Loki~I Know You Hate Me pt 2

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"What are you doing up so late?" Loki asks as he leads you to the kitchen. "I was asleep but I woke up with a strange feeling like I was being watched." You say as the patter of your bare feet on the floor echoes through the hall. "Hmm that is strange." Loki says knowing that he was the one watching you. "Yeah so you like to ice skate. Is there anything else besides stealing people from their kingdoms and forcing them to marry you." You say bluntly as he opens the door to the kitchen. "I enjoy magic and reading. And you are my first stolen relic." He says smugly. "I have experienced your magic remember." "Oh yes when you bit me. It still bleeds sometimes. He chuckles. You get yourself a glass of water and sit down with him. "Serves you right hitting me and bringing me here in chains." "I do apologize for hitting you. I honestly don't know what came over me." He looks down at his hands genuinely ashamed of what he did. "I've took worse hits then that before. Speaking of hits were would I get some training attire? I'd like to continue to train and I need my swords back." "Your swords?" Loki asks confused. "Yes I had them when your men stormed my home and they took them. I'd like them returned." "I will retrieve them personally." You nod as you take a drink. "So besides ice skating what do you like?" "I like my swords, music, dancing, horseback riding, walking through the woods, and cooking." You say as you tuck your knees up to your chin. "I like dancing, horseback riding and the woods as well." He says as he cuts and eats and apple. "That's cool. We should race sometime." "We should what?" You know race horses. Do you do that here in Asgard?" "No we just ride them." He hands you a slice of apple and you eat it. "Wow didn't even ask if it was poisoned. Are you in love with me?" He chuckles. You swallow hard, "No I'm not in love. I only took it because you ate some first duh." He only smiles and nods which makes you nervous that he did something to the apple. "Well I think we should head to bed my queen." He says putting you empty glass away. "I guess. And don't call me that." "Then what should I call you? My pet? Darling? Dearest?" "I am none of those so just use my name like a normal person." Your tone shows your frustration and he notices. "Ok I'm sorry." "What is that an apology from the Loki Odinson?" "Um yes? I don't see why you're surprised." He says leading you back to your room. "Maybe because I don't expect an I'm sorry for someone like you." "Someone like me?" He asks sounding hurt. "Well I mean you did kidnap me, and killed people so." "And your saying you've never killed anyone? Not even in battle?" "Battle yes. Everyday or to get something you want no. I know what happened to Thor." You say quietly. Loki stops and glares at you slowly backing you against the wall. "No one knows the truth about Thor. I didn't kill him it was that stupid Midgardian girl of his." Loki growls as he pins your arms against the wall. "People said they saw you do it." You whimper as you feel his hot breath on your neck. "They saw me trying to help him. Not kill him. I never wanted the throne." He lets go of you and backs away with tears in his eyes. "Loki?" You whisper but he holds up his hand. "I never wanted this. Any of it. We were supposed to fall in love not me take you and make you mine to fulfill some stupid tradition. I could have had all the time in the world to have you fall in love with me." He says as a tear slips down his cheek. "Loki I—" "Goodnight (Y/N) I must go." He says rushing down the hall and turning a corner. You slowly walk back to your room trying to piece together what you really knew about him and what was false.

The next morning you are startled wake by knocking at your door. You throw on your robe and answer the door to find Loki on the other side. He looks terrible, blood shot eyes, tears stained cheeks, some dried blood from his nose. He stumbles against the door way as you open it. "My goodness what happened?" You ask softly. "May I come in and sit with you?" He speaks quietly as if it causes him pain to speak. "Yeah sure." You help him over to the seating area and get him a wash rag to clean his face. "I retrieved your swords." "Is that why you're all banged up?" "No just our encounter last night." He winces as he moves positions. "What's hurting you?" You ask putting pillows around him. "Nothing I'm fine." You notice blood soaking through his pants. "Loki your bleeding here let me help you." You rush off to get cleaner and bandages. "No you can't help me." Loki says as you try to get to this thigh. "Why not?" "You can't see me exposed like that. It's not decent." You look at him in shock of what he said. "Umm we are kind of married." "That doesn't matter. We don't know each other like that for you to help." He says wincing again. "I'm helping you and that's final." You cut his pant leg to expose his thigh. Your teeth marks are all inflamed and seeping blood. "Oh my this looks nasty." You whisper. "Ok this is going to sting would you like something to bite down on?" "No just do it quickly." Loki says as he flinched away. "Ok 1,2,3." You press the rag with cleaner on to his wound and he screams. He grips at the chair as she squirms to get away. "Stop moving it will only make it worse." "Well this is your fault." He yells as you apply more cleaner. You handmaidens hear the commotion and rush into the room. "Is everything ok (Y/N)?" Sarah asks walking over to you. "Yeah just helping him with a wound. Could you get me more rags." "I think that's a job for the healers." She says looking at the nasty bite mark. "I'm not going to the healers." Loki growls. "Yes you are come on." You say pulling him up from the chair. You and the girls carry him to the healing room. "He's really heavy." Anna says unable to carry him anymore. "Ok Loki your going to have to get on my back." You say setting him down by a pillar. "No (Y/N) have a guard help, you can't carry me." He says out of breath. "No time for that I can carry you just trust me." He reluctantly clings to you as you continue to the healing room. He was surprised by your strength.

