Tom~ A Little Early

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Your phone rings with Tom's ringtone while you are watching tv in the living room. "Hello?" "Darling I have great news! You have an audition for a role in an upcoming film I am in. But you have to get down here quick." "Oh my goodness this is cool! I'm putting on my shoes now." You say holding the phone to your ear with your shoulder. "Fantastic I'll see you soon love you." "Love you too." You hang up and head out the door.

You quickly drive to the studio and quickly find the room where auditions are held. Tom is sitting at a table with the casting person and director. "Ah here she is. This is my wife (Y/N)" he says as you shake hands. Tom hands you a scrip and you skim over it to get a feeling for what you are expected to do. "Alright Tom can you start on page 5 and (Y/N) you will be reading the female lines. And begin." The director says as Tom starts to read. "My darling I would never hurt you. I know that right?" "Then why were you caught in bed with my sister?" You say in a huff. "She forced herself on me. Please believe me dearest I could never look at anyone the way I look at you." "I can't believe these lies you are spinning!" You shout as you play slap him and he falls to his knees crying. He screams as you walk away from him, "my love please don't leave me!" The director claps just as you're about to say the next line. "Fantastic both of you. You two will work well for the parts." Tom hugs you tight spinning you around. "This is just, wow thank you for giving me the opportunity." You say catching your breath. "You're welcome. We need the raw marriage aspect for the film and who would be better for the parts then a husband and wife. Now filming starts in a few months we will send the scripts to your house. Thanks for coming out." The director says gathering his things.

You and Tom walk out to your cars celebrating about your parts. "I can't believe this is happening! I get to act with my wife." He says holding you close. "I hope there is a sex screen so I won't have to pretend I'm turned on." "Oh excuse me Mr Hiddleston this is strictly a co worker relationship. Can't have feelings get in the way of work." You giggle as he hugs you tighter. "You're such a tease." "Yep well guess I'll see you at home then dearest husband." "Yes lovely wife see you soon." He says giving you a kiss as you get in your cars.

Months go by and filming has started. You two share a large trailer and get your makeup done together. "Hey so what's this killing me business at the end?" Tom asks looking over his script again. "You're just now noticing it? I get to murder you in the end. Very violently if I do say so myself." You giggle devilishly rubbing your hands together. "Well that's not going to be fun." "Well maybe you shouldn't have slept with my sister." "I've told you she forced herself on me." He chuckles before leaving the trailer.

Once filming was over you and Tom had many interviews talking about the new movie. You even got to be on the Ellen show. "So (Y/N) this is your acting debut right?" Ellen asks while Tom sits next to you. "Oh yes this is my first film and it was absolutely amazing like how often do you get to co star with your husband. It was a wonderful experience." "Where you ever nervous during production? Or felt inexperienced?" "No actually I felt very comfortable because it was just like when Tom would have me practice his lines with him for his other projects." You say and Tom cuts in, "just a husband and wife working on something they both enjoy." "Speaking of that how long have you two been together?" Ellen asks. "It will be 3 years next week." Tom says holding your hand as the crowd claps. "Wow 3 years well happy anniversary. Now the world wants to know are you guys planning on having children?" The room falls silent waiting for your answer. "Well it was going to be a surprise but now is a good time too." You giggle as Tom looks at you weird. "Tom Hiddleston you're going to be a father." You say as you place his hand on your stomach and the crowd including Ellen loses their mind. "You heard it first here (Y/N) and Tom Hiddleston are expecting a baby! We'll be right back." As the show cuts to a break Tom hugs you tight and kisses you. "My love this is fantastic news. How long have you known?" "About 3 weeks. I wanted to tell you on our anniversary but now was a good time too." "Congratulations you two. This baby is going to be so cute." Ellen says giving you both waters. "Is it ok if we talk about the baby more after the break?" "That's fine with me." You say looking up at Tom. "If it's fine with her is fine with me." He chuckles. You get back in your places and the show starts again. "Welcome back we are here with (Y/N) and Tom Hiddleston who just announced that they are expecting a baby. It's that incredible! This baby is going to be the cutest in Hollywood since you two are both very attractive people." Ellen says as the crowd cheers. "Awe you're too sweet." "I know this is still pretty early I mean Tom just found our you were pregnant a few minutes ago but do you have baby names in mind?" "Oh yes we've always had names even before we were married. Oliver if it's a boy and Joanna if it's a girl." Tom says holding you close. "You heard it here the Hiddleston's are expecting a new movie out later this year and a baby! That's all the time we have." Ellen says as the cameras pan out.

