Chapter 29

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The year seemed to slip by, Dirk seemed to be holding on to the time with a bleeding fist, with Jake in his other arm. His fist was falling with the weight of responsibilities and the OWL exams coming up, also there was the fact that Roxy was pulling the two down by their ankles. She really just wanted the year to be over, even if it meant the older half of the group would be hurled headfirst into adult life. Dirk was very nervous about the whole thing, Jake could just as easily throw himself and Jane back into the muggle world. The whole year Dirk felt like he was running up the side of fucking Mount Evrest, failing with each step in the most miserable way.

First he started falling and slipping off of his broom during practice. They soon lost to Hufflepuff, making Vriska flip out at him and her taunts became relentless. Rose soon worried slightly about her cousin, but not enough to do anything about it.

Secondly Dirk began to let his grades slip, even his potions grade began to slip. The only class he could manage to keep up with was Muggle Studies. He already knew enough about them that it was impossible to fail that class. Though with his potion grade down, Dualscar was taunting him tirelessly in class and in the dorms. He regretted being a Slytherin even more than usual, he would constantly have to flip off his head of house now. Then again, he did that anyways because Dualscar is a total dick, but he did it even more now.

Dave had been drifting away from his older brother, acting much too suspicious for the older girl's liking. Roxy and Jane had began to follow him around, to no avail. They suspected he was doing quests for Doc Scratch with John, Jade, and Rose. Really after two weeks they got bored and just waited for one of the kids to slip up.
Jake had just been watching his friends slowly go insane throughout the semester. He sat by, watching Dirk slowly give up on his studies, he watched as Jane and Roxy obsessed over the younger members of their group. He just sat in the Gryffindor dorm for the majority of his down time, he didn't even have enough energy to try and hang out with Dirk in private. He would drag himself around like a ghost, going to meals and classes and then back up to his bed only occasionally going to Quidditch practices.

Throughout him being up there he had started to talk to his fellow Gryffindors. He had learned a little about the cranky Karkat and the airheads Gamzee. He had also learned that Karkat and Terezi were actually a really happy couple. He knew they went out but he never thought that they were very happy together. They both had personalities that rounded each other down to earth, or whatever planet they were on for that matter. He had also learned that Gamzee was going out with a Hufflepuff kid named Tavros. He really never had seen that guy, but Gamzee talked very fondly of him, so he seemed nice enough.

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now