You set him down on the healing table and healers put a band above the bite to slow the blood. "My king who did this to you?" A healer asks. "Her. But I'm fine." He says just before passing out. The healer calls guards to arrest you. Your handmaidens scramble to stop the guards but they are pushed out of the way. "No please he said himself with he was fine." Sarah pleads as they put the mussel back on you. You try to fight back but they hit you hard over the head causing you to blackout.

You wake up again in the cell now chained by your ankles to the floor. "(Y/N) your awake thank the gods." Sarah says as she and the girls rush to the window. You moan into your mussel unable to ask what happened. "Loki will get you out when he wakes up." Worry flushes over your face for him because when you last saw him he wasn't doing so well. An infection from the bite is probably what's wrong you think. Jane notices your worry and says, "he will be ok. Just probably needs antibiotics." She gives you a soft smile and you nod.

Meanwhile the healers give him IV of medicine and bandage up his thigh. He wakes up shortly after being put in a room where he could be checked on. "Where's (Y/N)? She was here." Loki asks looking around the room for you. "We arrested her for treason and harming the king." A guard says. "You what! She is my wife and your queen! What did you do to her?" He shouts trying to get out of bed but winces when he moves his leg. "But my King she attracted you." "This happened when she first arrived not recently." Loki makes an illusion of himself appear in front of your cell. "My dear I'm so sorry they did this to you. I'll have you out as soon as I can walk." You scramble to get closer to him but can't reach. You begin to cry and mumble things into your mussel. "Hush darling I'm fine they bandaged me up. It's not your fault. Please stop crying." The illusion says as it steps into your cell. You try to reach out for him but your hand goes through. You quickly scoot away from him. "Oh I'm sorry I scared you it just a magic illusion. But I can still see and hear you. A guard should be arriving soon to get you out. See you soon." The illusion disappears when your cell unlocks. They let your ankles free but keep the mussel on. They lead you up to Loki and he is outraged to see its still on. "Take that fucking thing off. Are you idiots she's the queen for gods sake." He shouts and they take it off of you. You rush to his side crying in his lap. "I'm sorry I did this to you." "It's fine. I'm fine. Like you said yourself I deserved it for treating you like I did when you arrived." He says lifting your chin up to look at him. He wipes your tears away with his thumb. "May I see your beautiful smile? It will make me feel better." He chuckles and you can't help but smile at his cheesy remark. "Ah there it is. I feel much better now." "Good now I can bite you again." You tease. "Please don't." "I won't for now. When are you able to leave? I can stay with you if you need help." "I should be able to leave once this medicine is done. And I'd like that. We can talk more." He says taking your hand in his.

A few hours later the healers allow him to leave but is on strict bed rest. You push his wheel chair to his room and help him in bed. His room was all green and gold. Walls, bedding, drapes, everything. You prop him up with pillows. "Comfy?" "Yes thank you. And I have to say your strength is amazing. You carried me all they way to the healing room." "They don't call me a warrior princess for nothing. But thanks you didn't weigh that much." You giggle. "Ah she can laugh!" Loki says excitedly having never heard you laugh. "So what do you wanna talk about." You ask sitting in a chair next to the bed. "You can sit on the bed with me. We are married." You walk over to the other side of the bed and sit on top of the blanket. "What's your favorite food?" Loki asks turning slowly to face you. "Pizza. It's like a flat bread with sauce and cheese and meats or veggies on it." "I know what pizza is. I've been to Midgard before." "Oh yeah they do have pizza there too. What's yours?" "Everything." He chuckles. "You said you like to cook. What do you cook?" "Everything as long as I have directions to follow. Um what is your favorite animal?" You ask. "A horse yours?" "Bears." You and Loki talk for hours till he drifts asleep. You stay with him just in case he needs something. Your handmaidens bring you and him food at meal times. "Do you need anything (Y/N)?" Anna asks. "No I think I'm fine. I'll stay the night with him. See you in the morning, goodnight ladies." They leave and you lay down in his bed. It was much larger then yours and all the linens were silk. You slipped and slid trying to get comfortable and trying not to wake Loki. You finally get into a comfortable position when Loki rolls over and pulls you closer to him. "Goodnight (Y/N)" he groans. "Goodnight Loki. Wake me if you need something." "Ok my queen." You roll your eyes at his comment and fall asleep in his arms.

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