Chapter 4

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Jane had been looking over Jake's shoulder when the Sade's had pierced the ground. He took a loud gasp of air, grabbing Jake's hand and forcing him away, hoping they weren't under attack.

"Jane?! What are you doing?!" Jake said, looking at her with a crazed look in his eyes. Jane just looked back to the shades pointing. Jake turned his head to look.

"Wait a moment... Aren't those..."

"Dirk's shades?" Jane said, finishing his sentence as she moved forwards to examine the crime scene. She kneeled down next to the dark glasses and picked them up with a gloved hand. She tilted her hand up to see where the shades origin was, but all she gained was a gasp.

"Jake, Dirk must have fallen off his broom near the forbidden forest! Go look for him, I'm going to go get Roxy and Dave for help!" she said running across the field, shades in hand. Jake looked towards the black twisted forest. It was horrific to even think of going in there, but he was a proud Gryffindor so he had to be brave! Plus if there was someone dying in there what kind of gentleman would he be if he left them to die in there? He ran forwards, forgetting any second guessing he could have kept along with him.

Dark tree limbs and stray twigs cut a scratch or two into Jake's face. A bug had died on his glasses. He couldn't think of anything, nothing besides saving his hopefully friend. He fell face first, tripping over a twisted root of coal. He tumbled head long down one of the biggest hills he had fallen down in a while. Then again that wasn't saying much, he didn't normally fall over when saving someone. When he finally stopped falling headlong into what seemed like hell, he sat straight up to see a curly black swarm of bark in front of him. Each branch seemed to have a crow perched on it and spell books were scattered around the base. From one branch a deep red blanket formed a makeshift tent over what seemed to be a swarm of leaves for a bed. A lock of lightly gelled, golden hair unfurled itself from beneath the grasps of the blanket tent. Jake contemplated his mission for a moment, realizing there was a very low chance that Dirk had just so happened to tumble in there. He was probably fine, somehow.

He shrugged and walked to the makeshift tent. Strider's figure inside came into view, he was laying on his back, staring up at the roof of the tent. He looked deep in thought, his eyes seemed to be darting from the left wall to the right at an alarming rate. Jake stepped even closer so he was almost standing over Dirk, who still didn't notice his presence. Jake saw his beautiful tangerine eyes. They were like flames, tangled with all of the thought and stress that chewed on his mind. They betrayed his cool demeanor, showing that he looked quite lonely, almost like he was ashamed that he had isolated the majority of the world. Jake looked quite distraught to see anyone look so sad when he could help.

"Uh... Dirk?" Jake said making Dirk hop up with a start.

"English?! What the hell are you doing here?!" he said with a hint of irritation laced in his voice. Jake reeled back, slightly hurt.

"I'm sorry, it's a long story but are you ok Dirk?"

"Of course I am! Now go hang out with your girlfriend or something! I'm trying to think about this riddle..."

"Girlfriend? I don't have a mate?"

"You don't have a girlfriend? I saw you with Jane though!" Dirk said, his frustration reaching critical.

"Jane is just a friend, she's like... A sister!"

"Sister... Uhhh I see..."

"Dirk, please just come with me. This place is dangerous and you might get eaten up by something!"

"I'm fine, I come out here all the time. It's the good ol' Strider think spot as founded by my big bro," Dirk said gesturing to the tree that was obviously covered in rot. Jake sighed and turned around on his heel.

"Fine, fine, I'll just leave you here. I wanted to go hang out with you but oh no, you want to sit in the forbidden forest! GREAT!" Jake said losing his shit a tiny bit. Dirk just looked up in awe.

"You'd want to hang out with me? But I'm a Slytherin and you're a Gryffindor," Dirk said, staring up at him in shock. Jake just looked back confused.

"Why should you care? Not all Slytherins are evil, that's a motto I live by!" Jake said smiling back holding a hand out to help Dirk up. He adjusted his glasses with his other hand smiling in the sweetest way possible. Dirk took his hand, standing up with his help. Jake handed him a handkerchief to wipe his face from the red lint that had huddled on his face. Dirk just shook his head making the lint circle around them like fireflies in a crappy teen romance movie. Jake just laughed as he lead Dirk back to the campus.

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now