Tom~ Work Trips

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"Darling I'm home." Tom says as he takes off his jacket. You bolt out of your room and run to his open arms. "I missed you so much Tom." You say muffled in his chest as he picks you up and spins you around. "I missed you too (Y/N). I have a surprise for you." He chuckles and you look up at him. "Oooo what is it? Something from your travels?" "No not exactly. I talked to some people and they said I could bring you with me to Hawaii!" "Oh so it's a work trip?" You ask slightly disappointed. "Well yes but I'll have free time and it will be us time. I promise my love." He says lightly kissing your forehead. "Alright when do we leave?" You smile up at him as he leads you to your room. "Tomorrow." "What? That's not enough time. I don't even know where to begin." You whine as you move around the room trying to figure out what you need. "It will be fine. I can help you." "But what about your stuff?" "All I have to do is wash some things. Now tell me what you need." He says pulling out your luggage from under the bed. That night you quickly make a list and give it to Tom while you get the house ready for your absence. "All done." He calls from your room. "Ok I'll be there in a second just finishing up dishes." He walks in the kitchen hugging you from behind. "You go check and add last minute things I'll finish up in here." "Thank you Tom." You say rubbing your eyes from exhaustion. "Awe baby your so tried. Get ready for bed after you check your luggage." "But there's still so much to do." "No buts. Everything will be fine." He presses his lips to yours pulling you closer. "Ok Tom I guess your right." You breathe pulling away for air. "I know." He chuckles as you go to your room.

You examine your suitcase and carry on thoroughly, making sure you have everything you need. "Flip flops check, sunscreen check, clothes check, bras panties and socks check." "Handsome boyfriend check." Tom laughs as he sits in your opens suitcase. "I thought I told you to get ready for bed. Why are you not in pajamas?" He tisks shaking his head. "I just haven't got around to it." "It's late darling come to bed." He rolls over to his side as you zip up your bags and set them in the corner next to his. You go into the bathroom and change before crawling into bed. "There that's better. Just think tomorrow night we will be sleeping in Hawaii. Are you excited?" "Yes very much so. Can't wait to walk on the beach with you and be in the beautiful blue water." You say cuddling closer to him. "Me too. I love you so much (Y/N)." "I love you too Thomas. Goodnight sweet dreams." "Only of you." He says kissing you softly before pulling the covers over you.

The next day to arrive at the airport and go through security. You start to feel sick as you wait for your flight to be called. Tom walks with you to the bathroom and waits outside. You feel like you need to throw up but all you can do is dry heave. You splash water on your face and come out of the bathroom. "You alright sweetie?" "I think so just a nervous stomach a guess. You know my internal organs don't like to fly." You giggle as your flight number is called. "Well good thing we are in first class I wouldn't want you getting sick on someone." He teases as you walk to the gate.

Once in your seats you ask the attendant if there is fizzy tablets you can put in some water to calm your stomach. She nods and goes to get them. "This is my second flight with you isn't it?" Tom asks as you rest your head on his shoulder. "Yeah that sounds right. The first one was when I met your parents." The attendant comes back with the tablets and some water. The drink helps a little as the plane takes off. "Long flight a head of us. How about you take a nap dearest?"  He says with opens arms for you to rest in. He plays with you hair to lull you to sleep. He falls asleep too for most of the flight only to walk up to hear the pilot say they are landing shortly.

Tom wakes you up after the plane has stopped. "Hey love we're. Wake up darling." You slowly wake up and notice your not moving. You grab your stuff and walk out of the plane to see the beauty of Hawaii. "God it's beautiful Tom!" "Indeed it is and we have a whole week to explore it." You pick up your luggage and Tom's manager Luke is already there to welcome you. "Hey guys how was the flight?" "It was fine but the little lady gets motion sick.." He says pulling you close to him. "Well now you're on solid ground let's get you to the hotel." Luke says leading you at Tom out to the car and driving you to a gorgeous resort on the beach. "Wow this is pretty." You breathe as you walk into the lobby where you are given a flower necklace.

Tom and Loki one shots (#Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now