Loki~ I Know You Hate Me pt 3

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In the morning you wake up before Loki. You decide to get him breakfast personally. You head to your room to change then to the kitchen. The cooks are surprised to see you instead of a servant. "My queen what do you need?" A cook asks. "Just Loki's breakfast. I wasn't doing anything so I came to get it." The cook nods and hands you a tray of food.

You open the large door to his room to find him talking in his sleep. "(Y/N) I love you. Why don't you love me?" You see tears run down his face and onto the pillow. You set the tray of food down and try to comfort him. You softly caress his face and run your fingers through his hair. "Loki I got you breakfast." You say to arouse him awake. He groans as he shifts upright. "Ah (Y/N) you're still here. I thought you would leave." "Nope still here. Now here's your breakfast." You say placing the tray in front of him. "Your swords are in that closet over there." He says as he begins to eat. You walk over to find them. You take them and sit in a chair to examine them. First you pull out your main sword that hangs at your hip. "I had a chance to look at them. They are very well made and beautiful." "Thanks my father gave them to me as a gift. This one has pearls along the handle. And the other one has rubies." You say pulling out the other that you keep on your back. "Maybe you could show me your skills sometime." Loki says as he finishes eating. "Yeah maybe. Want me to take the tray?" "Please. Have you ate this morning?" He asks. "No not hungry." "You need to eat. You're already skinny as it is. You have to keep that strength up." "I'll eat something later. Now it's time for you to get ready." You say walking into the bathroom to get wash cloths and a tub of water to wash him. "Uh you are not washing me." "And why not?" "One because you're a queen and that's a servants job. Two because you've already seen enough of my exposed body. And three because we hardly know each other for you to see me completely naked." Loki says frustrated that he can't do things himself. "I just want to help you because I hurt you." You say with tears in your eyes. "I don't want your help." Loki shouts losing his temper. You run out of the room crying causing the tub of water to fall on the floor. You run to your room as your and Loki's handmaidens see. Loki's servants leave to help him as yours rush after you.

"Why do I even care about him? He doesn't deserve it!" You yell in frustration as you punch your pillow. "He doesn't realize what he says sometimes (Y/N). Don't take it personal. I bet he feels terrible about it." Sarah says from your bed side. "How could he? He only cares about himself." "No no no that's not true. He cares about his people and especially you." "Yes because screaming at someone who is trying to help is caring." You say as you lie down in your bed. "How about your take your mind off of this and go to the training grounds? Your practice attire arrived today." Sarah says softly hiding you your sword. "Alright. I can teach those soldiers a thing or two."

You change and head to the grounds. You gain an audience as you practice. Your handmaids thought Loki should see so they asked the healers if he could be wheeled out to see. They agree and help him out to the training grounds. "Why are you taking me out here? What's so special?" He stops when he sees you. "Wow she's incredible." He was in awe of your talent and skill. "They sure don't all her the warrior princess of Hyrule for nothing." "Maybe you should treat her better then." Sarah says smugly. "And who are you to tell me how to treat her?" "I am Sarah lady (Y/N)'s lead handmaiden. And I suggest you change or that will happen to you." She says as you slice through a wooden dummy. Loki swallows hard and says, "Tell her I'd like to speak with her in my chambers when she is finished here." "As you wish my King." Loki is pushed back to his room where he's left alone with his thoughts.

"Why must I be so cruel to her. She was only trying to help. I wish our situation were better. Then it wouldn't be so complicated." He says to himself as there is a knock on his door. "Come in." You slowly walk in afraid that he will shout at you again if you make a wrong move. "Ah (Y/N) I've been expecting you. Saw you train today that was amazing. You really are talented with those swords of yours." "Thank you. There was something you wanted to see me for?" You ask as he props himself upright. "Yes I'd like to apologize for this morning. You were only trying to help and I shouldn't have shouted at you. Please forgive me." You walk closer to him and he takes your hand. "I know I don't treat you well even when I say I love you. I want to change that. It will take time but I want to be better for you. I want you to feel wanted and loved. I want you to be happy." He says running his thumb over your knuckles. "I don't really know what to say Loki." "I understand but just know I'm going to change." He presses his lips against your hand kissing it softly. "For a warrior like yourself you have very delicate hands." He chuckles causing you to laugh. "Thanks I like how feminine they look wrapped around my swords handle. Is that all you needed me for?" "Um yeah that's all." He says slightly disappointed that you are leaving. "I'll be back at dinner to bring your food." You say giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Oh alright see you soon darling." Loki couldn't help but grin after your kiss. "You get a kiss every time you do something good. That was for you apologizing for this morning. Deal?" "Deal." You walk out of his room and leave.

Tom and Loki one shots (#Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now