Loki~ She Wasn't Fully Asgardian

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You and Loki were living on Midguard in your first home. Two newlyweds enjoying married life. "Darling could you come here I have a surprise." Loki calls out from the bedroom. You quickly make your way there saying, "I do hope you're only wearing your helm." You walk in to find him standing with a large raven perched on his arm. "I got you a raven. I know how much you love them." He chuckles as you squeal in delight. "Thank you my love he is gorgeous!" You gently pet him and he coos in approval. "His name is Deiavold." "What a handsome name for a handsome bird." Deiavold squawks as he perches himself on your shoulder. You walk over to the mirror to see how he looks. "Is that your spot now?" He squawks again brushing his head against your cheek. "I guess that settles it." You say then all of a sudden you black out and collapse to the ground. Loki rushes over to you trying to wake you up but to no avail. He quickly calls an ambulance for help.

You wake up in a hospital bed with Loki standing beside you. "Thank god you're awake." "What happened?" "You fell to the ground and blacked out. I had the medics bring you here. The doctors ran tests to see what happened." He says caressing your cheek.  A doctor walks in with a grim look on his face. He puts pictures of the inside of your body on the light board. "I'm afraid I have bad news. Mrs Lokiwife, you have cancerous tumors in your brain and lungs. The cancer is so far along there is nothing we can do. I'm very sorry." "There's nothing you can do?" Loki asks histaricaly. "No sir I'm terribly sorry." You just lay in bed trying to figure out what just happened. The room seems silent as you watch Loki lose his temper as he yells at the doctor. He comes over to you and begins to teleport. Loki holds you close till you reach his room in Asgard.

"Why are we here?" You ask as he pulls a blanket over you. "Those mortals couldn't help you so I'm going to have the healers look over you." He kisses your forehead lightly as healers surround you and begin their work. Hours pass and the lead healer has the same grim look on her face. "I'm sorry my prince there is nothing we can do." Loki breaks down and cries at the side of the bed. "I will find a way my love." He whispers as you black out again.

Frigga, Loki's mother rushes into the room to find him sobbing in a chair. "Oh mother she's dying. No one can help her." She holds her son tight as he cries on her shoulder. "(Y/N) is strong she can fight it. And we can help her with our magic. Things with work out my son. I can hear her mind she wants Deiavold." Loki quickly looks over at your unconscious body then nods. "Will you watch over her while I'm gone mother?" "Yes of course." Loki teleports to your house and retrieve things that you might want including Deiavold.

He arrives back in the room and Deiavold flies over to the nightstand and watches over you. He softy squawks at you but you don't move. "I know it's sad but she will be ok." Frigga says to the bird as she pets him. Loki puts away some clothes of yours he brought and puts your favorite blanket on you. "She's so young how could this have happened?" "I don't know but we can start her treatment tomorrow." She says hugging him and kissing your forehead. A green magic like light leaves her lips and disappears into your skin. As she leaves you slowly regain consciousness.

"Loki?" "Yes my love what do you need?" He says kneeling beside the bed. "Can I have a glass of water?" "Of course. Are you hungry? I can get you something to keep your strength up." "Ok that's fine." You say as you start to cough uncontrollably. Loki makes a glass of water appear quickly and let's you drink to help your cough. You take one sip and it tastes like blood. You cough more into your handkerchief only to find blood when you pull it away from your mouth. "Oh dear. I'll send for mother she may be able to help." Loki says as he rushes out the door to find a worker.

He comes back into the room to find you leaning over the bed as blood trickles out of your mouth. Frigga runs in to find the same thing. She kneels down beside you and places her hands on your throat. She uses magic to stop the bleeding and helps you lay back in bed. "Thank you mother." You whisper as she pulls the blanket over you. "Loki and I are going to help you fight this. You have my word darling. Is there anything I can get you?" "No mother. I'm just very tried." You say as your eyes become heavy. "Then I'll let you rest. Goodnight dear." Frigga says as she kisses your cheek. Loki stands beside you holding your hand. "I'll be right here if you need me my love. Now get some rest." He says kissing you softly. He pulls a chair up closer to the bed and sings to you, lulling you to a deep sleep.

