe. He couldn't even tell anymore. How could he?

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now