Chapter 3

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Dirk sat at the end of the Slytherin table so she could sit next to the Ravenclaw table close enough to talk to his bro and cousin. Rose sat next to him, chatting to Kanaya quietly, but still annoying him to no end. He pushed the eggs around on his plate with his fork. He watched his silver, four-pronged fork scrape against the sparkling gold plate with all of his concentration.

"Dirky? Helloooooooo? You in the world of magic or not?" Roxy said tapping his shoulder. He ignored her, darting his eyes around the room. That stupid English wasn't at his stupid fucking table again. Where the hell did he go on Saturday mornings?! As it was gnawing away at his consciousness, Dave bopped him on the head with his wand.

"Earth to Dirk Strider, coming in from the planet of stupidity it's Dave Strider. Please respond. You're scaring Rox," Dave said, brushing his platinum gold locks that barely looked real. Dirk whipped around and glared at him.

"I'm trying to work through a riddle!" Dirk snapped at his younger brother. Dave took a metaphorical step back, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Then why don't you ask the two smartasses at the lil' group here... Or are you going to ask your puppet?"

"Shut up!" Dirk groaned, flipping his head around. He forced his head into his hands and groaned. The last thing he wanted to do was talk about that pitiful Jake English with his little brother. He sighed a forced sigh as he threw himself up from the table.

"I'm going to go to the thinking spot, don't follow me." Dirk said storming out the door to grab his broom. Too bad he had left the bloody thing in the Slytherin common room. He hated it down there. It was much too muggy and dark for his liking. Plus, it always smelled like a sewer down there. He was absolutely shocked that people were proud to be Slytherins and we're proud to live in a glorified basement that was painted green.

He threw the door open and walked in, quickly scooping up the familiar elm wood broom. The thin wood handle felt like home in his broom. He remembered the day his brothers had gotten him the broom. It was the day before his birthday and he was so excited to soar up against the sky. He may have been a little too excited, because he flew up with it so quickly that the broom spiked and he fell down, breaking his arm in two. He laughed slightly at the fond memory. He really did miss their older brother. He rarely was home when they were able to go home, and when he was he always seemed really stressed out. He brushed off the memory of his stressed out brother, so he could fondly remember the old brother he knew.

He walked up the stairs up to the main hall where he found a luckily opened window. He allowed his feet to instinctively alline with the open glass, flipping the broom to a comfortable position between his legs he trust himself forwards out the window. As he began to free fall he felt his hands grip around the now splintered elm. A few thorns poked and pricked his hands as he thrust his stick up so he began to balanced himself mid air. Flying always amazed him. Being in the air always let him cut the ties between being a pure blood and a Slytherin to being nothing. This is what he imagined muggle drugs were like, letting your world gracefully strip away to nothing.

He smiled against the slight breeze as he flew forward in a straight line, dipping and swerving when needed. He gazed down at the open, vast fields of green. He passed over the Quidditch field, looking down expecting to see nothing but the empty bleachers. No wait, there was someone sitting in the center on the field. No... It was two people. It was Jane and Jake... Together on a... Date.

Dirk stopped concentrating his power to keep him afloat, his whole brain completely shattered. He was always the one on top of everything, but now he couldn't. His broom took a large dip and he felt his pointed shades loosened themselves from his pointed nose. They fell to the ground in five seconds, sticking straight up in the grass. He couldn't figure out what to do anymore. He couldn't tell what was happening, except the fact he was drowning in his own thoughts instead of swimming through them. He prepared for landing much faster than what he normally did. Dirk's broom began to nose dive until he was safely at the large black tree, the one he and Dave would go to think. It was home.

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now