Loki~ I Am You

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You and Loki always loved Halloween. A day where you and him could dress in your normal Asgardian clothing and not have people think you're weird. SHIELD always had a Halloween party that you and Loki would attend since you two are agents. Every year Loki would dress in his armor and you would dress in the finest Asgardian gowns. This year you had a special costume that will wow everyone. You spent months working on it making sure every detail was right. And today is the day you finally get to show it off.

You were sitting on the couch going over some reports from work when Loki came up behind you rubbing your shoulders. "Why do you bring work home? You're off the clock no need to worry about reports." Loki says reaching over you taking the reports and placing them on the coffee table. "I know, I just like to get a jump on tomorrow." You say throwing your head back so you are looking at him upside down. He bends down to kiss you and says "Tonight's the big party, what new gown are you wearing tonight? I'm wearing the usual." "It's a secret. Frigga made me promise not to tell." You say batting your eyelashes at him. "Darling I know when you are lying. God of lies remember. Now why don't you tell me what you're wearing." He says as he sits next to you on the couch. "It's a surprise I can't tell." You say shyly. "Oh ok I won't bother you about it. I'll just have to wait."

"It's 9:30 (Y/N), are you ready yet? The party starts at 10." Loki calls from downstairs. "Almost ready just adding finishing touches." You say slipping on your high heeled boots and putting on lipstick. "And for the wow factor." You say to yourself, putting on a golden horned headpiece. You giggle at your reflection in the mirror. "I am Lady Loki of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose."

You walk out to the landing of the stairs and call for Loki. "Loki come here I want you to see the surprise." He walks to the bottom of the stairs and his mouth falls open. You walk slowly down the stairs, a big green sheer cape trails behind you. You stop in front of him using your fingers to help him shut his mouth. "Well my dearest husband what do you think of Lady Loki? Speechless I know. I am indeed a sight aren't I." You say in a sexy tone. "Oh this I like. I like this very much." He says looking at you from head to toe. "Did you make this all on your own my love?" He asks as you turn and show him every side of it. "No your mother gave me the idea, helped design and make a few of the pieces." "Remind me to thank her next time we are in Asgard." Loki says helping you into the car. You giggle "Will do."

You arrive and Loki takes you by the arm. You're a little shaky walking in the heels. You two walk into the party as someone announces your arrival. It seemed like everyone stopped and watched you and Loki walk into the room. In just a quick second everyone swarmed around you complementing you on your costume. "You're defiantly going to win best costume." Natasha said as she handed you a drink. You went over to talk with your friends and Loki did the same. "Wow brother she makes a better Loki then you." Thor teases. "She said mother helped her." Loki says getting a drink. "Man your wife is hot." Tony says obviously drunk. Loki laughs "Indeed she is but she's far out of your league Stark."

"Oh my god you look amazing. Did you make it yourself?" Wanda asks. "I had help from my mother in law." You say taking a drink. "Let's go dance." Natasha says heading over to the dance floor. You and your friends dance and the boys come over to join you. Loki gets behind you holding your hips as you grind on him. You where known to dance sexy anytime you could. Tonight you have it everything you got because you knew you looked amazing and were a little drunk so you didn't care what others thought. One of the songs you gave Loki a lap dance and all your friends were cheering you on. Loki and his friends cheered you on as well.

Next it was time for the best costume prize. You and two other girls were called to the stage. The winner was determined by clapping. Nick fury announced each girl and their costume one by one. He got to you and said "This is agent (Y/N) she is a female version of her husband agent Loki. Now let's vote." The room burst into capping and roars of approval for your costume. "Well the winner by a landslide is Lady Loki." Nick said handing you flowers a trophy and a check for $50.

After the contest the dancing continued. More slow songs played because it was nearing the end of the night. You and Loki slow danced every time. "You really look amazing my love." He whispers in your ear. "Thank you I feel amazing in this. I feel more confident for some reason." You say as he spins you around. "Oh it's the horns." Loki chuckles. "Or the fact that I'm exposing a lot of skin." You say as he runs his cool hands against your bare back. "Maybe but when we get home there are some consequences for your actions on the dance floor tonight dearest wife." He growls in your ear pulling you closer to him as he squeezes your ass. "Oh no Loki for it will be I who will be serving out the punishments. For I am Lady Loki of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose." With that Loki picks you up over his shoulder and carries you off to the car.

You two can't even make it home so Loki pulls off into the woods where he can devour you whole. You climb into the backseat where his hard manhood fills your soft warm core. He bounces you as he leaves hickeys all over your neck and chest. "My dear your so tight tonight." He groans. "Yeah do you like it my king." You moan as you kiss his neck. "Oh yes my love can't wait to lay you on the bed and really give it to you." He says as he sucks on you nipples and cums in you. "Mmm yes Loki fill me up with your cum again." You growl as you two get back up front and drive home. You give him road head to keep him in the mood.

Once you were home Loki picks you up and runs all the way upstairs to the bedroom where he throws you on the bed. "Ah yes my lady this is where the fun really happens." He says as you feel his hot breath on your thighs.

Tom and Loki one shots (#Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now