Loki~ Professor

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It was your second year of college and you were excited for your classes. This semester you were taking a Shakespeare and Norse Mythology call taught by the same professor. Professor Loki Laufeyson was one of the most well known professors on campus. He only taught the best of the best so you have to take a test to get in. You passed it with flying colors and Loki even sent you a handwritten letter congratulating you on your score.

The classes where on the same day with just a lunch hour separating them. Most students took either one or the other of his classes but you and a few others before you wanted the challenge of taking both of Professor Laufeyson's rigorous courses.

The first day of class you woke up early to get a good breakfast and to get a good seat for class. You wore a green button down tank top with black Capri leggings and gold sandals. You always wore a smoky eye and red lipstick. Many people would say that you're pretty and attractive. You didn't think much of it because you thought everyone is pretty in their own way. But with this pretty label it attracted the attention of lots of guys, unwanted attention. Sure some of them were handsome but they lacked intelligence.

You turn into the class room to find it empty. You shrug and take a seat up front by a window. You take out your Shakespeare text book when a tall dark haired man walks in. He sets his bag and coffee down on the table up front and starts writing on the whiteboard. He turns around shuffling papers around then glances up at you. He slightly jumps when he realizes it's a person he's looking at. He chuckles, "Umm Hello class starts at 10:30. It's only 9:45 miss." "I know, I like to be early. So I can get a good seat." You say lightly patting the top of the desk. "Ah well may I know your name?" "Oh yeah, it's (Y/N) (Y/L/N). It's great to meet you." You outstretched your hand to shake his. "So you're (Y/N). Your placement test score was very impressive. Highest I've seen in all my years of teaching. May I ask where you were taught previously?" "Well the Shakespeare comes from my love of reading. And the Norse comes from living in Norway when I was a child because my father was a Marine stationed there." "That's fascinating." He says as more students come in. You take your seat and class starts.

"Hello everyone I am Professor Loki Laufeyson. And you are here for Shakespeare 101. As you are well aware I teach only the best of the best and I expect nothing less then the best. That being said my course will not be a walk in the park. Some of you will not be able to handle this course and drop out of the class or if I feel you are not up to par I will ask you to leave. It's just fact. But if you're willing to be one of my students you will have to prove to me you are indeed the best. Now that's over turn to page 34 and let us begin shall we." He says chuckling slightly and grinning down at his notes.

All 3 hours of class you hung on every word that left his lips. You already loved Shakespeare but he might have made you become madly in love with the author. He explained things that made you look at McBeth or Hamlet in a whole new light. He gave a 4 page essay for homework. The topic was to write about your favorite play. You absolutely loved Romeo and Juliet. You could act out any part so this assignment would be a piece of cake for you.

He dismissed class and you stayed back to ask if you could stay in class because you have Norse Mythology next anyway. "Sure as long as you don't mind if I have my lunch." "As long as you don't mind if I have mine." You giggle and pull out your lunch bag from your bookbag. You sit and eat your salad while Loki cuts an apple with a small knife. "So Norway huh? How long did you live there?" He asks sitting on the edge of his desk. "From about the age of 3 to about 12 years old." "Oh then you would remember the stories parents tell their children at night." "Oh yes. My favorite has to be of Odin's Ravens. I love Ravens and they are so smart." "Indeed they are." He laughs. "I doubt you'll have any trouble in this class." "I honestly don't even think of it as class. It's more of remembering my childhood." You say taking a drink. He nods then returns to his desk to get ready of the next class.

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