Loki~ Midgardian Outing

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After Loki's defeat in New York, he was being held prisoner of shield. You were the agent in charge of Loki. You loved your assignment, ever since you were a little girl you've always been fascinated with Norse Mythology. And now you have a living breathing God to watch over. Loki took a liking to you as soon as you introduced yourself. "Hello my name is Agent (Y/L/N) but you can call me (Y/N)" you said as you gave a slight curtsey. After all he is a prince. He stood up from his seat walked over to you and gave is signature smile. Loki took your hand in his, placed his cool lips to your knuckles and gave you a wink. This made you blush and give a slight giggle.

A few months after your introduction you noticed Loki wasn't eating and he didn't to seem to have the same enthusiasm in this voice when you two would talk. You were positive that the change was due to the fact he was a prisoner. So you went to Director Fury to see if you could take Loki out on an outing since he's been behaving so well. " You may take him out but always have him in your sight, we don't need another event like New York happening again." Fury said as you grinned from ear to ear think you get to take Loki out of his cell and show him around.

Loki was laying on his bed facing away from you when you walked into the cell. You heard a slight snore coming from the God of mischief. You walked over to the bed to get a good look at the sleeping giant. "He looks so peaceful when he sleeps" you thought "and sexy too." Then a all too familiar laugh made you jump back from the bed as Loki stretched and swung his long legs over the side. He rubbed his green eyes and said "So you think I'm sexy?" You blushed and tried to hide your face but with his slender but strong fingers he turned your chin to make you look at him. "Don't hide your blush darling I think you're sexy too" he says with a low chuckle.

Once you can trust your voice you tell him that you are taking him on an outing. His face lights up as he realizes he gets to leave this cells and see the sun for the first time in months. "But no funny business mister" you tease as he grins and nods his head. "I would never misbehave around you Lady (Y/N)" Loki said as he kissed you knuckles.

You hand him some Midgard clothing so he can blend in. He comes walking out in black jeans, green v neck and leather jacket. You couldn't help but stare. And he stared right back since you were wearing a lacy skirt and red v neck that matched your lipstick. "Wow Lady (Y/N) you look amazing" he said trying to keep his jaw from falling open. You blush and say "you don't look too bad yourself". As you lead him out of shields headquarters he whispers "Even Though red is a lovely color on you I would much like to see you in my colors then my brothers" Then magically your top turns into an emerald green color.

The first thing you two do is go to your favorite book store. You and Loki love you read so you thought this would be the perfect first stop. You both got 3 books each, Loki's was all Shakespeare and yours were Mythology and cookbooks. Next stop was the park that had a huge fountain. You loved to go there to read and throw wishes into the fountain. You gave Loki a coin and told him how wishes work. He looks at you confused but throws the coin in anyway. Once you two find a bench you ask what his wish was. "For this day never to end" he said looking at you shyly. You couldn't help but feel bad because you know at the end of the day he has to go back in his cell.

You have lunch at this cafe by the park. You were happy to see Loki got his appetite back and the outing was working. The last stop was the beach. You waded in the water as Loki watched from the sand. You begged him to come in but he absolutely wanted no part of it. So you splashed him and boy was he mad. He stomped all the way to the blanket and sat with is arms crossed. You quickly got out and tried to apologize but he wouldn't listen. You finally gave up and sat quietly next to him. It was pure silence for a few minutes till you felt yourself being picked up and carried to the water. He was going to throw you in, you kicked and squirmed and yelled but nothing was going to stop Loki.

Then splash you are thrown into the water. You could hear Loki laughing before you broke the surface of the water. You wined as he continued to laugh. You walk up to him and slap his face hard. Loki hold his cheek as he continues to laugh. He gives you a hug and looks into your eyes telling you he's had a wonderful day. He picks you up again and carries you to the blanket. He covers you in a towel and holds you close to warm you.

You two watch the sunset on the beach when Loki turns you to face him. "You know I've haven't had this much fun for a long time. I enjoy spending time with you (Y/N). Every morning when I see your smiling face it gives me hope that one day I won't be a prisoner anymore. (Y/N) I love you ever since the day you were assigned to me. The way you find the good in everything. The way you treat me like a person and not the monster I am. I want to be good and make you proud. I don't know if you feel the same way about me, I just want you know how I feel" You were shocked you had no idea the effect you had on him. Sure you saw the chances in him but you didn't know you caused them. You didn't know what to say all you could do was hug him. He hugged back and leaned in for a kiss and you did the same. You stayed on the beach till midnight. You two went to your house since it was too late to go back to shield.

In the morning to told Fury you wanted to try a new rehabilitation system with Loki. He would live with you and he like an assistant. Give him a purpose so he doesn't fall back into old habits. Fury agreed to this and would hold you responsible if anything goes wrong. You were willing to take that chance.
Loki now your assistant and boyfriend spent your days like any other couple but with an Asgardian twist. He taught you magic and you got so good at it that you two would play trick on each other.

Tom and Loki one shots (#Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now