Loki~ Professor pt 2

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Your semester with Professor Laufeyson was over and you earned A's in both classes. You would visit him during his office hours and go out on dates when ever you both were free. You enjoyed your time with him and you believed he felt the same way. He even mentioned you moving in with him on several occasions. "Maybe next semester." You say as you have dinner with Loki. "Ok I understand." He says quietly as your food is placed on the table. "Loki please it's nothing about you I just feel next semester will be better for me to move in. My schedule isn't as full as it is this semester. So that means I'll have more time with you." You give him a big smile which causes him to laugh as he takes your hand. "Well we wouldn't want you to be distracted now would we?" He purrs as he presses his lips to your knuckles.

You two enjoy your dinner then go for a walk around campus. "Campus is so pretty at night." You whisper as you sit on a bench near a fountain. "Yes but not as pretty as you my darling." Loki chuckles placing his arm around you. "You're such a dork." You tease resting your head on his shoulder. "(Y/N) I have to tell you something. Over these few months together I've gained more feelings for you then just like. I love you with all my heart and please don't feel like you need to say it too. I know that we've only been together for a short while and your feelings may not be as strong as mine. I just wanted to get it off my chest." You wipe away the small tear the formed while he was talking and said, "Thank you dearest." You place a loving kiss on his lips as he holds you close. "Care to spend the night with me?" He asks hopeful that you will say yes. "I can't tonight Loki early class in the morning." Your expression full of disappointment because you'd really like to stay with him all night. "Oh that's right. Well I should get you home so you can rest." He takes your hand as you walk back to his car.

Loki walks you up to your room to make sure you get in safely. "It's so noisy how do you hear yourself think?" "You get used to it. You know you could always spend the night with me." You giggle as you set your keys and purse down. "I would love to but have papers to grade." "Ooooo Norse or Shakespeare?" "Both. I've seemed to fall behind on my grading schedule." He laughs as you put your hair up for bed. "Well it's a good thing that we can't spend the night together then. You have work to do mister." "That I do. Well I'll leave you to rest darling. Goodnight sleep well." "Goodnight Loki oh before you go can I ask you something?" "Yes (Y/N) anything." "Can you use your magic so I can speed soundly despite the noise? I know you don't like to use your magic and it's ok if you don't want to." You say getting into bed. "Anything for you my love." He smiles as he places his lips on your forehead and whispers a sleeping spell into your soft skin. "Thank you." You say sleepily as your eyes become heavy. "No problem goodnight sweet dreams." Loki says as he turns off your light and leaves.

The next morning you can't keep your mind off of what Loki said to you last night. You love Loki but was too shocked last night to tell him. "I'll tell him today after class. I'll bring him lunch." You think to yourself with a grin painted on your face. After class you pick up one of his favorite meals from the cafeteria and make your way to his office. As you're about to walk in you see the door is open and there's a girl talking to him. "Oh please Mr Laufeyson I need this credit to graduate don't drop me from the class. I'll do anything please." She wines. You giggle to yourself and quietly listen. "I'm sorry there is nothing I can do. You are failing and it's too late in the semester for you even to bring the grade up." "Well how about this?" The girl purrs as she sits up on his desk lifting up her skirt. "Please Miss you need to leave now." Loki growls in annoyance. "Let me make up the grade please." She whimpers as she gets on her knees. "Well..." Loki says as you it him off walking into the room with tears prickle in your eyes. "Well indeed." You say placing his food on the desk and running out of the office. "God damn it! Get out of my office!" He spits as the girl smugly walks out. "(Y/N) please its a misunderstanding." He says as he tries to catch up to you.

You run out of the building only to trip down the large steps outside. You tumble down them as he reaches the door. "Oh my god (Y/N) darling." He tries to comfort you as you sob on the cold hard ground. "Get away from me! You don't love me. Why would you of all people love me?" "Darling please you didn't let me finish what I was going to say to that student. I would never do that to you. I do love you dearly. Now come inside you're bleeding." He says picking you up off the ground. "What where you going to say?" You ask as he hands you his handkerchief. "I was going to say well that proves to me that you will do anything but it's not going to work on me. You will be removed from my class as soon as possible and I will send judiciaries a detailed report about your behavior."

He leads you into his office to tend to your wounds. The girl is smugly waiting in his office looking at her nails when you walk in. "Why the hell are you still here?" "Well we have some unfinished business." She says batting her long eyelashes. "Absolutely pathetic. Get out of my office." Loki shouts causing another teacher to see what's going on. "Miss he asked you to leave." The other teacher says as she gets up in a huff. Loki has you sit up on his desk as the girl leaves. "Do you need a judicatory report Laufeyson?" "No thanks I have one already thank you." "No problem do you want your door closed?" The other teacher asked. "Yes please thanks." Loki says getting out bandages.

Once the door was shut Loki looks at your wounds and wipes your tears away. "Hush now darling. Everything will be ok." He says holding you close. "I'm sorry I assumed you would do something like that. I guess I was jealous." "It's ok my love. Here let me fix you up." He says using magic to heal your cuts and scrapes. Once he was done he pulled you into his lap and cuddled you while playing with your hair. "What was your visit and lunch today for? I'd you need something?" "Oh yeah I wanted to tell you something." "And that would be?" He chuckles gently turning your head to face him. "Well I've been thinking about what you said last night and I want to say, I love you too. You understand me and not to mention saved me from those frat guys. I love you so much Loki." You say hugging him tight. "And I love you. You're the only mortal for me." You giggle, "let's not bring my Midgardian blood line into this you silly Asgardian." "I'm not silly." "Oh you're not silly Mr trickster God? You are surly delusional." You tease as he begins to tickle you. "Oh yeah well I'm going to made you laugh so hard you pee yourself." "No please Loki I'm sorry I take it back." You squeak. "Fine but to make up for your mean words you have to help me grade papers tonight since you will be spending the night with me." He says smugly. "I guess that's fair but we are having pizza for dinner."

Tom and Loki one shots (#Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now