Chapter 15

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The night of the Yule ball moved swiftly away, and it was soon time for the students to go one for the holidays. Jake was set to go home the next night from the ball. He had to borrow the suit he wore from one of Rose's friends named Kanaya. Apparently Kanaya had made it for a Slytherin student named Eridan, but he pissed her off so he never received it. Jake shrugged it off, glad he at least got a suit for that magical night.

Dirk was set to go back to his Brother's house with Dave the day later, much to his displeasure. Jake had told him it would be fine and he gave him their muggle phone number. Dave had gotten a letter from his brother a few weeks before saying he had gotten them a human landline from a garage sale, for curiosity's sake of course. Jake instructed him how to use it the hour before he left. Dirk saw him off with a sigh and a wave as the train pulled away. Jake waved back sadly, returning the same feeling that Dirk had deep down.

Dirk returned to the almost empty Slytherin common room, and flopped on one of the moth-bitten couches of dusted green. It was muggy and disgusting, but at least he got to leave on the marrow. A droplet of water fell into his corn colored locks. He groaned and stood, Signless was supposed to fix this dumb leak but he never did. He always seemed to be hanging around Professor Disciple instead of actually doing the work he was supposed to do.

Dirk walked up the spiral staircase and and he walked to the library. Professor Psiionic was waving his dual wands around shelving the books, almost knocking over everything. Dirk ducked under a rain of books, quickly grabbing one titled The History Of Muggles: Their Culture and Inventions. He cracked back the spine on the familiar text and began to skim through the pages, the ones he had read many times before. He threw his thumb onto the page to read it.
The page had elegant, Japanese styled drawings. He scanned it, even though he already knew every word. Everything about how there were different languages and 'types' of Muggles. It was always so interesting to the Pureblood. All of the other Slytherin students would wonder why he got an O in muggle studies. He never knew what it was about them but it intrigued him. How could they do anything without magic? How could they have so much more than his world without magic? The thought hit him like a punch to the gut, they had more inventions because they had no magic. They had no magical way to communicate so they made television and the Internet to speed news around the world. They had no magical way to travel so they made cars and planes to move about the planet. Muggles were magical, and they went far beyond wizards. Purebloods always thought that Muggles were stupid weaklings, but if anything they were much more clever, archiving the same things of wizards with their own hands. They weren't oblivious little monkeys, they were much more innovative. Dirk sat in shock over this revolution, achieving a strange stare from Professor Psiionic. He didn't care, it proved it, they were really the ignorant species.

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now