As you leave the studio you start to call both your parents to tell them the news. Tom calls his mother and you can hear over the phone she is crying tears of joy. You call your mother and greeted with "I already know I just watched the show! I'm so happy you have to come visit soon went you have time." Once you are home you two relax on the couch talking about the day and how excited you are to be parents.

When the premier of your film rolled around you were sporting a large baby bump. Tom was very protective of you while you were on the red carpet. Walking slowly with a hand always on your back or hip just incase he needed to move you out of harms way. He was so proud to be a father. Everyone could tell from his expression with you at his side. Once in the theater you watched your film and mentally judged your performance. The film finally go to your gruesome murder scene which caused you to giggle as Tom cringed at the violent act. Once the movie was over everyone stood up and applauded the cast and directors for their hard work.

There was an after party that you and Tom went to. Everyone congratulating each other for a job well done. "Hey Tom I'm going to go sit down." "Ok do you need help?" "No I'll be fine. Go have fun." You say kissing him on the cheek. "Alright you go sit I'm probably not going to stay too much longer." He says as you go and search for a comfortable spot. You find some large cushiony chairs and take them for your own. You pry off your heels and look at your swollen feet. A waiter comes by asking if you'd like anything to drink. "Just a water please and thank you." You say as the waiter leaves. As you wait you start to feel sharp pains come a go every couple of minutes. You shrug it off as just pain from being tired or sitting until you feel your water break. You start to panic not having Tom anywhere in sight. Another woman rushes to your aid as you scream in pain. She has a waiter go find Tom as you try to focus on your breathing. Tom hears your scream from across the room and runs over to you. "She's in labor. Call an ambulance." The woman says as Tom tries to comfort you till the medic arrives. "What happened darling you're not due until a few weeks from now." He coos as he holds your hand not flinching from your tight grip. "I don't know I just came over and sat down then this happened." You say as tears pour over your cheeks. The medics come and lift you onto the stretcher. They rush you to the hospital and call your doctor for him to meet you there.

Once in a room nurses give you the epidural which helps your pain. The doctor comes in and Tom instantly asks questions. "Why is she so early? Is there something wrong with the baby? Is the baby ok? Is she ok?" "Mr Hiddleston please, everything is going to be alright. Your baby is healthy and just wanted to see the world a little sooner then planned. It happens a lot. And your wife is healthy too. All is going to be ok."

You're in labor for 10 hours until it was time for you to push. Tom cheers you on as you push for what seems like hours until your hear your baby cry for the first time. "Oh my god (Y/N) we have a Joanna." Tom says as a nurse hands your daughter over to him. "God she's beautiful just like you." He places her in your arms and you see her big eyes look up at you. You cry as Tom kisses your head. "She's finally here." He whispers as she falls asleep in your arms. "Yes she is. You should call her new grandparents and tell them the news. It's probably all over the media anyway." You giggle as he starts to dial numbers. "Hey mom Joanna was born. Yes yes alittle early then planned but everything is fine. She's healthy as well as (Y/N). Be sure to tell dad. Talk to you soon." Tom then calls your parents and tells then the news. You can hear your mother shout through the phone. Once everyone was notified Tom pulls a chair to the side of the bed and watched little Joanna sleep. "I love you so much." "And I love you more." You whisper as he takes her in his arms. "You get some rest my love. Don't worry I got her." He pulls a blanket over you and kisses your lips.

Tom and Loki one shots (#Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now