Loki~ The Principal's Office

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You were sitting on the couch when your teenaged daughter Daisy came home from school. "Hi mom what's for dinner?" She says sitting on the couch. "I don't know whatever you make." You tease because she hates cooking. "Oh care to tell me why I got a call from your school asking me if I can come in and talk to your principal? What did you do this time?" "I haven't done anything!" She whines trying to think of everything she has done that could get her in trouble. "Well I have to meet with a Mr. Laufeyson tomorrow at 1." "Oh Mr. Laufeyson is scary beyond belief. He's super tall and has creepy green eyes." "So I should wear my sexy dress then." You giggle as Daisy buries her face in her hands. "I'll try not to embarrass you. Now how does Chinese take out sound for dinner." Daisy just grins as she rushes off to get the menu.

You and daisy eat while she does her homework. "Mom can I ask you a question?" "Sure Hun what's up?" "Why did dad leave?" Her question shocks you. You haven't really told much about her father even though you go out on dates sometimes. You didn't want her to feel like it was her fault. "Here let's take a break from homework and come cuddle." You say as she curls up in your chest and you play with her long brown hair. "The thing about your father is that I met him while I was in college and we went steady for a while. We had a house and jobs so everything was going well and that's when I found out I was pregnant with you. He didn't want any part of it accusing me of cheating and a whole bunch of mess so I left him. I wasn't going to force him to be apart of your life because that would just suck for all of us. And when you were born I knew I made the right decision." You say kissing the top of her head. "Well I'm glad you did. I wouldn't want a jurk for a dad." She says hugging you tight. "Yeah it's better with just us." Daisy finishes her homework and helps you pick an outfit for your meeting with Mr Laufeyson.

"He likes green. He always wears something green." She says laying on your bed. "Hum I don't have green but how about this black dress?" "No shows off your chest to much. It's not like it's a date." She cringes. "How do you know?" You tease as you put the dress away. "How about this." You say pulling out a nice long skirt with a skit on the side. "Isn't it going to be cold?" She asks as you realize it is almost winter. "How about these leggings a sweater and boots?" "Yeah that looks good." "Great now off to bed." You say as she slowly moves off of your bed. "Goodnight sloth." "Night mom." She giggles as she closes her door.

The next morning you make breakfast and get Daisy to school. "Bye darling have a good day. I might take you home early after the meeting." "Ok see you later." She says getting out of the car. You run some errands before you go home to get ready for the meeting with Mr Laufeyson. You got groceries and got the car washed and vacuumed. Once the groceries were put away it was time to get ready.

"Why am I nervous? I'm not in trouble." You think to yourself waiting outside his office. The door opens and a student comes out and tells you to go in. You cautiously walk in to find a pale dark haired man sitting at the desk looking over papers. "Ah you must be Mrs (Y/L/N)." He says as you take his hand to shake but he presses his lips to your knuckles. "Actually it's just miss." "Oh my apologies." He says sitting back down and gesturing for you to take a seat. "No worries. So you wanted to see me about my daughter Daisy?" "Yes I can tell she's yours. I would have mistaken you two for sisters." He chuckles. "Thanks we get that a lot. So is she in trouble." "No no not at all. She has the highest grades this school has ever seen. I'd like to know if you do a study program with her or if it's just natural." "Just natural. I help her sometimes with homework but that's about it. I don't think she really studies. She just knows it through class and homework." You say proud of your girl. "I wish I could bottle that and give it to all the students you know." "Yes I understand sir." "Oh please call me Loki." "Alright. Well I'm (Y/N)." "Thats a lovely name for a beautiful woman if you don't mind me saying." "I don't but your wife might." You giggle. "The thing is I don't have one." He laughs as he checks you out. "Would you like to go get coffee or something?" You ask before realizing he probably can't leave the school. "I'd love too. Is the coffee shop on Main Street ok? It's my favorite." "Mine too." You say as he leads you out of the office. "Excellent I have just a few things to do here and I'll be right over." He says kissing your knuckles again. "Ok I'll grab a seat for us then."

You sit in a booth while sipping your tea when he comes over. "Hello again. I absolutely love this place." He says looking around at the art work on the walls. "Me too Daisy and I come here a lot." "Ah yes Daisy, I was wondering if you'd like her to take some advanced classes next year. I don't want her gift to waste away in basic courses." Loki says taking a drink. "Like AP courses? Isn't she a little young for those? I took a few AP classes myself but that wasn't till junior and senior year." "Yes they are AP classes and I think she will excel in them. We could have her take one and see if she likes it." "Alright. I'll talk to her about it." You smile at him and he takes your hand in his. "Now let's talk about you. What happened to Daisy's father if you don't mind me asking?" "He left when he found out I was pregnant with her. So it's just been me and Daisy." "Do you go on dates?" He asks tracing patterns in your skin. "Yes sometimes but I haven found a guy that I can bring home to her." "I could be that guy." He chuckles. "But we just met." You say as you study his handsome features. "I know but as soon as I saw you I just had to ask you out. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. And your daughter is an amazing child. Could I have a chance?" He asks giving you a big grin that surprisingly turns you on. "Would you like to continue this at my place?" "Absolutely." He purrs.

You quickly get in the house and he pulls your body against his. You can feel his hard manhood digging into your hip as he lifts you up on the kitchen counter. You both help each other take your clothes off. He kisses you exposed skin and a shiver runs down your spine because of his cool lips. He takes your breast into his mouth as you run your fingers through his hair. He spreads your legs and lines himself up with your entrance. Just as he gets deep inside of you Daisy walks into the house. "Mom? What the fuck?" She says as she sees you and Mr Laufeyson naked in the kitchen. You scrabble to cover yourselves as a deep shade of blush covers both of your faces. "I'm sorry darling you saw us like that. Mr Laufeyson was just leaving." "Yeah mom he was just leaving." She laughs. "I'll be up in my room if you two would like to continue getting to know each other. But please I like being an only child so please keep it that way." She sasses as she walks into her room. "I'm so sorry (Y/N) I'll go." Loki says buttoning up his shirt. "It's ok she seems to approve of you. Let's talk on the couch." You say as he nods and goes over to the living room couch.

You two talk about the high possibly of a relationship when Daisy come out of her room. "So will I be calling you by your first name around here?" She says leaning against the wall. "Honey place come sit." She does and stares at you both. "You can call him Loki around the house but not durning school. Our relationship will not go anywhere near your school so you don't have to worry about the kids making fun of you. Is that ok?" "I honestly don't mind whatever happens as long as your happy mom. It would also be cool to say to a teacher that Mr Laufeyson is my mom's boyfriend just incase they try to give me a detention or something." She giggles. "Well looks like things are settled." Loki chuckles as his hand rests on your thigh. "So what's for dinner?" "I don't know whatever you make." You giggle. "Looks like Loki is buying pizza." She says skipping off to get the pizza menu. "No Daisy he's not paying for it and we had take out last night." "It's alright (Y/N) pizza sounds good to me. I got to win her over if I have any chance of making you my wife." He whispers as he softly kisses your cheek.

Tom and Loki one shots (#Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now