Tom~Vacation pt2

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You feel the plane starting to descend, your eyes shoot open and you cling to Tom. "Hey darling don't be scared we're just landing." "Wait we're here already?" You say scooting over to the window to see. All there is is darkness at first then you begin to see the tops of buildings and small lights. "What time is it here?" "I believe around 2am. Wanna know something?" Tom asks starting to gather up your things. "Yeah?" "You sleep angry." You turn to him looking very confused. "When you were sleeping you kept your jaw clenched like you were angry." He laughs as he puts his hand to your cheek. "I think I do that so my mouth doesn't fall open when I sleep upright." "Makes sense. Get ready it's going to get bumpy." You sit back in your seat and hold toms hand tight. There are a few bumps but you slowly coast to a stop. You get ready to leave as the stewardess welcomes you to Moscow. You smile wide and thank her as you exit. You and Tom head over to the baggage claim and wait. You rest your head on his shoulder and sigh. "What's wrong?" "Nothing just tired." "Awe ok my love we will be at the hotel soon." He says kissing your head and playing with your fingers. He sees your bags and walks over to get them. "Do we have a rental?" You ask taking your suitcase. "Yep it should be here when we go over to the rental desk." He takes your hand and you mosey on over. Tom quickly gives them his information and signs for the car. He gets the keys and leads you to the car. "Oooo a BMW so fancy." You giggle as he opens the door for you. "Only the best baby." You kiss his cheek before getting in. He puts the luggage in the trunk and hops in. "A lot colder then I expected." He says as he leaves the airport. "Well it is Russia in late January. Did you bring warm enough clothes?" "Yes darling. Just not wearing warm enough clothes right now." He laughs as you pull into the hotel. You press your face to the glass of the window to marvel at the beautiful building. "Wow that's amazing." You whisper. Tom comes over and let's you out. He leads you into the lobby so you can get checked in. The valet brings in your luggage and goes to park the car. You and Tom take the elevated up to your suite. "I'm so happy right now. Thank you Thomas." "You're welcome my love." You says as holds you close and passionately kisses you. The kiss was long and made you melt till you had to breathe. Once the elevator opened he said, "room 516." You laugh as he turns to you. "What?" "516? That's our anniversary." Tom chuckles, "well isn't that something." You find the room and open the door. The suite was breath taking. Beautiful reds and golds. Champagne and chocolate on the table. Enormous bed and bathroom with what looked like a hot tub. "Wow this is absolutely incredible!" "Yeah it is." Tom says setting down your luggage. You plop on the bed and sigh. "Now this is what I need right now. And my fantastic husband to cuddle with." You say as he lays on top of you. You poke his nose playfully as he attacks your face and neck with kisses. "We should get into our pajamas." "Or we could sleep in our underwear so we cuddle closer for warmth." You say as you bat your eyelashes. "I like the way you think darling." He says taking off his clothes and you do the same. You both get under the covers and turn off the light. He pulls you close to him and presses his lips softly to yours. "Welcome to Moscow wife." "Welcome to Moscow husband." And with that you both fall asleep.

