Loki~ She's a Frostgiant pt 2

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Morning breaks over Asgard and you are surprisingly feeling better then you've felt in a long time. You look over your shoulder to find the Birthday boy still asleep. You take this as your chance to dress in some lingerie Loki got you a few months ago but haven't had the chance to show it off for him. "Hope it still fits" you think to yourself. You slip into the silky panties that are green with gold trim. Next is the lacy baby doll like top that is all black. You try to tie the string that closes the top on your chest but since your pregnant your breasts have gotten larger. You sigh defeated by your own boobs. Making sure he is still sleeping you peek your head out of the bathroom door. With a reassuring snore you sneak out and get back in bed. Loki automatically pulls you closer to him. You try not to giggle as his hand runs up your thigh as his face crinkles in confusion. You always wear some kind of pajama bottom to bed but not with this new lingerie. His slender fingers reach the waist band of the panties and he crinkles even more in confusion. "Good morning my king" you say as you kiss him on his cool lips. "My dear why are you not wearing bottoms" he asks eyes still closed. "We'll look at me and you will see why" you say sitting up on your knees making a sexy pose. Loki props himself up on his arm and rubs his eyes before looking at you. His jaw drops as he realizes what you are wearing. "Oh you must get up and show me all of this beautiful sight" he says with and obviously aroused growl. You skip over to his side of the bed as he sits up on the edge. "Like this my darling" you say as you start to give him a lap dance. "Midgardian exotic dancing is my weakness my sensual goddess" he says as he makes a silk scarf appear , wraps it around you pulling you closer to him. "Happy birthday you God of Mischief" you whisper in his ear as he sets you on his lap facing him. With that he begins you kiss your neck and chest, taking a hold of your hips allowing you to grind on him. "Is it safe to... You know" he asks. "Yes it's safe as long as we take it slow" you say as he fills your soft womanhood with his manhood. "Am I hurting you my queen" "No it's just it's been awhile I have to get used to you again" you say kissing him passionately. The two of you melt into each other. Husband and wife enjoying each other as everything else fades away.

Everything is well till Hela kicks you causing you to become sick. You rush to the bathroom with Loki behind you. He holds your hair and rubs your back as you hug the toilet. You sit on the edge of the tub as Loki gets you a warm washcloth for your face. "Sorry about that" you say wiping your face. "Hush darling it wasn't your fault. I had a good time. I love seeing you in this." He says siting next to you resting your head on his chest. "I love you more then anything you know that right" "I do but I think I love you more because I left my home to come here with you" you say giggling as he sticks his tongue out at you. "Now is that anyway a king should act oh his birthday" you say as you start tickling him. "Stop please I'm going to pee myself" Loki says between gasps of air. "Alright but we should start to get ready for the day" you say taking off the lingerie and stepping into the shower. Loki follows behind you as he turns the warm water on. You two let the water wash over you while he holds you close. "You know this is the best birthday gift I could ask for" "What do you mean" you ask looking up at him. "Spending time with you. We hardly get to do that often. I'm always busy with duties and you watch over the children. The only us time we get is when we are asleep." "True" you say hugging him closer. He kisses your forehead just before turning off the shower.

The two of you get ready. Loki puts his formal armor on and you get to wear your new dress. It's a long flowy gold dress with pearls sewn into the neckline. "What do you think Loki? Is this suitable for your party" you ask as you spin around allowing him to see every angle of it. "Yes my dear it looks wonderful on you" he says kissing your knuckles. Just as his lips leave your hand Benjamin and Link run into the room. "Look daddy we have helmets too" the boys say showing them off. Ben's helmet was much like his father's but his horns started above his ear, then curved down to his jaw. Link's was very simple because he isn't old enough for for a special helmet yet. You'd like his helmet to resemble Heimdall's when he is of age. "Ah yes very nice boys. Be sure to take very good care of them." Loki says giving the boys a hug. Benjamin comes over to the mirror that you are doing your hair in to show you his new helmet. "Wow mommy you look very pretty." he says as he kisses your cheek. "Thank you, you look very handsome yourself." Then you feel a tug at your dress, "And you as well my darling" you say as you pick Link up and set him in your lap. "All of my boys look dashing for the party." Loki walks over to the mirror and says "And our two ladies look beautiful." He kisses you and places his hand on your stomach. "Ewww" the boys giggled and covered their eyes. "Oh you don't like it when I kiss your mother huh" Loki says as he attacks your face with kisses. The boys run out of the room yelling "eww daddy kisses mommy!"

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