Loki~ He Looks A Lot Like Me

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You and your husband Loki lived on Midgard and worked as Asgardian representatives for SHIELD. You being half Midgardian, you settled into your new life fairly fast and well. Loki on the other hand wasn't adjusting smoothly. All the kitchen appliances were seen as threats, you've lost three toasters already. You would try to teach him about Midgardian things and culture any chance you could get.

Loki loves going to the movies. Every Friday night you two would go out for dinner and a movie, this week you were going to see Crimson Peak. Loki begged you to say yes to this movie, it was supposed to be about ghost and spooky things and you didn't like those kind of movies. "Please (Y/N) people at work say it's really good. I'll hold your hand if it gets too scary. And you can pick where we go for dinner after" Loki says as he cuddles up to you on the couch. "I get to pick huh?" you say with a mischievous tone as you run your fingers through his raven black hair. "Yes my darling any where you want" he says kissing your neck. "Fine, we can see the movie but don't tease me if I get scared." "Yay! Thank you dearest. And I won't tease you, I promise" Loki says as he crosses his heart. "Oh yes a promise from the God of Mischief and Lies, I'll totally take that to the bank" you say dripping with sarcasm.

You get up from the couch and push him off of you. With a satisfying thud he falls to the floor. He chuckles and dusts himself off. "I may be the God of Lies but I do recall keeping a promise to you before"he says as he squeezes your butt and snakes his other hand around your waist. "And what is that" you growl trying not to show that you enjoy the position that you're in. With a swift turn Loki sets you up on the kitchen counter and stands between you legs kissing and nibbling your neck and chest. "The promise that I will love you for eternity, that I will provide and take care of you, that I will protect you from all harm" he says as he lovingly kisses your lips and grips your thigh.

"Oh yeah that promise" you say with a giggle. "Oh you think this is funny huh?" Loki chuckles and picks you up from the counter and puts you over his shoulder. "Loki stop please" you say laughing as he takes you to the bedroom. He throws you on the bed and uses his magic to stop you from getting away. "Do you think this is funny now" he says as he straddles your hips and begins to tickle you. "Ah Loki stop. No please it's not funny anymore" You whine and squirm all over trying to get away from his long slender fingers running all over your sides. He stops and leans down to kiss you "Now does the God of Lies keep his promises to his queen? Or do I have to reteach that lesson." Out of breath you manage to say " Yes my king keeps his promises" "Good. Now get cleaned up and ready so we don't miss the movie" he says jumping up from the bed but not leaving you without a playful smack on your butt.

You get ready and wait for Loki in the car. It's not long till you two pull into a parking space at the theater. You go to the movies so often that most of the workers recognize the two of you and some even know your names. "What movie will it be today Mr. Laufeyson" the boy at the box office asks. "The new one, Crimson Peak, tonight for me and the wife" he says as he wraps his arm around your hip. You get your tickets and head to the theater to find the best seats. You like to sit in the middle but Loki likes to sit at the far back because he likes to give you kisses and place his hand way up your thigh during movies. But tonight you get to sit in the middle because you agreed to seeing this movie and he wanted you to have your way this time.

The movie starts and you notice Loki looks really confused. "What is it Loki?" you whisper in his ear. "It's just, that actor that's playing Thomas looks a lot like me. Don't you think so?" He says running his thumb over your knuckles. "Yeah" you say "he sure does look like you. But not as handsome as you" Loki chuckles and kisses your cheek. Through out the movie there were parts that scared you a little and you would tightly hold his hand till the scene was over. There where even parts that made Loki jump.

After the movie you stayed for the credits to see who the actor was. "Tom Hiddleston, look him up on your phone (Y/N) I'd like to know more about him" "Can we do it at the restaurant? I'm starving" you say with a giggle. "Of course my love. Do you have the strength to walk? he says offering his hand to help you up. "Umm I don't think so, you must carry me" you say dramatically stretching your arms out over the seat. "Alright then, come now my queen I will carry you to the car" He says as he picks you up bridal style. He puts you in the car and buckles your seat belt. Loki gets in and starts the car "Where to my love, you get to pick remember." "I want a milkshake and a burger" you say almost asleep. "Stake n' Shake it is then" Loki says as he kisses your forehead and puts his jacket over you so your warm during your nap.

"(Y/N) we're here, wake up my pet." he says as he gently shakes your shoulder. You grumble as you slowly open your eyes. "Yay food" you say as you give Loki his jacket back. He comes around to your side and opens the door for you. The waitress places you guys at a booth for two. As soon as you sit down Loki takes your feet and rest them on his legs. He likes to massage your feet while you wait for your food.

Milkshakes came out before your meal. You always got strawberry and Loki gets chocolate. You sometimes combine them to make chocolate covered strawberry shakes. "So can we look up that Tom Hiddleston actor?" Loki says as he begins to massage your feet. "Oh yeah, let me look" you say typing his name into phone. "Says here he's in his thirties and English." You pass your phone to Loki for him to see. "It's crazy how much we look alike" Loki says as your meal comes to the table. Loki just looked through pictures of Tom as you ate your food. "Loki honey your food is getting cold" you say as tap on his stomach with your foot. "Oh yes darling, I completely forgot" he says as he takes big bites out of his food. "It's said that there are 7 people in the world that look like you. Like there are 7 you look alikes and 7 me look alikes" you say sipping at your shake. "That's interesting my love. Where did you learn that?" Loki says wiping his face with a napkin. "Internet" you say giggling. Loki gives you a cheeky smile and goes to pay the bill.

"I'd like to meet him one day" he says as he drives back home. You almost asleep mumble "yeah that would be cool." Loki chuckles and rests his hand on your thighs all the way home. He pulls into the garage and carries you off to bed. "Goodnight my queen" he says kissing your sleeping lips before getting into bed.

Tom and Loki one shots (#Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now