Tom~ Exercise

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Tom arrives back home from his daily run and rests on the couch. You bring him his tea and sit down in the chair across from him. "Do I smell? Is that why you're so far away?" He chuckles smelling his sweaty shirt. "Yeah you do have a a little bit of a smell. But I just wanted to give you room to rest your tired muscles." "My muscles are never too tried to enjoy your company." He says as he gets up to clean his tea cup. "I'll clean it you go get a shower." He nods as he walks towards the bathroom.

After Tom is clean and dressed he returns to the couch. "So what do you want to do today darling?" "Well I have a question first." You say wrapping your arms around his neck. "And the question is?" "Would you teach me how to exercise like you? I've been gaining weight and I want more energy." "Sure but you haven't gained weight. See I can pick you up with ease just like our wedding day." He says scooping you up in his arms and spinning you around. "That's only because you've been lifting weights like Chris." You laugh as he sets you down. "Nope it's because you might I fact even lost weight. But now on the topic of exercising with me, we must get you athletic clothes and shoes. Off to the store." He takes you but the hand as you quickly grab your purse and head out the door.

"Now you need running shoes. Ah here they are. Take your pick." He says as your eyes widen at all the colors of shoes. You start to look through the aisles and notice the price tag. "Why are they so expensive?" "Because they are good quality. And these are cheep compared to mine." You settle on a pair of black and (Y/F/C) shoes and Tom leads you to the clothing section. "Now pick out 4 outfits. Like shorts, pants, tank tops, shirts the whole outfit. I honestly like these little shorts here." He says pointing out the really tight short shorts that people wear. You side eye him but grab a pair in your size. You try everything on and decide on 4 sports bras, 2 shirts , 2 tank tops, 2 shorts and 2 leggings in a wide range of colors. "Now let's get you a fitness tracker. You'll like seeing your progress." He says kissing your forehead.

You leave the store with 3 bags of stuff. "You must model your outfits for me when we get inside." He chuckles getting the bags from the back seat of the car. You quickly go change and show Tom. "You look lovely as well as you ass." "Well glad you're getting your money's forth." You giggle. "Yes I'm a very satisfied customer. Let's set up your fit bit." You hand him the box and he gets it ready.

Time skip

The next morning Tom wakes you up at 6am. "Why so early." You whine as you sluggishly put on the shorts and tank top. "Because it's not as hot in the morning. Now let's get a quick breakfast and head out." Tom makes eggs and toast. "Toast has carbs to keep you going and eggs are full of protein. Now eat up darling." Once finished you lace up your shoes and get in the car because he always goes somewhere to exercise. "What are you doing?" He asks through the closed door. "You always take the car. So I figured we would do the same." "Not today. Since you're just starting I want to go easy on you." He laughs helping you out of the car. "I have a feeling I'm going to regret this decision." You sigh as you stretch like Tom. "Well it's going to be hard work but you can do it. I believe in you." He says helping you stretch your leg muscles.

"Alright we are going to start off slow. A nice easy jog around the block. Ready?" You nod and he starts. You match his speed and realize you like it. "This is fun." You giggle. "Yeah it's pretty great." You two jog for about 10 minutes when you start to get tired. Your pace slows down and you're starting to breathe hard. "Are we done?" You wheeze stopping to rest. "Darling it's only been 12 minutes. Come on you can do it." You start back up and Tom trails behind you so you don't stop again. "No stopping you can do this." He says lightly pushing you forward. You try to keep the pace up when you trip and fall over an uneven sidewalk block. You cut your knees up and hands. Tom helps you sit in the grass as you cry. "I don't like running anymore. Stupid sidewalk." Tears stream down your cheeks as he tries to comfort you. "Shhh it's ok darling you did great today. See look there's our house." He says pointing to your house that was 4 doors down. He helps you up and into the house. He cleans up your cuts as you relax on the couch. Once Tom bandages you up he sits in the chair across from you. "Do I smell? Is that why your far away?" You laugh sniffing your shirt. "Alittle but I wanted to give you room to relax your sore muscles."

Tom and Loki one shots (#Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now