Loki~ She's a Frostgiant pt 4

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Through out Asgard grand celebration was held in honor of Hela's arrival. Many people came to the palace baring gifts for you and Hela. Joanna came with one of the dresses and one for the baby. A guard escorted her to your room where you spent most of your time with the newborn. "Your highness, a Joanna is here to see you. Should I let her in" the guard asks. "Oh yes right away" you say putting Hela down in her bassinet. You hug her as she enters the room. "Oh my your bedroom it's beautiful" Joanna says looking around the room in awe. "Thank you but this is all Loki's design" you giggle. "I see now" she says noticing all of the green and gold linens and drapes. "Oh I have something for you. I enjoyed every second making it. I hope you like it" she says hanging up a garment bag and slowly unzipping it. The dress comes bursting out of the opening. Dark greens and shimmering golds perfectly stitched and placed on the dress. You trace every perfect seam with your finger. "My god this is breathtaking. You are a gift Joanna." "Would you put it on? I really want to see it on you" she says shyly. "Yes of course" you say carefully taking the dress into the bathroom. You slip the gown on and come out. "Could you lace me up Joanna? It fits wonderfully I'd just want it all the way on" you say as she laces your corset up. You walk to the mirror and gasp. "I am absolutely in love with it! It's so beautify made and big! You listened when I said I love large ballgowns" you giggle in delight. You turn to show Joanna and give her a spin when Loki walks in the door. "I love it more on you" she says and Loki chimes in "As do I. Is this one of the gowns you were talking about my dear?" "Yes isn't it gorgeous! This is Joanna the girl who made it" you say hugging her shoulders. "My wife wasn't wrong you do make breathtaking dresses. Joanna was it?" "Yes your highness" she says bowing to him. Loki helps her up and smiles. Hela begins to cry and you go over to pick her up. "Oh I have something for the princess too. A gift from me for her arrival." Joanna brings over a box and places it on the bed. Loki opens it because your hands are full with holding Hela. "Oh my look darling it matches your gown" he chuckles. You gasp at the small version of your dress. "Oh Joanna it's amazing! Thank you so much" you say as she walks closer. "I'd though it would be nice for you two to match." "It's a wonderful gift" Loki says kissing her hand. You put the dress on Hela and she smiles in approval. "Well she loves it too" you laugh. "Well I'll leave you. I have more of your dresses to make" Joanna says bowing. "There is absolutely no rush on them" you say opening the door for her. "I know but I love making them for you" she laughs and leaves the room.

You shut the door after her and turn to face Loki. With a big smile you start to spin around allowing the skirt of the dress to glide around the floor. "It really is beautiful but you should take it off before something happens" Loki says rocking a sleeping Hela in his arms. "You're right can you unlace me my love" you ask pointing to the corset back. Loki puts the baby down in her bed and says "Of course I love helping you take clothing off." He pulls the shoulders down so he can kiss you're exposed skin. He slowly inches down your spine with kisses as he unlaces. "You're going to get yourself in trouble dearest if you continue" you growl. "Oh I don't think so my queen. It will be you that is in trouble." He picks you up and lays your naked body on the bed. "See you're the one in trouble" he says roughly kissing your lips and griping your hips. You moan arching your hips and feel his hardening manhood on your thigh. "Damn" he groans in frustration. "What's wrong" you ask as he lays on you resting his head between your breasts. "I have to wait for you to heal down there before I can have you again" he says running his thumb over your nipple. "Oh yeah that's right" you say slightly disappointed. He goes to put your dress on the hanger and you sit on the edge of the bed swinging your feet. "You know there is another way" you giggle. Loki looks at you over his shoulder then shuts the wardrobe door. "What are you thinking about my naughty wife." "I mean we could always do oral. Used to do it all the time when we were dating. I honestly miss it" you say blushing. "Well only if you want to my love" he says walking over to you. He is just the right height where his manhood is at mouth level when you sit on the edge of the bed. "I want to" you say rubbing his cock, helping him to get hard again. You take his tip and trace it against your lips before wrapping them round his long fat cock. You just begin to suck when there is a knock on the door. "Fucking hell" Loki growls under his breath. "Maybe if we are quite they will go way"giggle and continue what you where doing. A louder and more urgent knock came that woke Hela up. You both put on your dressing gowns and attend to the matter. Loki answers the door and you calm Hela. "Your highness. You're brother has arrived from Midgard" the guard at the door says just before he's shoved out of the way by Thor. "Brother! Did you miss me" Thor booms as he hugs Loki tightly. "Is this my new niece" he asks walking over to you and Hela. "She's beautiful just like her mother." Thor kisses your hand and winks. You giggle "Thank you. Her name is Hela and she will be ruler of Valhalla." Thor looks at you confused. "The prophecy about the next female heir Thor. Remember the one father told us about" Loki says walking over to the three of you. "Oh right! I remember now" he laughs. "Wow our little Hela is a goddess. Does she have Frostgiant traits yet?" "Oh yes she can change form just like Loki" you say as she holds your finger. "That's amazing. May I hold her" Thor asks holding out his huge hands. You place her into his arms and giggle "she can fit in the palm of your hand." "That she does but that won't last long" Loki chuckles. Hela looks up at Thor, he smiles down at her and she begins to laugh. "He looks funny doesn't he princess" Loki says while her uncle makes faces at her. Suddenly she starts to change to Jotun. Loki takes her right way so she didn't hurt him. "I want to try something" he says as he changes only one side of his body Jotun. You and Thor watch carefully what Hela does. She looks at her father for a while then changes to match him. "That's incredible" all of you say. "What is" the boys ask as they walk into the room. Loki turns to show them what happened. "Wow that's cool" they say in awe then run over to Thor. Ben and link run at him full speed trying to knock him over but he didn't budge. "We'll knock you down one day uncle Thor" Ben says as he picks them both up for a hug. "How about we go play in the gardens and I can tell you stories about your dad" Thor says walking out of the room. You can hear the boys yell in approval down the hall.

