Tom~ Vacation pt3

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You walk into the hotel and a person at the desk waves at Tom. "Must be something about the room. You can head up and I'll be there in a minute." He says handing you the key and walking over to the desk. You go up to your room and decide to start a bubble bath. Tom down stairs talks to the man at the desk. "Hello Mr. Hiddleston. I got that thing you wanted." He said handing Tom a box. "Thank you. She will love it." He heads up to the room box in hand. "Darling I got a surprise for you." He calls in a sing song voice. "In the hot tub dearest." You reply. He walks into the bathroom seeing you in the tub with bubbles up to your neck. "The surprise can wait. I'd like to join you." He says taking off his clothes and getting in. "Hope it's not too hot." You say as he eases into the water. "No it's good. Now come over here and sit in my lap." He says wrapping his arms around you and placing you in between his legs. You rest you head on his chest and he leans back against the jets. "This feels amazing." "Indeed it does." You say intertwining your fingers with his. "What do you want to do tomorrow?" He asks playing with your feet under the water. "I saw they have guided tours of the city and St Petersburg. That would be fun." "It sounds like it. Let's do that tomorrow then." You nod and relax in the warm water for a while. "I'm getting wrinkly think Im going to get out." "Ok and your surprise is in the box on the bed." He says as you wrap a towel around yourself. You walk into the bedroom and slowly open the box. "Oh my god Tom! It's one of those muff sets. Thank you." You squeal as he walks into the room with a towel around his waist. "You're very welcome. You can wear it with your dress when we go to the ballet." "Ooo yes it will go well with it." You say giving him a long kiss. You feel him pull off your towel as his falls too. He holds your body close to his as he squeezes your ass. You let out a moan as he kisses your neck. He gently lays you down on the bed. You willingly submit to him as his manhood slowly fills your warm core. He is so gentle with you while you make love it's almost as he's worried someone will catch you. He climaxes and fills your woman hood with his warm seed. "Thank you darling." You whisper as he pulls out of you. "No thank you my love. Maybe this time it works." "Let's hope." You say as he kisses your stomach for good luck and cuddles you close. "I love you (Y/N). I couldn't imagine my life without you." I love you too Tom. Thank you for being my knight in shining armor." You say as you kiss his nose and fall asleep.

The next morning you get ready for the day and head down to the lobby. You go get some breakfast and Tom goes to the front desk to see if he could buy the tour tickets. He comes over to the table and says, "we have to hurry the tour starts in an hour." "Oh ok well I'm done. But you should eat something too." "Head out to the car and I'll grab something." He says as he walks over to where the food is. You get into the care and it's not long till he come sliding in with a pastry in his mouth and a banana in his hand. You arrive at the tour building just in time. You quickly get on and find a seat.

The tour starts off with the guide giving a history lesson about the city. Then he goes into the importance of each building you pause at to take pictures. Once you've gone through Moscow the tour goes to St Petersburg. The guide goes through the same lesson but allows you to get off and explore the city for yourself. You and Tom take pictures of the beautiful churches and buildings. Tom stops you to get a picture of you in front of a church. He takes the photo when an elderly man approaches you. "Excuse me miss, may I ask you something?" "Yes sir. What is it?" "Are you a Romanoff?" He asks taking your hand into his. "No sir? May I ask why?" "Because you look like the Princess Anastasia." "Awe that's sweet but I'm no princess." "Well I sure looks like it with that man taking pictures of you." The man chuckles and kisses your hand. "You have a good day." "You too." You say giving him a kiss on the cheek causing him to blush. "You take good care of her." The man says to Tom. "I will." He walks away and you continue exploring. "Do I really look like Anastasia?" "I don't really know but we can probably find a museum with paintings of her and the Romanoffs." Tom says taking another picture of you. You head back to the bus and it brings you back to Moscow. You get in the car search on your phone where there is a museum. "It says there is one 15 minutes away." "We can go if you want. But let's eat first I'm hungry." Tom chuckles.

You eat then go to the museum. "Two tickets please." You say in Russian and the worker stares at you. They realize it and quickly hands you the tickets. "That was weird." You look at a map to see where the Romanoff exhibit is. "Looks like it's upstairs." Tom says leading you to the steps. You notice people are staring at you. You become insecure, thinking you have something on your face or clothes. "Tom is there something wrong with me? Do I have a stain or something on my face?" You whisper and he looks. "No nothing out of the ordinary." "Then why are people staring at me?" "I don't know. I don't like it either." He says pulling you clowns to him. You reach the exhibit and there in the middle of the room is a large painting of the Romanoffs. And you realize how much you look like Anastasia. "Oh my god it's like I'm looking at a mirror." You say covering your mouth in shock. "Wow it's like you are twins. That's amazing." Tom says looking at the painting then back to you. "How is this possible?" "I have no clue darling. Maybe you are the lost princess." Tom says taking your hand. "Not possible because that would make me over 100 years old." "I like older women." Tom chuckles and you give him a glare. "I'm just teasing. It is said that there are 7 people in the world that look like you. Looks like you're one of the 7." You look at the whole exhibit trying to understand what happened to the family more. Hours pass and the museum is about to close. "Time to go my love it's getting late." "Ok I'm tried and confused anyway. Let's go back."

You fall asleep on the car ride back. He carries you to the room and helps you out of your clothes. He puts the blankets over you trying not to wake you. He sits in a chair just watching you. "I don't understand either. I saw it with my own eyes. You're the spitting image of the princess." He whispers to himself. He knows it's no where near possible but there is also a what if buzzing the the back of his mind. Tom shrugs it off and gets in bed. He nuzzles his face in your hair and instantly falls asleep.

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