Tom~ The Stop Sign

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"(Y/N) I think you need to make an eye appointment." Tom says looking over at you reading a magazine. "Why?" "Because you have the words only inches from your face. Here pull it back some." He says placing your magazine in an acceptable position. "I guess I didn't realize how close it was. Thanks Tom." "Not a problem what are you reading anyway? Something about me?" He chuckles. "Actually a gossip article that has you and another woman photographed at a cafe. Care to explain?" You giggle knowing who is in the photo. "Well I don't really know how to explain this but (Y/N) the woman in the photo is someone very dear to me. Someone that can offer me things you couldn't. I honestly I can't believe how I got caught but the woman is my mother." You both look at each other with blank faces. "Oh I see. And you didn't invite me." You say in a huff crossing your arms. He try's to hug you but you turn away. "Can't believe you Thomas Hiddleston took your mother to lunch behind my back. And I find out by reading it in a magazine." "I'm so sorry my love. Will you forgive me?" He says as he wraps his long arms around you from behind and kissing your cheek. "I don't know depends on where we go for dinner and if I can drive the Jaguar." "I suppose something like this calls for a dinner date and yes you may drive. Now go get dressed." He says as he tickles your sides. You run upstairs to get ready. Fixing your hair and makeup and finding the cutest outfit for driving the prized jaguar convertible. It was a warm summer evening so you put your hair up and wore a light pink one piece with a white blazer. With your purse and sunglasses you skipped downstairs. Tom was waiting by the door keys and wallet in hand. "Ooo those legs are going to be the death of me darling." He smiles giving you a kiss. "Are we going to admire them all night or are we leaving." You giggle taking the keys and pressing the automatic start button. You can hear the engine rumble as it turns on, you press close to Tom as his hands go straight to your hips. "Ready dearest." "Yes but we're probably not thinking of the same thing." He chuckles and turns a little red. "We can save that for later. Right now I wanna drive a fast car that a posh villain would have." You wink as you take his hand and leads him outside. "Tell me would a villain wear a light pink one piece with oh so cute hello kitty sunglasses?" "Why yes and don't disrespect hello kitty. She's a bad ass." You say getting into the car and putting down the top.

You're causally driving along with the wind in your hair. "You're squinting a lot darling. Are your sure you can see ok?" Tom asks holding your hand. "Yes my love I'm fine just the wind making my eyes water." You say as you miss a stop sign and get hit by a car on the drivers side. You are knocked out from the impact. Glass from the windshield cuts you all up and your legs are pinned down. Tom is also cut up but manages to get out and call for help. The other driver is fine decides a few cuts. A rescue team breaks off the door to get you out and take you to the hospital.

You wake up screaming in pain on the way inside the ER. "Miss calm down you were in a very bad car accident. You are at the hospital. Doctors are here to help you." A nurse says. "Tom? Thomas? Where's Tom." You say frantically trying to sit up to look for him. "Is that your husband miss? He's here too. His injuries are not critical as yours." You are wheeled into a room with a bunch of nurses and doctors. "Miss were are going to put you asleep. Ok breathe deep. 1,2,3." And again you're out.

The doctors check all your injuries, broken leg, ribs and arm, deep cuts on your chest and face, concussion are all your damages from not seeing the stop sign. You so worried about Tom and what he's going to say. You didn't realize your vision was bad, you could have killed him or someone.

