Tom~ First Day Of School

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It was a warm late summer evening that the family was sitting on the porch. Your little 5 year old Sally was playing with her toy horses while your baby Beau was sound asleep in your arms. Tom was playing with Sally when storm clouds rolled in. "Think we should head inside. I don't like the look of those clouds." You say as lighting illuminates the sky and thunder cracks. Sally is terrified of thunderstorms and instantly screams at the sound of the thunder. Tom quickly scoops her up and gets inside. You hold Beau tightly against you protecting him from the blowing rain. "My horses are still out there daddy." Sally cries as he tries to set her down to go get them. "Darling I have to set you down so I can get them." He says pushing back her wet hair. "No!" She screams latching on to him tighter as he tries to set her down again. "I'll get them." You say putting Beau down in his playpen.

You rush out into the storm trying to quickly gather up Sally's horses. You come back inside completely soaked and shivering. Placing the toys on the counter to dry them off you feel a towel wrap around you and two pairs of lips on your cheek. "Thank you mommy." Sally says as she climbs into your arms. "You're welcome sweetie." Tom drys the small horses when another roar of thunder shakes the house. Sally screams and buries her face into your neck. "Shhh darling it's ok I'm here. Nothing's going to hurt you." You coo in her ear as you sit on the couch. Once Tom is finished drying toys he walks over to Beaus playpen. "He's still asleep." He chuckles sitting next to you and Sally. "Daddy why is it so loud." She says covering her ears. "Well my love it's just uncle Chris fighting frostgiants." Her head perks up. "Uncle Chris is being Thor now?" "That's right. He's fighting bad guys with his hammer to keep you, your brother, all your cousins, and mommy and daddy safe." He says taking her into his arms as you check on Beau. "But you're a frostgiant too. Aren't you daddy?" "Yes sometimes but I'm a good guy. Uncle Chris doesn't need to fight me. Don't you think I'm a good guy?" Tom says tickling her stomach. Sally squirms and giggles, "Yes daddy you're a good guy." "Great now listen." Tom says waiting for her to realize the storm has stopped. "No more thunder!" "That's right Thor must have defeated all the bad guys." "Thank you uncle Chris!" She says to the ceiling. You and Tom couldn't help but laugh. Sally hops off toms lap to go play with her horses again.

"Do you think uncle Chris will take me to see the horses again?" Sally asks bringing an arm full of her toys to the coffee table. "We could take you." You say gently rocking your little boy in your arms. "Really? Can we go tomorrow?" "You have school tomorrow dear maybe on the weekend." Tom says sitting next to her as she plays. "Are you excited for your first day at school Sally?" You ask petting her head. "Yes mommy. I get to use my new crayons and Sofia the first book bag." "That's right and get to make new friends and learn things." Tom says placing her in his lap. "We should get to bed early. You got to wake up early tomorrow darling." "But I'm not tired." Sally whines as Tom picks her up. "I bet once you get all comfy in bed and close your little eyes you'll be fast asleep." He says rubbing his nose on hers. "But what if there is thunder at school?" "You just got to remember thunder is just uncle Chris fighting bad guys." You say following them into her room. "Can I tell people my uncle is Thor?" "Sure sweetie and maybe there is another kid in your class that doesn't like thunder and you can tell them why it's not so scary." You help her into some pajamas while Tom goes to put Beau in his crib.

As you tuck her into bed Tom comes back into the room. "You're becoming a big girl my pet." You say playing with her hair. "First day of school, get to learn things and make friends. What would you like for lunch tomorrow?" "Umm peanut butter jelly and fruit snacks. Who's going to take me?" "Who do you want?" Tom chuckles kneeling beside her bed. She thinks about the question for a little then says, "I want both of you." You and Tom laugh, "Well that can be arranged."

You notice her getting sleepy as you and Tom sing her lullaby. Once she closes her eyes she's out like a light. As you quietly walk out of her room Tom takes your hand in his. "What's wrong?" "Nothing it's just our baby girl is starting school tomorrow." "Wanna talk about it over some tea." You say gently squeezing his hand. He nods and follows you into the kitchen.

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