Chaoter 36

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Three years had passed since the older group of teens had graduated from Homewarts school for witchcraft and wizardry, even the younger teens had graduated by this point. At this present moment in spring, Dirk and Jake were walking through Hogsmade, they were both on holiday from each of their schools and they thought it would be nice to see the town in the new season. Dirk had wrapped his arm around Jake, holding him close as they walked through the cool wind.

Down the block Jane was flicking her wand at a building, gathering the attention of the whole street, Including Jake and Dirk. The boys quickened their speed to see what the commotion was about. Roxy, back to her drunk self as usual, was shouting and throwing out flyers to the crowd. Jane was concentrating, the look of determination was evident on her features. Jake yanked one of the purple flyers out of the breeze. He held it up to Dirk, whom had grown even taller than the poor Brit, to real the swirling letters.

Come to Roxy and Jane's bakery and bar!
Opens April third at noon!
We serve hand made pastries and home brewed achohol
We also deliver to order!

This paragraph, which was obviously written by Roxy, was then followed by moving pictures of the cakes Jane had made for graduation and a sparkling pink drink. Dirk looked up with a smirk.

"Seems they've done it eh, Dirk?"

"Yup," the stoic Strider said with a smirk. He lead the short Brit up to the front of the crowd and up the steps of the building. He nodded to Jane, who seemed to know what was happening. Jake looked at her, obviously confused, she just shrugged. Dirk finished his prompt tugging on Jake by leading him into the empty blue room. They both looked around for a minute before Dirk let go of the smaller teen.

The blonde fell to one knee, his smirk only growing as well as Jake's confusion. He struggled in his back pocket. For a moment, until he managed to fish out a velvet green box.

"Jake English, every day I'm not with you I seem to lose a piece of myself to the shadow cast by our ignorance, will you do me the honor of being my husband?" Dirk finally said, leaving Jake in shock. His mouth gapped open, showing his buck teeth he had unfortunately never got rid of. Dirk's smirk began to fade, realizing that he may have fucked up.

"Are you a moron?" Jake started, making Dirk look dumbfounded, "Of course I would love to, Dirk!"

Dirk grinned, popping open the box weighing in his hands. It revealed a thin forest ring with a small emerald engraved on top. The blonde slipped the ring onto Jake's slender fingers with a smiled. A genuine, non Strider smirking, smile. Jake quickly captured his partner's lips, wrapping his arms around the taller teen's neck.

The door sprang open with a ring, revealing the two girls and a Avalanche of cherry blossoms. All according to Dirk's fantasy. Roxy pouted a bit.

"Both of ya get out, I need to propose to Janey!"

"You were going to propose to me?!?"

"I still am... If they'd get out of the store!"

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now