You wake up to the sound of machines and muffled voices. Your vision is foggy but then slightly focuses when you see him next to your bed. "Tom?" Your voice soft and shaky. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see it. I didn't see it." You repeat as tears run down your cheeks. He wipes them away kissing you softly. "Hush darling, none of that matters. I'm just glad you woke up." "Are you ok?" "Yes I'm fine so is the other guy. You are the only one badly hurt. It should be me." He says with his head low holding you hand tight. "No it shouldn't. I'm the one that messed up." "I wish I could help." He whispers and you smile at him. "Well you could schedule an eye appointment for me. And I'm really sorry about the car." His head snaps up to look at you. "Damn it (Y/N) I don't care about the car. We can get another. But I can't get another you." He's tears streaming down his cheeks. You try to wipe them but it hurts to move. You wince and put your arm back down realizing you have a cast. "What's all wrong with me?" "Concussion, broken arm ribs and leg and a lot of stitches." "Well this blows." You say as you softly laugh. "It's probably not a good idea to laugh because of your ribs." He says caressing your face. "You're right could you ask if I can have pain killer." "Sure thing." He says leaving the room.

He comes back with a nurse that ups the IV. "Doctor said you're going to be here for a few days." Tom says sitting in a chair next to you. "Oh well you can go home if you don't want to say." "Are you crazy? I'm not leaving your side." "But what about clothes and stuff?" You ask as he stands up and plays with your hair. "I'm having Luke bring me a bag of stuff. I had him put a outfit in for you when you get out. Now get some rest darling I'll be here if you need me. I'm so lucky to have you. I love you so much." "And I love you." You say as he softly kisses your lips and lulls you to sleep by playing with your hair.

All you dream about is the accident and all the terrible things that could have happened. You hated yourself for it. You cried in your sleep and Tom tried to calm you but nothing he could do helped. He was ver concerned for your mental health so he asked if a therapist  could come to talk with you.

The next day you had the therapist come up and talk to you. "Good morning mrs. Hiddleston, I'm Erin. Your husband was concerned about how you're feeling about the accident. Would you like to talk about it?" "It's all my fault. I didn't see it and people got hurt." You say softly. "Your husband and the other driver only sustained minor injuries. You are the one that got the worst of it." She says trying to take your focus away from the others and talk about you. "I don't care what happened to me it was my fault. But Tom..." You trail off when he walks into the room. "Darling I'm fine. They only gave me bandages. You have stitches and broken bones. Please don't fuss over me when you're the one in the hospital." "But the car. You loved that car. You worked so hard for it." "(Y/N) listen to me please. The car doesn't matter. It's only metal. I can get a new one. But I can't get a new you. I don't know what I would do if you died from it. Probably stop acting because I would go absolutely insane without you. You should have see the mess I was when you were unconscious. Nothing matters besides you getting better and coming home." He says holding your hand tight as tears spill out over his cheeks. You nod and press closer to him.

The therapist leaves and shortly after a doctor comes in. "Mrs Hiddleston I'm Doctor Mark I'll be checking your eyes." You look at Tom and he smiles down at you. "You did ask me to schedule and eye exam." You giggle as the doctor goes to work. After all the tests the doctor says, "well looks like you need glasses. When you are feeling better you can come down and pick out your frames or contacts if you would prefer those."

As he leaves you notice Tom had his glasses on. "Guess we are glasses buddies now." You say as he puts them on you. "Guess so my love but you'll probably have to wear yours all the time." "Yeah but then I'll look smart all the time." You giggle. "You are smart already." "Not smart enough to know my vision is changing." "Oh you hush with that or so help me I'll have you eat the hospital food." Tom teases knowing hospital food is terrible. "No please sir anything but that." You say with puppy eyes. "Alright now what would you like me to get you?" "Subway sounds good and it's right down stairs so you don't have to drive anywhere." "As you wish darling. I'll be back soon. Don't go anywhere." He teases knowing you're on bed rest till you can move without your ribs severely hurting. "Oh yes like I have somewhere to be." You reply sticking your tongue out.

He brings back the food and helps you sit up to eat. "Brought you a cookie since you're being good." "Way to treat me like a child Tom. A+" "Well you are my baby." He chuckles giving you a kiss. "I guess you got me there." "Yep now eat. You need to get your strength up so you can go home." "Home sounds really good right now. You me cuddling on the couch watching a movie." You sigh. "Soon dearest, soon."

Tom and Loki one shots (#Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now