The next morning you wake up and realized you're deaf in your right ear. You cry as you snap your fingers near your ear but hearing nothing. "What's wrong?" Loki asks bringing in a tray of food. "I can't hear out of my right ear." You sob as he sets the tray down and comes to examine it. He tries to heal it with magic but it doesn't work. He realizes it must be the tumor in your brain but he doesn't want to worry you. "Here eat some breakfast. Mother and I made some elixirs for you to try later. We're going to beat this (Y/N). Everything will be ok." He says as he kisses your cheek and places the tray over your lap. He examines your features as if he's seeing you for the first time. He tries to be positive but you know he's tearing himself apart on the inside. You reach over and place your hand on his. His expression softens as you smile. "Whatever happens know I will always love you." Your voice soft and slow brings tears to his eyes. "And I you. Now let's try some elixirs." You nod as he pulls vials out of a small bag. "Here try this one." He says handing you a glass vial with green liquid in it. You pull the cork out and throw the liquid back like a shot. Loki chuckles," well that's one way to do it." "I was afraid it would taste bad." He nods as Deiavold lands on the nightstand. He softly coos as you pet him. "Such a handsome bird." "Are you feeling any different?" Loki asks sitting down beside you. You open your mouth to answer but you sneeze sending the green elixir back up through your nose coving you and Loki in bright green snot. "I'll take that as a no." He says walking off getting a rag to clean you and himself with.

As he cleans you the hearing in your left ear vanishes. You freak out as you realize the silence. You scream at the top of your lungs but you hear nothing. Loki tries to calm you as Frigga runs into the room. She tried to talk to you but you can't hear her. All of the commotion causes you to fall into a silent black out. "What are we going to do mother? She's completely deaf now." "We will just have to communicate to her mentally." "What if she doesn't wake up this time?" He cries at the bedside holding your hand. "You can surly see how sick she looks." "We must have faith Loki. There is a purpose for everything." She rests her hand on his shoulder gently squeezing it. "I don't know what I will do without her." He whispers as you slowly wake up. Frigga enters your mind and talks to you, "don't worry it's me. Loki and I will talk to you like this since you're hearing is not working at the moment." "Please tell Loki whenever I pass I want him to go on without me. Stay here on Asgard, be the handsome loving prince and soon to be King he is." She nods and tells him. He cries and shakes his head. "I can't rule without you by my side. Who will advise me? I can't do it without you (Y/N). You have to get better please." "I'm not strong enough my love. This is my time. I will watch over you dearest husband. I will always love you." He tightens his grip on your hand as he pleads with you. "No no (y/n) you can fight this. Everything with be ok. Please stay with me." He clings to your body as you life slowly drains out of you. You look into his green teary eyes one last time as a tear slips from yours. With your eyes becoming heavy and breaths slow and shallow Loki presses his lips to yours as you fall limp into his arms.

He screams to the heavens as he rocks your lifeless body in his arms. Frigga stands silently as tears spill out over her cheeks. Odin and Thor watch from the back of the room. Deiavold stands on the edge of the nightstand with his head low. Thor walks up behind his brother placing a hand on his shoulder. Loki lets you go as he turns to hug his brother. "I'm so sorry Loki." Thor whispers as he sobs into the blondes chest. "How could this happen? She's Asgardian." Odin asks quietly to Frigga. "She wasn't fully Asgardian." Loki says breaking away from Thor. "But she was mine and I still loved her. Like she loved me even though I am Jotun. Now she's gone." He tucks a section of hair behind your ear.

A few weeks after the funereal you appear to Loki in a dream. "Hello my love don't panic I'm contacting you through a dream." "Darling you have wings." "Yes aren't they amazing. I am now a Valkyrie. Told you I will watch over you." You giggle. "I have Deiavold with me too." "Well that's great. He was missing you, he wouldn't eat or fly around like normal. I miss you dearly my love." He says as a tear rolls down his sleeping face. "I know darling but we will talk again soon. Now get some rest. I know tomorrow you are going to get a big surprise. Sleep well my king." "King? What does that mean?" "I'm not telling. Rest now we will talk soon I love you." With that his dream fades and begins another.

The next morning Loki was announced King of Asgard. There was a grand coronation with almost all of Asgard in attendance. As Odin presents him with his spear Loki sees you out the corner of his eye. You stand by a pillar with Deiavold on your shoulder. You blow him a kiss just before disappearing. Loki smiles as he sits in his thrown thinking about his beautiful Valkyrie wife.

Tom and Loki one shots (#Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now