Tom~ I Must Leave You

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"Taylor I really can't go on like this. I must leave you for someone else." Tom says quietly in the car as he pulls into her drive way. "What do you mean? We're in love. Do you know what love is?" She asks frantically. "Yes I do and this is not love. It amazes me how much growing up you still have left to do." "I only used you anyway. Look who's the dumb one now." She spits getting out of the car. "Yes congrats on your new material for your songs. Always playing the victim." Tom says as she slams his car door shut and walks way in a huff. "Why did I even say yes?" Tom muttered to himself driving to your house.

He knocks at your door waking you up. You throw on a robe and answer the door. "Hey Tom is everything alright." You ask letting him inside. "I couldn't take it anymore. She was so ignorant and air headed." "What are you talking about?" You say sitting next to him. "I left Taylor for someone else." "Oh that's good I didn't like her." You giggle. "That's why I left her for you." He says smiling at you and taking your hands in his. "My goodness Tom I don't know what to say." You blush so much you feel like you're going to have a nosebleed. He inches closer to you and softly presses his lips against yours. You return the kiss as he pulls you closer to him. "See I felt something there." He says pulling back to breathe. "I did too." You giggle. "Would you like some tea?" You ask figuring he will be staying for a while. "Yes please." "Earl gray with one sugar cube right?" You call out from the kitchen. "Right. How did you know?" He asks walking into the kitchen and leaning against the counter. "We've been friends for a while and I pick up on things like that." You smile at him as you get mugs out.

After the tea was made you talk for hours. "I haven't had an intelligent conversation in so long. This is most refreshing." "Glad I can help." You say taking a sip of tea. "I'm just glad that whole fiasco is over with." "I am too. I was worried about you. You seemed like you were unhappy." You rest your hand on his gently squeezing it. "I was unhappy. Then I finally realized it wasn't worth it." You nod then yawn rubbing at your eyes. "Oh where are my manners I came here at an inappropriate time. I'm sorry I'll go." He says embarrassed for keeping you up. "No you're fine Tom." "No no you must get your rest. I'll talk to you in the morning. Goodnight." He says kissing your forehead then leaving.

"Well I went to bed single now I go back to bed in a relationship. What an interesting night." You think to yourself getting back in bed. The next morning you get ready for the day and head to work. When you get to your desk you see a big flower arrangement with a note. "Oh (Y/N) a very attractive man left these for you." Your co worker that sits next to you says. "Did this attractive man happen to have blondish hair and glasses?" "Sure did." You smile reading the note. "Hope you have a good day at work. I would like to take you out to dinner tonight. Text me if you can. Tom." You couldn't stop smiling. The rest of the day to kept thinking about your date with him until you realized you haven't messaged him your answer. You quickly type, "thank you for the flowers they are beautiful. And yes I'd love to join you for dinner. What time will you pick me up?" It only takes a few seconds for Tom to reply, "is 7 ok?" "Works for me. See you then." You add a winky face then send it. You go on with your day and finally get home with your flowers. You hop in the shower and quickly get dressed. You are putting on your earrings when you hear a knock at your door.

You look in the mirror one last time before answering it. You expected it to be Tom but it wasn't. It was Taylor looking absolutely a mess. "So you're the one Tom left me for. You're not even pretty." She says slurring her words. "How did you find out where I live?" "I looked through toms phone and got all your information." "Well you must leave." You say closing the door but she stops it with her foot. "Oh you're not getting rid of me that fast. Just you wait till I tell the press what Tom did to me." "He didn't do anything to you. Now please leave or I'll call the cops." "Oh sure he didn't do anything but I can make up something." She laughs stumbling a bit when Tom pulls into the drive. "Why are you here? Leave (Y/N) alone." Tom says quickly getting out of the car. "Why don't you love me Tom? She's not even pretty or famous." She cries trying to walk towards him. "You need to go. And leave us alone." Tom says trying to get closer to you to protect you. "If I can't have you no one can!" Yes spits pulling out a knife and lunging at Tom. You quickly jump on her wrestling her to the ground. You pin her arm down with you knee and beat the living daylights a out of her. Tom pulls you away when he hears police sirens. "Hush darling it's ok. It's ok." He whispers in your ear trying to calm your shaking body. All you can do is cry and burry your face on his chest as the police take her away.

"Come on let's go inside." He says helping you into your house and sitting you on the couch. He makes some tea and wraps you in a blanket. "Thank you for saving me." He says hugging you tight. "I couldn't let her hurt you." "May I ask where you learned how to fight?" "Oh well I'm an agent of SHIELD assigned to protect you. Turns out Taylor was apart of hydra." You giggle. "Glad to see you can joke about this." He chuckles resting his forehead against yours. "Glad you can take the joke." You say as your lips brush against his. He holds your cheeks as his lips crash against yours. You wrap the blanket around the two of you as he sets you up in his lap not breaking the kiss. After a while you part for air as you rest your head on his chest. "I really can't thank you enough." "Don't worry about it. I just wish it was me and not you." "Why?" He asks looking down at you. "I'm a nobody so getting stabbed wouldn't make head lines but if it was you it would probably make international news then you would be swarmed with press at the hospital. And you have a very low pain tolerance." You tease hugging him tight. "You're not a nobody (Y/N)." "Compared to you yes I am." "And I have a healthy pain tolerance thank you." "Oh yeah mr. I cry when I stub my toe on something." You laugh as he tickles your sides in retaliation. "Oh what do you have to say about it now miss sass?" He says getting on top of you still tickling your sides. "Nothing please stop." You squeal as he kisses you again. "So how about that dinner I'm hungry." "Me too. It takes a lot of energy taking down a hydra member." You say fixing your outfit and hair. "Well let's go eat then." He chuckles handing you your purse and walking out the door.

Tom and Loki one shots (#Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now