Loki~ Adventures in Parenting (2)

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You were rocking your infant son in the rocking chair when Loki came home. "Darling I'm home." He calls out waking little William. He hears the little baby's cry and follows it to the source. "So sorry my love I'll be quiet when I come home. Did you just get him to sleep?" "About 15 minutes ago. It's fine Loki." You say getting up softly bouncing the crying child. "Can I try?" Loki asks holding out his arms. William was yours and Loki's first child so all of this is new to him. He often tells you he's scared of doing something wrong and you tell him everything will be ok even though he still shows that he's nervous. "Sure hold your arms like this and support his head." You say handing your son over to his father. "Now you just bounce your arms or sway your body gently. Babies like movement." You say adjusting Williams head onto Loki's hand properly. "Like this?" He asks swaying his hips back and forth. "Perfect my love." You say kissing his lips and looking down at your now calm child. "I got him to stop crying?" "Yes all on your own." You smile at him watching his face light up at the realization he did it without messing up. "See it just takes practice darling. I know you'll be a great father. Now would you like to learn how to change him?" You say noticing an unpleasant smell. "Umm how about you change him and I watch." "Alright but you get the next one." You giggle as Loki puts the baby on the changing table. You tell him each step as he watched carefully. "We're lucky just a little poop." "You call that a little?" "Oh you don't even know what he can do." You laugh putting a fresh diaper on him and take him into the living room. "What now?" Loki asks. "He's probably hungry." "Oh well I can't really help then." He chuckles as you start to breast feed. "You could help by giving me a rag for when I burp him." You smile up at him as he kisses you softly. "Sure thing." He puts the rag your shoulder and sits next to you just watching. "Like what you see?" "Well of course your bare chest is a beautiful sight my dear." "Would you like to do anything about it?" You ask as he gets closer. "Yes I would but you are occupied." "Well I do have two." You giggle. "Yes you do but I would feel like I'm stealing from my son." He says running his thumb over your exposed nipple. "I don't think he would mind sharing with his daddy." "Tell me. Does it turn you on when you feel him sucking on you like when I would do the same durning our love making?" "Oh you have no idea my love. I always get turned on when I feed William and it doesn't help that they are sensitive still." You say as Loki licks his thumb and continues to run over your hard nipple causing some milk to leak. "Oh darling I want you." He growls in your ear nibbling on your lobe. "I want you too. But we must wait." You say as you start to burp little William. "He will need a nap shortly after so we can continue this later." You say kissing and nibbling his neck.

Once you lay your son down in his crib Loki comes in and holds you from behind. "Any second now." You say watching Williams eyes get heavy. "He's so beautiful." "Yes he is especially when he sleeps." "Let's make another." Loki says nuzzling your hair and running his hands all over you. You quietly leave the nursery and run to the bedroom. Loki pushes you into the bed and makes your clothes disappear. "It's been so long darling." He says kissing and nibbling all over your body. "I know my love. I've missed you so much." You moan as he slowly pushes his manhood into your still sore core. "I'll be slow and careful I promise." He says as he starts to thrust. It hurts but it also feels good. "Thank you Loki." "Anything for you (Y/N). Does it hurt?" He asks noticing your face cringe when he slides in and out. "Alittle but it's ok." "Ok tell me if it hurts too much." He takes you milk filled breast in his mouth and starts to suck. "My my you taste so sweet. I'd like this in my morning coffee." He says crashing his lips to your. "Please go faster I'm close to cumming." You moan as he sucks on your neck. "Ok darling. Ready?" You nod as he starts to go faster. Faster and faster as you moan and scream his name. "Ah Loki fuck me my king." "Ah yes my pet say my name beg for me to make you cum." "Please Loki I need release." You moan as his balls slap against your ass. You feel yourself tighten round his head as you cum hard on his cock causing it to run down his long shaft. "My turn." He growls as he continues to thrust in you sore pussy. His hot seed fills you up and he uses the extra to sooth your womanhood. He massages it into your clit and your raw hole. "You did so well my queen." He says before licking you clean. "Thank you Loki. I love you." "I love you too." He says crawling up to you and kissing your lips so you can taste yourself. You lay in each others arms until you hear William start to cry through the monitor. "I got him you rest." Loki says getting out of bed. "You sure?" "Are you doubting your king?" He chuckles. "No sir."

