Loki~ The Principal's Office pt 2

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"Mom I forgot my book report on my desk and it's due today can you bring it up to the school?" Daisy says through a text. "Yeah I can bring it. Do you know if Mr Laufeyson is there?" "I think I saw him today. Why you going to bring him lunch or something like a cute little girlfriend?" "Why yes I am you little smart ass. For that I might not even bring your report." You tease. "No mommy please I need it. I'm sorry." She pleads. "Alright I'll be there in a little bit and stop texting during class." You walk in her room to find the 5 page report on her desk. "That girl is so forgetful." You giggle as you walk down to the kitchen where you have Loki's lunch boxed up. You text Loki to make sure he isn't busy for you to visit. "Hey honey are you terribly busy? I'm on my way to the school to drop off Daisy's book report." He replies quickly. "No I'm not busy I'll meet you in the main office. See you soon darling." With this you get in the car and head to the school.

You make your way through the empty halls to the main office. "Hello this is for Dasiy (Y/L/N) she's in the 9th grade." You tell a secretary and she hands it to a student worker to give it to Daisy. "Ah Miss (Y/N) I've been expecting you." Loki says from behind you acting like he has no relation with you. "Hold my calls please while I meet with her thank you." The secretary nods as he leads you to his office. "Hello my love how is your day? I see you have a lunch bag is that for me?" He chuckles as you sit in his large chair. "Why yes it is. Thought it would be nice to bring you some lunch." You say putting your feet up on the desk causing you skirt to slide down exposing your thigh. "Thank you darling. Now may I have my seat back?" "Hmmm nope." You giggle leaning back in it only to have your skit ride up exposing your lacy panties. "Um (Y/N) your undergarments are showing." He says as blush spreads on his pale cheeks. "You should lock the door my love." You giggle as you lay on the desk unbuttoning the top few buttons of your shirt. "We can't do this here my pet. What if someone hears?" He says as he locks the door. "I promise to keep quiet." He stands between your legs as you sit up and kiss him deeply. You guide his hand to your chest so he can kneed your breasts. He backs away causing you to whimper. "How about you sit in your chair and have lunch while I have some of my own." He nods and sits in his chair after you crawl under the desk and unzip his pants.

You go to work sucking his hard manhood as he relaxes into the chair. He runs his fingers through your hair and gently pulls on it. After a while he desperately wants you and helps you off the ground. "Bend over the desk now." He growls and you do as you're told. He slides off your panties and bites your perfect round ass. While on his knees he inserts 2 of his slender fingers into your womanhood. He gets deep massaging your spot to make you a dripping mess. "Ready my sweet?" He whispers in your ear as he lines his cock up with your hole. "Oh yes sir." You squeak as he rams his full length into you. "Ah ah not a sound." He groans as he thrusts into hard and fast. You quickly reach your climax and cum on his large dick. He releases his warm seed in you shortly after filling you up. "Lay down so I can clean you up." He breathes as you lay on the desk. He laps up all your sweet juices and soothes your raw hole with his tongue. He sits you in his lap when he is done and holds you close. "Thanks for lunch baby." "Anytime." You giggle. The bell rings and you hear students in the hallways. "Well I should let you get back to work Mr Laufeyson." "Alright are you doing anything later?" "Not that I can think of. Why?" "Do you mind if I stop by tonight? I'll pick up some wine." "Sounds great we can watch a movie." You say kissing his lips. "Or other things." He chuckles. "Maybe now enjoy your lunch Mr Laufeyson." "Will do darling thank you again."

A few hours pass and Daisy gets home. "Thanks for bringing my report. I would have been fucked." "Language please Daisy. And its fine I got to see Loki for a bit so I'm happy. Oh he's coming over tonight. If you want to go over to a friends house after you finish your homework you can." You say making dinner. "Ok could I have money for pizza?" "That's fine there's a 20 in my purse." "So did you two bang when you visited?" She giggles sitting on the bar stool. "Now would you really want to know if we did?" "Oh god you're right." She shivers and you laugh. "Hello?" Loki says walking into the house. "Hey how did you get in?" You ask peeking your head around the corner. "The door was open." You narrow your eyes at Daisy. "Oh look at the time gotta go do some homework." She sprints up the stairs and shuts her door.

"Well now that she's gone how are you my love?" You ask kissing him. "I'm good. That lunch was fantastic thank you again. Oh and you're making dinner too? I'm going to gain weight with you around huh." He chuckles as he pulls you into a hug. "Yeah probably. But it's solid weight it's good for you." "It surly smells great. Will Daisy be joining us?" He asks wrapping his arms around you. "No once she is done with her homework she's going to a friends and getting pizza." "Oh let me pay for it." "You don't have to Loki. I have the money." "I insist use that money on you." He says rubbing your noses together.

You and Loki are having dinner when Daisy comes down. "Leaving for Sophie's house. You said there was a 20 in your purse right mom?" "Here take this." Loki says pulling out his wallet. "Um ok see you tomorrow mom. Bye Loki." She says as she kisses your cheek. "Bye dearest. Be careful on your bike. Text me when you get there. Love you." You says as she heads out the door. Loki looks at you just admiring what he has in his life. "What is there something on my face?" You ask looking at you reflection in the silverware. "No my dear I'm just admiring what an amazing woman you are. So strong and intelligent. Yet so loving and kind. It amazes me how you take care of Daisy, run your house and go to work everyday by yourself. I surely be over my head if I was in your shoes." "Well it was hard at first but once you get in the swing of things it gets easier. I'm glad I have you. You help me in ways no one could. You let me vent about my stress and help ease it. I'm always grateful to have you in Daisy's and my life." You say as he kisses your hand. "I'm glad I can help." He says taking the dishes and putting them in the sink. You both clean the kitchen then relax in the living room with the wine he brought.

"So do you want to say down here or watch a movie in my room?" "Your room we can undress in there." He laughs. "We can undress but no sex tonight still sore from lunch." You giggle as you make your way to the bedroom. "Oh ok darling that's fine. I like snuggling with you just as much as making you moan." He groans in your ear while hugging you close to him. "I know I like it as much as you do. Now put in a movie." You say striping down to only panties and getting in bed. Loki gets in shortly after in just his boxers pulling you close and covering you with the blanket.

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