Tom~ I Promise

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You were cleaning your apartment when you received a text. You look down at your phone to see it was Tom your ex boyfriend. "Hello (Y/N) I'm going to be in town this weekend and would like to go get some tea." You scoff at the message. "Pff yeah right fuck you." You say to yourself ignoring the message. A few hours go by and you get another massage. "I know we left things messy but please I'd like to talk about it." Your blood boils at the word "We" and you quickly message him back. "I don't remember it being a we thing. You're the one who left." "I know and I'd like to talk about it. Please (Y/N) I'm trying to make this right." He says and you reply, "Fine but you're buying my drink." "I was planning on doing that anyway. Saturday at 11 sound good. The usual place?" "Yes that's fine. See you then I guess." You send the massage and plop down in your bed. Rush of memories fill your head as you remember the good times with Tom. Then the bad things sink in. You two were engaged but he cheated on you with another woman. You saw them kissing when you went to surprise him while he was filming. You told his manager Luke to return the ring to Tom since you won't be needing it anymore. Tom found the ring on a table in his trailer and he knew he couldn't go back to you and explain. He was caught and stared at the ring before putting it away. Luke came to your house to get Tom's things and said his goodbyes. "I'm so sorry (Y/N) I had no idea this was going on." He says hugging you tight. "It's not your fault. I just wasn't good enough I guess." "Please don't say that. You're the best thing he's ever had. He's just being absolutely stupid for throwing you away like that. Just know I will give him a swift kick in the pants when I give him his things." You laugh as he hugs you again before leaving.

When Luke got back he did give Tom an earful. "What the hell is wrong with you? You proposed to her! You were going to be married! Then you just throw that all way for some random girl? I'm disappointed in you Tom really. I thought you were better then that." Tom just sits there quietly looking at the box of his belongings.

You shake the memories by pouring some wine and watching tv. Tom on the other hand paces around his hotel room trying to figure out how to apologize to you and explain himself. He knew he hurt you and he wanted to fix it even though it's been a year since the incident. "Come on Tom think there has to be away." He says to himself before laying on the bed. "I doubt she will forgive me. I was so stupid. She was so good to me." He whispers as tears run down his cheeks. "I just wish to see her again at least." He curls up under the blankets remembering everything about your relationship.

Saturday rolls around and you've been dreading this day. You just want to forget you ever loved Tom Hiddleston but something in you're heart made you give him a chance to explain. You get dressed and walk to the coffee shop you and him would always met at. You walk in and see him at a corner booth. A fire of rage sparks when your eyes meet but you keep your anger hidden. "Got your usual. Earl gray with 3 lumps of sugar and a few ice cubes to get it to drinking temperature." He says as you sit down. "Is it real sugar or sweetener? Can't have real sugar anymore." You say coldly as he looks at you surprised by your new way of taking tea. "Umm I don't think so I'll get you a new one." "You don't have to I'll just drink water." You say as he slowly sits back down. "So how have you been?" "Fine you?" "I'm ok. Are you ok? You haven't looked up at me ever since you sat down." "Well I don't particularly want to look at the man that cheated on me." You say bluntly. You finally look at him and he sees your blood shot eyes and fading tear stained cheeks. "I'm so sorry (Y/N) I was so stupid for letting you go. I just want to make this right." He whispers taking your hand in his. You pull away from his grasp and put your hands in your lap. "Please don't touch me." A tear rolls down your cheek as you quickly brush it away. "Tell me what to do to fix it. I want you back (Y/N). I miss you dearly." "You want me back? Well maybe you should have thought of that when you were all over that girl. Want to know how to fix it? Just leave me the hell alone." You say through gritted teeth and quickly walk out the shop.

Tom comes running after you. "I'm not letting you slip through my fingers again." He says grabbing your wrist. You smack him hard across the face for him to let you go and you continue your way back home. He catches up to you falling to his knees. "(Y/N) please I need you. Life has been terrible without you. I know what I did hurt you and I regret it everyday. Please just give me a sign we can go back to the way things were." He says as tears stream down his cheeks. You look at the groveling mess that is at your feet. "Get up you look ridiculous." "If that's what it takes to give me a second chance I will stay down here." "Get up Thomas." You growl and he scrambles to his feet. He knows when you use his full name your not playing around. "I guess we can talk about things at my place." You say as you turn to continue home. Tom quietly follows you knowing he is walking on egg shells.

Once back home you sit in the living room. "Nice tv stand what happened to the old one?" He asks trying to make conversation. "It broke so I got a new one." "I still have your ring." He whispers. "It's not my ring." "I bought it for you. It's picked out for you. It was a symbol of my love for you. There for its your ring." You sigh remembering how gorgeous the ring was. Silver band with a large (Y/F/C) diamond in the middle and little diamonds around it. Then you look at you bare finger where it used to be. Tom notices and comes over to your chair resting on his knees. "(Y/N) please darling look at me. I promise you I will be better. You're the only woman for me. I still love you with all my heart and I wish to marry you. All I need is a chance and I will prove it to you." You look at him for a long time trying to figure him out but he was telling the truth. You could tell in his eyes. You get up from your chair walking past him to head to your room. He watches confused and frightened that you are leaving when you say, "well are you coming? I think we are supposed to have make up sex or something." He runs to your side kissing you deeply. "I promise." He whispers and you put your finger to his lips. "The only sounds I want to hear is us moaning each other's name in the heat of passion." With this he scoops you up and takes you into the room. He lays you down on the bed removing your clothes and his. He takes in the sight of your naked body. "My god I missed this." He breathes as he places kisses on your thighs. He crawls up to you as you feel his slender fingers at your entrance. He slides 2 of them in your womanhood, massaging and loosening you up for his cock. You moan and arch your back as he presses down on your spot. He kisses and nibbles your neck and chest just the way he knows you love. Once you are good and wet you feel him line his manhood up with your tight hole. "Don't keep me waiting." You moan and he thrusts into you. He starts off slow as you match his movements then picks up the pace. He slams into you causing you both to be a moaning screaming mess. He cums first filling your tight pussy with his warm seed. He's movements become shaky trying to get you to finish. "It's ok Tom just rest." You say as he collapses on your chest. "I'm sorry. It's just been so long." He pants. "I know it's ok hush now." You whisper while playing with his hair. You rest in each other's arms for a while till he rolls on the the other side of the bed. "I have something for you." He says pulling your ring out of his pants pocket. "I carried it around with me to remind me how stupid I was. Is like to return it to you. If you will take it." He says placing it in your hand. You examine it, it was just like you remember. He watches you waiting to see what you do. You look him in the eyes as you slip it back on your finger. Tears stream down both your cheeks as he hugs you tight kissing you all over. "I missed you so much Tom." "I missed you too. And I'm never leaving your side. You're stuck with me this time." He chuckles rubbing your noses together.

Tom and Loki one shots (#Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now