"Hey little one why all the crying today?" He says softly picking William up and holding him close. "Do you act like this while I'm at work? Misbehaving for mommy? Hmm?" William just giggles at Loki. "I see it was all fake. You little trickster." Loki softly kisses his forehead as you lean against the doorway. "Ah look a that mommy is here. I think you owe her an apology for your behavior mister." Loki coos walking over to you. "Where you just faking it?" You ask as William giggles. "I see. You little faker." You blow on his tummy causing him to laugh and baby talk. "Think he's going to be a big talker like his uncle." You say taking him into your arms. "Let's hope not." Loki chuckles following you to the living room. You place William on his play mat and give him his favorite stuffed animal. "It's a ram." Loki says sitting on the ground next to you. "Well of course it's a ram, reminds him of his daddy." You say leaning back into Loki's chest. William squeals and laughs when Loki uses his magic to make the stuffed ram walk around. "I don't think we should use magic around him. Don't want him growing up with bullies saying he's weird because we know magic." You say making the toy ram stop. "So what if the other children think he's weird. I mean look at the facts his father is a god his mother is an enchantress and his uncle is and Avenger. Not much room to be normal darling." "I know I just wish he will fit in." You say as Loki caresses your cheek. "We shouldn't worry about that now. He's not even one yet. Rest your mind and enjoy the moment." He kisses you softly on the temple as he makes the stuffed ram move again causing William to laugh.

After a while of playing William gets fussy. You try to get him happy again but he only gets worse. "Could he be hungry?" Loki asks rattling some toys in front of him to get the baby's attention. "Don't think so but we can try. There are bottles in the fridge take one out and put in the microwave for 25 seconds please." You say bouncing and rocking the frustrated child. Loki grabs the bottle and heats it up before handing it to you. You try to get it in Williams mouth but he just pushes it away. "Nope not hungry. Maybe he needs changed." You say checking his diaper. "Yeah he's wet. Wanna try it this time Loki?" "Ok as long as you help me." He chuckles taking the baby into his arms and walks to the Nursery. You talk him through the steps as he changes William. Once the wet diaper was off he stopped crying. "You're spoiled rotten aren't you." You coo and tickle his chin. He giggles and blows spit bubbles. "Ah look the hire of the Asgardian throne can blow bubbles with his spit." "Oh my lovely don't listen to your silly daddy." You say rubbing your nose against Williams. You pull away to see William pointing at Loki. "Who is that my lamb? Is that daddy?" You ask holding him in your arms. "Dadda." William squeaks as you and Loki's jaws drop. "Yes my darling that's dadda." He repeats his first word over and over excitedly as you and Loki giggle. Loki goes to kiss the baby when he pokes Loki's lips with his finger and says "dadda" again. "Yes my beautiful son I am dadda." He says kissing Williams face all over. Loki takes him into his arms and points at you. "Who's that? Is that mommy? Can you say mommy?" "We shouldn't overload his brain. I'm fine with waiting." You giggle. William stretches out his hands to you. "What is it darling?" you ask stepping closer. He touches your cheek and looks at you for a long time. You can tell he's thinking about something when all of a sudden he softly says, "mamma." "Yes my smart baby I am mamma." You say as tears of joy flood your cheeks. William points to you and says "mamma" then points to Loki and says "dadda." You both are so happy that you are crying. "Look at our smart little man." Loki says pulling you into a hug. William repeats his new words as he points at the two of you for the rest of the night.

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