Loki~ Fight Night

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"Loki I have something to ask you." "What is it darling?" He asks as he puts the tea kettle on the stove. "I want you to teach me how to fight. Just in case someone would try to hurt me while you are not with me. Like work or when I go grocery shopping." "Teach you how to fight huh? Well I guess that's not too ridiculous of a request. And it would be good for you to know the basics of defending yourself." Loki says as he taps his fingers to his slender lips. "Thank you my love." You hug him and ask "so when do we start?" "After our tea you eager beaver. Did I use that expression right?" "Yes you used it correctly." You giggle as you sip at your tea. "Once you are done run upstairs and change into your gym clothes and I'll move the furniture around in the living room."

"Now it's all about using your attackers body against them, see watch, you try to punch me and I will show you how to block and break the arm." Loki says as he gestures for you to punch him. "You won't break my arm for real right?" You say nervously. "Oh no dear I wouldn't do that just showing you the technique. I won't use force." He chuckles. You take a swing and grabs your wrist. "Now you would twist it till the elbow is exposed then with all your strength do like a chop motion down on the join therefore causing the arm to break." "Ok it think I got it. Do I try now?" You ask as Loki gets into a fighting position. "Yes now you try it on me. And don't be afraid to hurt me. I can take it." He says as he throws a punch at your chest but you catch his wrist and chop his elbow just like he showed you. "Ahhhh fucking Ahhhh" Loki screams as he holds his arm. "Oh my god Loki I'm so sorry." "I think you actually broke it!" He says crying on the floor. "Just stay there I'll call an ambulance." You say as you search for a phone. "No wait (Y/N) I'm just kidding my arm is fine." He says as you put down the phone. "You rat bastard! You scared me! Why would you do that!" You yell as you slam your fist against his chest making him laugh. "I'm sorry darling. I wanted to play a trick. All good fun." He says hugging you. "Don't ever do that again or I will break your arm for real." "Noted. Are you ready for the next technique?" "I guess." You grumble. "Ok well next if your attacker comes from behind all you need to do is crouch down then roll over like a summersault. Leaving him on his back and the wind knocked out of his lungs." "Ok looks easy. Let's try it." You say as Loki wraps his arm round your waist and neck. "Hey hot stuff." He growls in your ear as you do the summersault causing him to land flat on his back. He wheezes as he slowly gets up. "Good. You did it right." He coughs as he rubs his back. "Do you need to sit down? I don't want you to get hurt." You say helping him up. "Just a short break." Loki sits down on the couch and you get him some water. "You're learning fast my love. I'm proud of you." He says patting the spot next to him. "Maybe once you learn this I'll teach you how to fight like an Asgardian, like Lady Sif and the Warriors three." You gasp "Will you teach me how to use a sword? And will I get a spear like yours?" "Maybe darling if you show talent with a weapon like that." He says kissing your forehead. "Are you ready for more?" You ask excitedly. "Just a few more minutes."

Months go by as Loki continues to train you. You move from the living room to the back yard where he made training grounds. Loki uses his magic to conjure up opponents for you to practice on. "You have to keep that shield up darling. When you swing you tend you lower that arm causing your neck and chest to be exposed for attack." He says raising your arm and elbow up so your shield is at the proper position. "This new sword is pretty heavy. Can I try something lighter?" You ask. "Hmm let me see. Oh have you ever wanted to learn how to throw daggers like me?" He asks excitedly. "I didn't know you through daggers. It sounds fun." "Oh yes that's my specialty. Like how Thor has his hammer I have my magic and daggers." He says throwing one into the fence. "But let's not aim at our new wooden fence." You say crossing your arms. "Yeah let's aim at some old shields." He says clearly embarrassed.

"Now just hold the handle between your fingers, then let it fly." The green and gold dagger wedges into the wood of the shield. "Just like that. Now you try it." He says handing you a dagger. You throw it but it whizzes past the shield and sticks itself deep into the tree in your backyard. "Wow my love you have a great arm." Loki teases as he try's to pull the knife out of the bark. He comes back with out the dagger, "well I guess that one will have to stay in the tree. Now try again to hit the shield." You aim for it making sure not to throw it as hard as the first time. It flys through the air wedging itself directly in the center of the wooden shield. "Well done my love now keep practicing." Loki says kissing the top of your head. You practice for the rest of the day even after he went in the house. "Darling why are you still out here? Come inside and have dinner." He says from the back porch. "Just five more minutes." You say throwing two knives at once. "No (Y/N) you can practice more tomorrow. You need to eat." He walks over to you and takes your hand. "Come on darling you're doing great. Even the best need to rest. Oh look I made a rhyme." Loki chuckles and it makes you giggle. "Alright, I just wanna use my skills somehow. And not like with the dummies you conjure up. I guess I crave that danger when you fight a real opponent." Loki walks you inside and you two eat dinner. "Do you think I'm ready for a real opponent Loki?" He looks down at his plate pushing peas around with his fork. "Yes I think you're ready but I don't want you to fight a real person. I don't want you getting hurt." He says in almost a whisper. You take his hand in yours saying "hey don't worry. I was trained by one of the best. I know how to defend myself and not get hurt." Loki looks up at you and smiles, "alright I will have a match for you tomorrow." With this he kisses you goodnight and runs off to his study.

The next morning you find a note on your nightstand that says "be outside at high noon to show of your skills. Signed your battle opponent." You laugh, "what is that man up to?" You get a shower and put on armor. You walk outside to find a tall slender man standing under the tree. "Come one Loki what is all of this." You ask when you hear Loki behind you say " (Y/N) meet your battle opponent. Now I want a good clean fight. You are welcome to any of the weapons provided. Now let the fighting begin." Loki runs over to the porch where he watches everything. You grab your shield and sword as the mysterious man takes a sheiks and a spear. You two circle each other as you try to observe his face. His eyes were so familiar to you it was almost creepy. You train of thought was derailed by the man lunging at you with the spear. You quickly block it with the shield and counter attack with your sword but missing his thigh only but a hair. "Oh so close." The man says and this fires you up. You quickly make advances towards him using all your knowledge of Asgardian battle techniques. You get the man in a corner and use your shield to hit him across the jaw. He retaliates by knocking your shield out of your hands pulling you by the hair. "Give up yet?" He growls as he wraps his arm around your throat. "Not a chance." You spit as you summersault him off of you and put your sword to his chin. "I believe I win." You say smugly but he kicks you in the chest causing all the air to leave your lungs. "No so fast princess." He says running for his spear. You throw a dagger at his hand causing him to drop the spear. You run at him full force and wrestle him to the ground. You sit on top of him with your blade to his neck once more. "Like I said earlier I believe I win. Now it's time to tell me who you are." A green light flashes around the man relieving it was Loki the whole time. "You fight well my love." He says with a chuckle. "You son of bitch! I could have killed you! Why would you do that!" You scream and slap him across the face. "I did it so I would know you wouldn't get hurt." He says pulling you into a hug. "Well I guess your intentions were good. But I wanted to fight someone that wouldn't hold back." "I know but I don't want to see you get hurt so this was the only option. Sorry darling that's just how it is." You sigh "it's ok I guess." Loki kisses the top of your head and you help him off the ground. "Now let's go inside and celebrate your victory with ice cream." You laugh "yeah and you should probably ice your body because you'll be sore tomorrow." "Tomorrow? Im sore now, with you throwing me on my back and all."   

Tom and Loki one shots (#Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now