Tom woke up before you so he got his shower and changed. He saw you were still sleeping so he went down to the front dest to ask where he would buy tickets to the ballet and circus. He was told they could all be purchased here at the hotel. "What would be a good thing to see our first official day in Moscow?" The man at the desk thought about it and asked, "How well do you understand Russian?" "I don't but my wife knows the basics and this trip is for her." "Ok then I suggest the circus first. Something exciting for your first day. May I ask how long you're staying?" "Four days. And in those days she wants to see the city, the circus, St Petersburg and the ballet." Tom says paying for the tickets. "That sounds great. Do you have any other questions?" "Oh yeah where would I buy those vintage hat and muff sets? My wife adores them." The person at the desk laughs. "She seems very fashionable then. And enjoys what our culture has to offer. I can personally go out and get you a set then bill it to your room. Is that ok?" "Yes that's great. She won't even suspect she's getting one." Tom chuckles. "What color would she like?" "Umm probably black or gray. Thank you so much." "Not a problem Mr. Hiddleston. Enjoy the circus." With that Tom goes to the breakfast bar. He makes a plate for you and him to take back up to the room. He quietly opens the door just in case you were still sleeping. He comes into the bedroom to find you stirring in your sleep. He caresses your cheek and gives you a light kiss as you open your eyes. "Good morning (Y/N) I brought you breakfast." You sit up as he puts the plate in your lap. "Good morning. Thank you this looks good." You say biting into a pastry. "Guess where we are going today." Tom says hiding the tickets behind his back. "Where?" "The circus!" He says as he pulls the tickets out from behind his back smiling. "Yay we get to see lions and elephants!" "Yep but not if you don't get out of bed darling." Tom chuckles as he puts his forehead to yours. "I really can't thank you enough. You made my dream come true." You say tearing up. "It's my job to make your dreams come true my love. I would be a terrible husband is I didn't." He says wiping your eyes and hugging you tight. He whispers in your ear, "Now go get ready for the day my princess." You shower and dress as Tom watches tv on the couch. You stand in the door way watching his face crinkle in confusion. "You don't understand a word they are staying do you?" You giggle and he turns off the tv. "Not a word. Good thing I have you." He says smiling at you. "So besides the circus what are we doing today?" "I thought we could drive around the city for a bit and go shopping." Tom says grabbing the keys. "Sounds good." You say leaving the room.

You two drive all over the city. You take pictures with your phone if the buildings and sculptures. "It's about lunch time. Are you hungry?" Tom asks. "I could go for some food." You say searching on your phone where the restaurants are. "It says there's a big cluster of restaurants down this road." "Alright. What is a Russian dish anyway?" "Stroganoff is a Russian dish." "Oh ok so nothing completely new." He says as he parks the car. You two walk into a restaurant and are shown to a booth. Tom looks at the menu and quickly puts it down. "Like me to read it to you?" You giggle. "Yes please." You read him the menu and he decides to try Kotlety, a dish kinda like Salisbury stake. And you pick Shashlky, a kind of shish kebab. When your food arrives you both share your meals. Each dish was delicious. Once you were finished Tom asked, "wanna get dessert?" "Oh I'm stuffed. Don't think I can eat another bite." You giggle rubbing your stomach. "Got yourself a food baby huh." He laughs rubbing his stomach as well. "I do too." You pay for the meal and walk around the little shopping area for a whole. "We should start heading to the circus. It starts at 7 and its 5:30 now." Tom says. "Alright. Don't wanna miss the good seats. And find the place in time." You say as you head back to the car. You search the address and use the gps. Tom follows the directions given to him and you see a big arena. "That must be it." "Yeah now just have to find a parking spot." He says driving up and down the aisles of the parking lot. He parks and you two walk into the arena. You like to sit in the middle because if you're too high up you sometimes get a nose bleed. Tom spots two seats in the middle section and walks quickly to get them before someone else does. You make it in time and watch as the arena starts to fill up. "Good thing we got here early." You say looking at the bulletin you got as you walked in. "Yeah this place is packed." "Well it is a Friday." You say putting you hand in his and resting your head on his shoulder. After a while the lights dim and the circus starts. He watches your face light up at the different acts. He laughs when you squeal when an animal comes out. Seeing the joy on your face brings tears to his eyes. He quickly wipes them away before you can see. Durning the show he leaves to use the restroom and brings back cotton candy. "How did you get this?" "The vender could speak English." He says kissing your cheek and taking a bite of cotton candy. Once the show was over you file of of the arena and back to the cars. "That was amazing! Did you see the bear on the ball! So cool." You exclaim slightly skipping out to the car. "Yes I saw darling." He chuckles. "You hungry for dinner?" "Not really still full from lunch. I still have all those snacks back at the hotel." You say getting into the car. "Ok. I'm still full too. My food baby is still there." Tom says poking at his stomach. "Mine too." You say lifting up your shit to poke your stomach. You head back to the hotel and Tom asks, "Was day one a success?" "Sure was! Can't wait for what's in store tomorrow." You say resting your hand on his thigh. "Glad you had fun my love. Can't wait to cuddle you when we get in the room." He says kissing your hand. "Yay cuddles."

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