Tom~ Cast and Crew

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You were working as a makeup and hair dresser on Thor: The Dark World. There was only 5 of you for the whole cast and you being the only girl made you the odd one out. You didn't mind though, you just focused on your work and didn't really mingle with the others. You were always the first one on set so you could get everything you need set up and ready to go. Tom Hiddleston was always second on set because he likes to read over his lines everyday. Your trailer was all set up so you went and knocked on toms door to see if he'd like to get his make up done. You and Tom would have lovely conversations when you got him ready for filming. You two had a natural chemistry that made conversations flow well. You knocked on his door and he opened it smiling. "Ah (Y/N) good morning." "Good morning Tom ready to be come the God of mischief?" "Sure am. Just going to grab my tea real quick." He says walking away then returning. You head to your trailer and Tom asks, "so how's your morning?" "Pretty good. Got here early enough to beat the traffic. And you?" "The morning is going well. Thanks. Glad your here. I missed you the other day." "Oh yeah I was sick. But feel better today." You say opening to door to your trailer. Tom sits down in the chair as you go to work. "That's good you're feeling better. I can't talk to the other artists like I can with you." Tom says trying to to move his face to much. "I feel the same way. It's like we've been close friends for years." You blend foundation and powder into his skin. Next you work on his hair. Today they are filming the cell scene and his hair has to look messy and unkept. You go to brush his hair when you see a burn on his ear. "Hey Tom how did you get this burn?" "Oh there was a mishap with the straightener and one of the other hair dressers." He says quietly. "I'm sorry. I don't think they know what they are doing half the time. Does it still hurt?" "A little but it's nothing to fuss over." "I'll put some cream on it." You say digging through your big work bag. "(Y/N) it's really nothing to worry about." "Let me fix you up. It's kind of my fault." "How?" He asks confused. "Because I wasn't here to save your ear from a straightener in the wrong hands." You gently put the cream on his ear and you can tell by his face that it feels better. You continue your work as Tom reads his lines. "Hey (Y/N) what are you doing for lunch?" Tom asks as your putting the finishing touches. "Eating my salad in here and getting ready for the next person that needs makeup or hair. Why?" "I'd like to take you out for a bite of you have time." He says looking in the mirror at you. "Sure I have time. Is this a date?" You giggle as he starts to walk out of the trailer. "Possibly, we can take my car." He says with a smile and kisses your hand.

As more and more of the cast arrive you work on as many people as you can. You loved working on the dark elves, it was one of your favorite character designs. As the morning progressed you couldn't stop thinking about your lunch with Tom that afternoon. You were excited because you don't really make friends on the job and this is confirming that you and Tom are friends. Once you were finished with people's makeup you had some time till lunch so you decided to explore the set. You never really had extra time to watch filming like other people on the crew. Walking out of your trailer you looked all around the big set to see where the cameras are. You find them and head over when your arm is linked with another. You look over to see its Tom all dressed in his out of prison Loki costume. "I see they let the big bad Loki out." You say continuing to walk where the crowd is. "Your observation is correct mortal. And I can see that you'd like to see what they are currently filming." He says in his silky Loki voice. "You're correct my king." You try to say with a straight face looking up at him but you both burst into laughter. Tom leads you to where others are standing watching a fight scene between Chris and some dark elves. "Have you died yet?" You ask putting air quotes around died. Tom chuckles, "No not yet. I think that's tomorrow. So get ready to make my face look like death." "No amount of makeup could do that Tom. You are so full of life." "Awe thanks (Y/N). Hey are you hungry?" He asks squeezing your hand. "Oh yeah. I almost forgot our lunch outing. Just have to get my purse and you probably have to change." You say running your hand over the leather outfit. "Yeah meet you at your trailer in 15." He smiles and kisses your hand for a second time. You walk back and think to yourself, "Do friends kiss their friends hands like that? Is it an English thing like the kisses on cheek?" You walk in and touch up your makeup when you hear a knock at your door. You call for them to come in and you see out the corner of your eye it's Tom. "Hey that was fast." "Oh sorry are you not ready? I can wait." He says running his hands nervously through his hair. "No you're fine, I'm ready." You giggle.

He leads you to his car and opens the door for you. "Going to buckle my seatbelt too?" You tease. "Well if you'd like me too." He chuckles and you shake your head. He shuts the door and starts the car. "Your car is very nice. It's a Jaguar right?" "Thank you and yes it is a Jaguar." He says trying to mimic your American accent. "So where to? I'm not overly familiar with this area." "I know a little spot you'll like." He says pulling into the road. He takes you to this cute little diner and the waitress takes your orders. "So how was filming today?" You ask as you wait for your food. "It went well. Finished up all the cell scenes all that's left is the big fight sequence that I die in. How was makeup and hair today?" He says using the air quotes around die. "Well that's good. And it was fun. Did a lot of dark elves today. I love their character design so much." You say excitedly as your meals come. You and Tom eat and talk about life outside of work like you normally do when your fixing him up for filming. The waitress brings over the check and takes away dishes. You dig for you wallet to pay and Tom stops you. "Ah ah I got it." "You sure? I can pay for mine." "It's fine (Y/N) I did say it was a date." He says putting his card on the tray and giving you a wink. "Umm what?" Tom breaths out slowly and takes your hand in his. "This was a date. For the few weeks I've known you I've liked you. You're funny, intelligent, beautiful and I'd like to take you out on more dates. I'm sorry if you feel tricked. And if you don't feel the same that's fine, I just wanted to get it out in the open." He says searching your face for an answer. You sit quietly trying to process all that you've heard. "Well I guess I have to tell the others you're exclusively my project." You say giving him a smile. "So that means no one can do my makeup besides you?" He asks curiously. "You are correct my king." You giggle. Tom pulls you out of your seat and hugs you tight. "Thank you (Y/N) you don't know how happy you've made me." "And you don't know how happy I am to make you happy."

You two walk back to the car and he opens the door again for you. "You can put my seat belt on for me now." You say handing it to him. He chuckles as he leans over and clicks it in place. As he's getting up you give him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you my queen." He says as he presses his soft lips to your forehead. You drive back to the set and get your trailer ready for the next makeup and hair change as Tom sits on your couch. "Hey (Y/N) are you going to the premier?" "Probably not. Crew doesn't usually go to stuff like that." You say searching for something in your big work bag. Tom hugs you from behind, "well would you come as my date?" "Well duh." You tease as he presses his lips to your cheek. "You should get ready Mr Hiddleston. They are starting soon." "Will you wait for me here till I'm done Miss (Y/L/N)?" "Don't I always?" With this he hugs you and whispers, "Until then my queen."

Tom and Loki one shots (#Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now