Loki~ Young God

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You worked as a burlesque dancer in New York. You were fairly new at it so you went on stage late in the night. Even though you were new you had a natural talent of dancing and singing. Your routine consisted of you singing Halsey's Young God while dancing. As you were getting ready your friend Aaliyah came into your shared dressing room. "Hey need help with your corset?" "Yes please." You say turning your back to her so she can lace you up. "That man is out there again. Think you have a fan." She giggles. This man has been at the club every night arriving just before you get on stage then leaving shortly after you finish. He sits in the same spot and orders the same drink. The spot is tucked into the corner and almost completely counseled in darkness. Every time before you go on, you try to get a better look at him but all you know is that he drinks scotch on the rocks, wears what looks like a green leather jacket and a gold necklace, and has black hair. "Wish he would sit closer." You gasp as Aaliyah tightens the corset. "Sorry. And why? He seems sketchy." "What makes him sketchy?" "Umm maybe he only shows up for you and sits in the shadows. He might what to kidnap you or something." "Oh you always think of the worst case scenario." You giggle as you apply makeup. "I just worry about you. It's not easy for us show girls." She rests her head on your shoulder and hugs you. "Thank you for caring. Love you and I'll be careful around big scary men." You say as you kiss her on the cheek. "Alright now get out there and break a leg. Maybe tonight you can get a good look at him." She says giving your butt a playful smack.

You walk backstage and wait to be introduced. "And coming to the stage is our rising star (your stage name)!" The curtain rises as you get a few applause. The music starts and you begin your routine. You start out slow then work your way up keeping in sync with the music. The whole time keeping your eyes on the man in the corner. He takes a drink and you can see his smile. Perfect dazzling white smile. You had to look away before you messed up your dancing. You could feel his eyes on you and this gave you some kind of confidence boost and you became more passionate with your dancing. You swung on the pole upside down, something none of the other dancers could do. The crowd clapped for you as you finished. As you took a bow you saw the man leave.

You walked back to your dressing room slightly upset that he left so fast. Granted you have never met him but you felt like he didn't like your dancing tonight so he left. "That was amazing! You have to teach me that. What's wrong?" "Oh nothing, thanks and I can teach you." You sigh. "I know something's up. Was it the man?" "He left shortly after I was done but like really fast. He usually stays for alittle after." "Maybe he was really turned on so he had to go take care of business." She giggles. "Yeah maybe." You laugh as you take off your corset.

You get off of work and head to your car. You go to unlock it when you feel a strange presents behind you. You tightly hold on to your purse and grip your keys to use as a weapon. "No need to be alarmed lady (stage name) I mean you no harm." A voice like silk whispers. "I am Loki of Asgard and I've been watching you for sometime." "I noticed you sit in the corner booth and watch me sing. And Loki? You're not from around here are you?" You say turning to face him. He is towering over you. Looking like he's over 6 foot and a tad too close to you. "No I've been watching you longer then that. You see I'm a god and have abilities that I can watch over people." You take a step back, "Sir I think your alittle drunk would you like me to take you home?" "I'm not drunk. Nor insane. Maybe if I show you you can understand." He says as he uses his magic to make flowers appear. "For you." "Wow that's cool. And thanks." You smell the flowers that just so happened to be your favorite kind. "These are my favorite how did you know?" "Like I said I've been watching you for a while. I know a lot about you. And I know (stage name) is not your real name lady (Y/N)." He says as he takes your hand in his and kisses it. "So what brings a god like you here?" "That's something I can answer over dinner. May we go to your house?" "Umm ok but I don't have much food there." "Then we shall stop at the takeout. My brother tells me it is quite good." He says getting in your car. "You have a brother here?" "Oh yes you might have heard of him. Thor, he's one of those avengers like the man of iron." "Oh that's amazing! Your brother is a superhero and you're a god. Why aren't you an avenger?" You ask trying to find a takeout place that is still open. "Oh they think I'm evil." He chuckles which worries you. "Don't worry I won't harm you lady (Y/N)." "How did you know I was worried?" "You tightened your grip on the steering  wheel and you clench your jaw when you are worried. And I also read your mind." "Oh I see. Is Chinese takeout ok?" "I'll eat anything I'm famished."

Tom and Loki one shots (#Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now