Hela begins to cry and turns fully back into Asgardian form. "I think she hungry" you say taking her from Loki. You sit in a chair and begin to breast feed Hela. Loki watches as the child instantly calms down. You begin to hum her lullaby and slowly rock her. "Is there anything I can do to help?" "Yes actually, can you hand me a rag for when I burp her. Also I have a knot in my neck could you rub it my darling" you ask as you bat your eyelashes at him. He laughs "anything for my queen" and he starts to massage your neck. "Feeling better?" "Oh yes thank you" you say putting the rag over your shoulder and begin to pat Hela on the back. It doesn't take long till you hear a couple burps from her. You bring her to the bassinet and start to rock her to a food induced sleep.

Years go by and Hela grows up to be a strong warrior. On her 16th birthday you and Loki tell her about the prophecy. She accepts it and trains long and hard for the coming of Ragnarok. Benjamin is a lead warrior in Asgard's army. Link is a master of magic just like his father and is also a lead sorcerer in Asgard's army. You live a long happy life. Seeing your children get married and have their own families and even seeing great grandchildren. Being a mortal you pass away at the age of 90. Loki dedicated a holiday of remembrance for you every year on your birthday. The villagers built a memorial in your honor in the square where you were often found every Wednesday. Loki visits your grave very night before bed. The children and their children visit you very Friday and bring flowers. Joanna visits your memorial in the square and leaves flowers there. Link and Loki try to combine their magic to contact you but to no avail.

One night while Loki is at your grave talking to you about his day he looks up at the star filled sky and notices something different. A star much larger then the others suddenly appears. "That's never been there before. Is it you my love" he asks looking down at your headstone. A gust of wind surrounds him. He closes his eyes and breathes in the air noticing it has your sent. "So it is you. You never left have you" Loki chuckles. The wind shows down and he looks up at the star that is now twinkling. "I see that you're dancing (Y/N). I long to dance with you again." He hears a whisper among the breeze, "We will again my love." This makes him fall to his knees hugging your headstone crying. "I wish it was soon my queen. I've lived my life and I can't bare another day without you. The children are all grown up with their own families and their families are starting families of their own. There is no use for me here." A great wind pours over him as he clings to the stone. You appear behold him and place your hand on his shoulder. "My darling no need to cry. I am here." Loki jumps up from the ground and looks at you. He hesitates to touch you but you nod in approval. He puts his hand on your cheek and touches his forehead to yours. "I've missed you so much" you say holding his hand against your cheek. "As did I dear" he says holding you closer. "I've come to take you with me. Are you ready to go Loki?" "I surely am darling." And with that Loki passes away at your grave and his spirit picks you up and spins you around kissing you all over your face. "Finally a king is back with his queen" he says setting you back down. "Before we go I'd like to see the children one last time." "Me too" you say as you step back into the palace one last time.

First you find Benjamin and Hela training late. "So focused on their duties. I just hope they are making time for their families too" you say watching them practice. "They do no need to worry" Loki says kissing your cheek. Next you find link practicing his magic late at night too. "Do our children ever go to bed" you giggle. You notice your granddaughter eve stirring in her sleep. You go to her and place your hand on her forehead calming her. "She will only have good dreams now" you say looking over to Loki who is watching Link. You come over to them looking over the books Link as opened. "I think it's time to go my love. Are you ready?" "Yes I'm ready" he says taking your hand then finding himself in paradise. "Wow darling this is amazing!" "Isn't it breathtaking. It's so much better now with you" you say resting your head on his shoulder. "Everything is better now I'm with you again" Loki says rolling around with you on the grass kissing your face.

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